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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? SectionB.

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2 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? SectionB

3 go fishinggo bike riding Section B

4 take walksrent videos

5 go sightseeing

6 1. __go bike riding 2. __go sightseeing 3. __take walks 4. __go fishing 5. __rent videos d b c a e

7 Liu Xiang’s next vacation. Place: San ya Weather: sunny and windy Activity : swim, go fishing, eat sea food rent videos and sleep. With : his friends. Leave: October 15 th Date: October 15 th—October22 nd

8 Listen and check the questions the reporter asks He Yu. Reporter’s questions He Yu’s Answers ____ 1. Where are you going for vacation? the south of Italy ____ 2. What’s it like there? _______________ ____ 3. How’s the weather there? _______________________ ____ 4. What are you doing there? _______________ ____ 5. Who are you going with? _______________ ____ 6. How long are you staying? _______________ beautiful, sunny and warm going to the beach, playing volleyball going sightseeing, going shopping three weeks √ √ √ √ 2a,2b

9 Pairwork Role play. Student A is the reporter. Student B is He Yu. Student A interviews Student B. A: Hello,He Yu. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? B: Yes. A: What are you doing for vacation …?

10 Europe Spain Italy France Greece

11 Italy Thailand Greece Spain America Canada

12 The Great Lakes 苏必利尔湖 Superior,lake 休伦湖 Huron,lake 伊利湖 Erie,lake 安大略湖 Ontario,lake 密歇根湖 Michigan,lake

13 5 3 4 12

14 ( ) 1. Ben Lambert is a __________ A. a famous French singer B. a famous American singer C. a famous French actor ( ) 2.He is taking vacation in_____________. A. Greece B. Spain C.Canada ( ) 3. He is staying in Canada for about _________. A. three months B. five months C. seven months ( ) 4. He is planning to spend time ____________ A. talking walks B. going bike riding C. in the countryside ( ) 5. His vacation is _____________. A. busy but boring B. great and relaxing C. tired but great A C A C B

15 2. Read again,Answer the questions. 1.What does he do ? 2.Where did he go for vacation before? 3.Where did he decide to go next vacation? 4.Why did he want to go there ? 5.When is he leaving? 6.What is he doing on vacation? He is a famous singer. He went to Europe He decided on Canada. Because Canada is beautiful, and many people there speak French. He is leaving the first week in June. He’s taking walks, going fishing, and going bike riding. He’s planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. He love nature. He hopes he can forget all his problems! At night,he’s renting videos and sleeping a lot

16 Some important points: ① I want to do something different.

17 ② He’s staying until September. another example: He waited for me until 9 o’clock. But some words like go, come, leave, we must use not…until She didn’t go there until the rain stopped.

18 他想过去希腊或西班牙,但却决定去加 拿大。 Explanation 1. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. 动词短语 think about… 意思是 “ 考虑 ” , 其中 about 是介词,后接名词、代词或 动词的 -ing 形式。

19 Let me think about it. 让我考虑考虑。 I'm thinking about buying a new car. 我正在考虑买辆新车。 2. I heard that Canada is beautiful, and I know there are many people there who speak French. 我听说加拿大很美,我还知道那儿有很 多人说法语。

20 ①. 这是由并列连词 and 连接的两个并列 句,在两个并列句中,又分别包含一个 that 引导的宾语从句。引导宾语从句的 that 在口语中经常省略。 ②. 句中动词 hear 意思是 “ 听说 ” ,这时后 面只可以接 that 从句。 I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。

21 他计划过一个非常放松的暑假。 3. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. 动词 plan 作 “ 计划;打算 ” 解,后接名词 或动词不定式。 She helped them to plan their trip. 她帮他们计划了行程。 We're planning to visit London this summer. 我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。

22 singer a long vacation decide on Canada beautiful speak French the Great Lakes leave the first week in June take walks go fishing go bike riding spend time beautiful countryside forget all my problems at night rent videos sleep a lot Read the article again by yourself,then retell the story.

23 3b Complete the article about Julia’s vacation plans. Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to __________. “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. “I’m _________ and I really need to __________.” I asked her about her plans. “Well, I’m going _____ and ________. I’m also ___________________and _________________.I want an exciting vacation !” Europe too tired relax myself hiking boating taking a sun bath going sightseeing

24 SELFCHECK Fill in the blanks with the words given. leave hear plan ask hope 1.I _______ that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing. 2.She’s __________for Hong Kong on Tuesday. 3.I’m _______ the weather is nice in the mountains. 4.I want to _______ you about places to visit in China. 5.I’m __________my vacation to Italy this weekend. hear leaving hoping ask planning

25 1 、 I have to help my aunt b her baby every evening. 2I am going to spend my summer v with my sister. 3Tom doesn’t have enough money to buy a house, so he has to r one. 4You can take two days off to go s. 5What’s you p for this term. 6A: What you ? B: I am my sister. A: do; do; babysit B: are; doing; babysit C: did; do; babysitting D: are; doing; babysitting 7A: What is he doing for vacation? B: He is. A: going camp B:go camp C:go camping D:going camping 8I plan abroad. A: go B:going C: to go D:is going 9Tom with his parents going to Hawaii A:is B:are C:has D:have abysit acation ent lan D D C A

26 10 A: what are doing for vacation? B:. A: Go to see a movie B: Going to see a movie C: To go to see a movie D: Went to see a movie 11 It is a trip. You will feel very. A: relaxing; relaxing B: relaxed; relaxing C: relaxed; relaxed D: relaxing; relaxed 12 I asked her her plan. A: for B:about C: on D: in 13 I just finished my homework A: doing B: to do C: do D: to doing 14 I am going hiking the mountain. A: on B: to C: of D: in 15 A: are you going to stay there? B: a week A: when; about B: how; for C: how long; for D: what; about B D B A D C

27 1. take vacations 度假 2. something different 不同的事情 形容词修饰不定代词时放在不定代词后面 e.g. something difficult / something important 3. plan n. make plans v. plan to do something e.g. We should make plans before we do anything. I plan to go shopping this weekend 4. relaxing 令人轻松 relaxed 感到轻松 e.g. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. I am relaxed after reading the interesting book. interesting 有趣的 surprising 令人吃惊的 exciting 令人兴奋的 Interested 感到兴趣 surprised 感到吃惊 excited 感到兴奋 e.g. I am interested in the interesting film. He was surprised when he heard the surprising news.

28 5.spend – spent – spent 花费 spend some time/ some money on something (in) doing something. e.g. I spent six yuan on the book I spent six yuan (in) buying the book. 6. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事 e.g. He can’t wait to eat the delicious food. spend 以人做主语 花费 take 以 it 做形式主语 cost 以物做主语 e.g. It takes me twenty minutes to go to school. The video costs me ten yuan.

29 7. finish + V-ing He finished drawing a horse an hour ago 8. ask sb about sth 问某人关于某事 She is always asking me about my study. 9. be away + for + 一段时间 离开 I’m away for two days. go away 走开, take away 拿开,带走, keep away 离开 10. leave (left) 离开; 遗留 He left Whenzhou three days ago. He left for Whenzhou three days ago 三天前,他离开了温州。 三天前,他离开(这里)去了温州。

30 He left his notebook at home. 他把笔记本忘在家里了。 I forgot her name. 我忘了她的名字 区别 leave + sth + 介词 + 地点 把某物忘在某处 forget + sth 把某事忘了,想不起来了 11. forget– forgot 忘记 forget doing something 忘记做过了某事 forget to do something 忘记要去做某事 e.g. I forget locking the door. 我忘记锁了门了 I forget to lock the door. 我忘记了要锁门

31 12. be doing sth 现在进行时,表示计划、安排做某事 I’m meeting my friends at station this Sunday evening. 13. be going to do sth ( 已经做了决定,但还没安排) (已作出决定,但有可能还没有安排去做) I’m going to clean the window later. ( 已经做了安排,不可更改) 一般将来时,打算去做某事 思考: 本单元为什么用现在进行时表示将来?

32 Step5 Reading woods. We look for a place for campers ( 露营者 ) and we look for a good place for our tent( 帐篷 ). The place should have a lot of moving air. This will keep some insects ( 虫子 ) away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing. In the evening we come back to the tent, we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs. At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early. Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won’t rain. Let’s go camping What do we do when we go camp? First, we work out a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects and the sun. Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the

33 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 1.Before going to camp we should first ___________. A. draw up a plan B. take some food C. take things to keep us warm D. take something for cooking and eating 2.We go to camp _________. A. by bus B. by car C. by bike D. on foot 3.Campers can take part in ________ activities. A. one or two B. only a few C. many D. two or three 4.In the evening we build a fire because ________. A. it is cold at night B. it can keep us warm C. it can keep the insects away D. it is dark and quiet 5.The campers like to ____ at night. A. hear music from the radio B. go to sleep early C. have rain D. be busy A B C C B

34 Susan’s tour in Zhoushan. Imagine you are a tourist guide. You plan the schedules with your group mates for Susan in Zhoushan. Where are you going? What are you doing there ? What should tourists take with them? Where are you leaving from? When are you leaving? What are you eating? Saturday Sunday Morningmorning afternoon evening We’re going to Taohua Island in the morning

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