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Digital Libraries Go To School Sarah Giersch Andrew Walker Mimi Recker Rena Janke

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Libraries Go To School Sarah Giersch Andrew Walker Mimi Recker Rena Janke"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Libraries Go To School Sarah Giersch Andrew Walker Mimi Recker Rena Janke NSF Award #: TPC 0554440 Hitting the Trifecta: A Professional Development Model for Creating, Using and Disseminating Open Education Resources

2 Tri - fec - ta (trI-'fek-tuh) In horse racing terminology, a trifecta is a parimutuel bet in which the bettor must predict which horses will finish first, second, and third in exact order. The word comes from the related betting term, "perfecta.”horse racing parimutuel bet "Trifecta" is also gaining popularity as a slang term to describe any successful phenomenon that comes in threes, for example: "She has the 'trifecta' of attractiveness, intelligence, and career success.” - Wikipedia

3 NSDL - what?

4 NSDL by the Numbers FY2000: NSF establishes the NSDL program FY2002: public launch FY2000-06 –Over $100 million in funding –Over 200 awards (10 Pathways) –Over 1.5 million records in NSDL Annual visits to for the year ending August 31 2006: 143,000 Content: 99.9% free, data sets, applets, demonstrations, simulations, lesson plans

5 Instructional Architect FY2000: Developed with funding from NSDL Program FY2004: Developed DLConnect workshop series for teachers Number of teacher-created objects: 2,173 (640 public) Number of visitors to date: 4,896 project visits since Aug 2006 Number of workshops: 33 workshops, 663 participants

6 DLgtS Project Overview 2006 Develop STEM content, pedagogy curriculum for F2F workshops Develop organizational, technical structure to support teachers at a distance Conduct in-service teacher workshops, support distributed in-service teacher community of practice 2007 Adapt workshop curriculum, deliver to pre-service teachers Adapt curriculum for delivery in alternate formats - online, CD-ROM Develop quality rubric and review resources Incorporate pre-service teachers into community of practice support network 2008 Contribute pre- / in-service teacher-created content to NSDL Continue to deliver workshops, grow communities of practice Conduct evaluation activities throughout

7 Personnel & Responsibilities Utah State University Mimi Recker, PI Andrew Walker 1 Grad Assistant UCAR Kaye Howe, PI Sarah Giersch Susan Van Gundy SUNY Cortland Rena Janke, Lead USU LeadUCAR Lead SUNY Cortland Lead Engage Utah pre/in service teachers Coordinate evaluation activities, quasi- experimental study Teacher & content development model Contribute content to NSDL Evaluate impact of activities Engage NY pre/in service teachers Coordinate review committee Review Committee Kim Lightle – Lead

8 Project Process Workshop Materials will incorporate a modified Problem-based learning framework Online Collaboration and support tools will allow for both distributed and sustained learning experiences. Master Teachers will conduct all face to face sessions Review Committee will ensure quality resources are included in NSDL for broad dissemination and re-use

9 Project Content Mechanics including searching digital libraries like for online resources as well as utilization of online resources with tools like Instructional Architect. Integration - From the outset teachers will design materials for integration into their own classrooms.

10 The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is the nation’s free online library for education and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Instructional Architect is an NSDL service that allows teachers to easily package online resources from a variety of sources for their students.

11 A sample NSDL record for the Weather Maker online resource.

12 A sample Instructional Architect project that incorporates a medium-granularity online resource, “Weather Maker.”

13 Trifecta Revealed

14 Project Audiences Achieve Organizational Buy-in District and building administrators District Professional Development Personnel Technology Coordinators / Media Specialists Teacher Preparation Faculty Achieve Impact on Teacher Practice In-service Teachers –Urban and Rural from New York and Utah Pre-service Teachers –USU & SUNY Cortland education students

15 Model: Theoretical framework Teaching as design (Brown & Edelson, 2006) –Who is responsible for guiding instructional activity? Instructional materials (offload) Shared (adaptation) Teacher (improvisation) Neutral with respect to teacher skill/experience –New territory for Brown & Edelson’s model 10 week global warming curriculum

16 Model: Professional/Content Development Model (Workshops) Goal 1: Increase use of digital libraries and related tools. Goal 2: Increase design capacity

17 Model: Workshop Details PhasePD Goals and Activities Workshop 1 (4 hours) Learn about the NSDL and IA Learn search techniques Engage in modified PBL  Participants identify authentic instructional need (Putnam & Borko, 2000)  Design project to address need Between workshop activities Continue modified PBL Activities  Implement project  Review peers’ projects (Hoffman & Thompson, 2000)  Write reflection paper noting barriers and successes Workshop 2 (4 hours) Increase design capacity with online resource Finish modified PBL activities  Present, discuss projects and implementation stories  Present, discuss pedagogical and design strategies (Pianfetti, 2001)

18 Model: “modified” PBL Authentic problems –Participant selected –Lead with technical skills Learner centered Teachers as Facilitators –Technical skills content provided Small group interaction –Groups a bit too small (n=2-3) –No “collaborative independent” study

19 Create: Tools Search NSDL+ and select online learning resources Create Instructional Architect projects with online learning resources Implement projects in the classroom

20 A sample Instructional Architect project that incorporates a medium-granularity online resource, “Weather Maker.”

21 Searching the NSDL through Instructional Architect

22 Aggregate online resources

23 Create Instructional Architect projects

24 Use: Implementation findings Context: –Rural school district –Varied access to technology –Teacher compensation $50 stipend continuing education credits –Administrative support –13 total participants (7 listwise) 3 elementary 1 kindergarten 3 junior high

25 Use: Data Collection PhasePD Goals and ActivitiesData Collected Workshop 1 (4 hours) Learn about the NSDL and IA Learn search techniques Engage in modified PBL  Participants identify authentic instructional need (Putnam & Borko, 2000)  Design project to address need Pre-survey Observations Between workshop activities Continue modified PBL Activities  Implement project  Review peers’ projects (Hoffman & Thompson, 2000)  Write reflection paper noting barriers and successes Email discussions and follow-up Reflection papers Webmetrics Workshop 2 (4 hours) Increase design capacity with online resource Finish modified PBL activities  Present, discuss projects and implementation stories  Present, discuss pedagogical and design strategies (Pianfetti, 2001) Group interviews Observations Post-survey

26 Use: Attitudes Question Pre-surveyPost-survey d MSDM Online Resources (0 – 4 Likert) Important for the quality of education3.570.793.860.380.51 Make the teacher’s job easier3.290.763.570.530.46 Computers in Education (0 – 3 Likert) 6 computers in the classroom2.43 0.532.710.490.59 Teacher computer with email 2.710.49 3.000.90 Internet in class 2.571.13 3.000.58 Advantages of Computers (0 – 3 Likert) Better looking student products 2.860.382.860.380.00 Students help each other more 2.570.982.570.530.00 Students work more outside class 2.710.492.570.79-0.23 Students work harder 2.000.582.290.490.58 Disadvantages of Computers (0 – 3 Likert) Hard to integrate into lesson plan 0.860.381.000.820.24 Students need too much help 1.861.071.430.53-0.55 Feel I’m not really teaching 1.140.900.570.79-0.73

27 Use: Participant Knowledge (0-4 Likert) Pre-surveyPost-survey d MSDM Experience using online resources 3.140.903.710.490.84 Experience creating online lesson plans 1.711.503.140.691.32

28 Use: Participant Behavior In the last 2 weeks... (Self reported number of instances) Pre-surveyPost-survey d MSDM Presented online resources to students 2.863.246.148.511.64 Students used online resources 1.431.272.143.670.98

29 Use: Design Capacity (Post only) Resource Granularity Project design OffloadImprovise Small3 (23%) Medium1 (8%) Large9 (69%)

30 More Info 2628 2628 - tutorial

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