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5 The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell Questions on CAHSEE?

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1 5 The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell Questions on CAHSEE?
Vocabulary for Text Skill: Connotation and denotation 5 Questions on CAHSEE?

2 literal the dictionary or actual meaning of a word;
adjective the dictionary or actual meaning of a word; factual; actual; direct; plain The literal meaning of “stabbed in the back” is that there is actually a knife or a scar in the back.

3 figurative adjective language that goes beyond the dictionary meanings of the words metaphorical; sarcastic; symbolic A figurative way to say “betrayed” is to say “stabbed in the back.”

4 tangible The island is tangible, but its terror is not.
adjective capable of being touched or felt; concrete; having form or substance The island is tangible, but its terror is not.

5 quarry Zaroff’s most challenging quarry was the Cape Buffalo.
noun the object of the hunt; prey Zaroff’s most challenging quarry was the Cape Buffalo.

6 disarming The man's smile was disarming,
inspiring confidence; behaving in a charming way to remove all suspicion; charming; beguiling; captivating; appealing adjective The man's smile was disarming, so no one suspected he was a terrorist.

7 amenity Zaroff’s chateau contained every possible amenity.
noun anything that adds to the comfort or ease of daily living; a feature that provides convenience Zaroff’s chateau contained every possible amenity.

8 affable At first, General Zaroff was affable and courteous.
adjective easy to talk to: pleasant; friendly; sociable; likable; genial; jovial; amiable At first, General Zaroff was affable and courteous.

9 condone Ms. Buck will no longer condone
verb to be willing to overlook; to overlook; to allow; to ignore; to permit Ms. Buck will no longer condone chewing gum in class because she found it on the floor.

10 droll He did not understand their droll sense of humor.
adjective amusingly odd or comical; funny, but in a weird or bizarre way He did not understand their droll sense of humor.

11 scruple Ivan felt no scruple about torturing people.
noun an uneasy feeling arousing from one’s conscience; a qualm; a regret; a misgiving Ivan felt no scruple about torturing people.

12 elude verb to escape, especially by cleverness or skill; escape; avoid; evade Many Jewish people could not elude the Nazis, so they died in concentration camps.

13 solicitously showing care or concern; considerately; kindly; caringly;
adverb showing care or concern; considerately; kindly; caringly; attentively An aristocrat, Zaroff solicitously provided Rainsford with food and rest.

14 stamina Rainsford needed stamina to survive on Zaroff’s island.
noun strength, either mental or physical; endurance; doggedness; resilience Rainsford needed stamina to survive on Zaroff’s island.

15 deplorable deeply regrettable; unfortunate; unforgivable;
adjective deeply regrettable; unfortunate; unforgivable; appalling; awful The effects of the earthquake in Haiti were deplorable.

16 imperative absolutely necessary; vital; crucial; essential
adjective absolutely necessary; vital; crucial; essential To earn an A in English, it is imperative to do reading.

17 zealous Both Zaroff and Rainsford were zealous about hunting.
adjective actively and unreservedly enthusiastic; enthusiastic; fervent passionate; ardent Both Zaroff and Rainsford were zealous about hunting.

18 uncanny adjective so remarkable as to seem supernatural; better than humanly possible; eerie; weird; strange; creepy; supernatural The resemblance between Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber is uncanny.

19 deplorable disarming affable scruple zealous tangible droll amenity
Use the best vocabulary word to complete the sentence. It was ____________ to see so many homeless children in Haiti. We drove for hours but could not __________ the heat of summer. The girls were ____________ about One Direction. A swimming pool is an expensive ____________ . The ________ of the hunt was elk. The copper was mined from a _____________ in Utah. Soccer players need ___________ to continue the game. A concrete noun is something that is __________. To graduate from high school, it is __________ to pass CAHSEE. The teacher does not ___________ profanity in class. deplorable disarming affable scruple zealous tangible droll amenity condone quarry elude solicitously stamina imperative uncanny

20 Write the number of the vocabulary word and then the letter of its matching synonym.
tangible quarry disarming affable amenity condone droll elude scruple solicitously deplorable stamina zealous imperative uncanny enthusiastic B. regret C. escape D. prey E. considerately endurance friendly regrettable necessary concrete charming convenience odd supernatural allow

21 How many did you match? tangible quarry disarming affable amenity condone droll elude scruple solicitously deplorable stamina zealous imperative uncanny concrete prey charming friendly convenience allow odd escape regret considerately regrettable endurance enthusiastic necessary supernatural

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