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Road Traffic Digest No. 9 How to prevent Road Accidents.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Traffic Digest No. 9 How to prevent Road Accidents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Traffic Digest No. 9 How to prevent Road Accidents

2 In broad terms fatalities on roads can be brought down by: [A] Preventing road accidents & [B] Better Post accident/crash management Post crash management has already been discussed in Road Traffic Digest No. 6. In this digest we are considering the preventive aspect of road accidents.

3 In simple words: By eliminating or controlling the factors that cause road accidents So we have to quickly go through some important causes of accidents. Unless we know the reasons properly and clearly, we cannot treat this malady. How to prevent Road Accidents?

4 CAUSES OF ROAD ACCIDENTS [1] Human Errors : responsible in 85-90% cases [i.e. mistakes or wrong judgments of drivers or other commuters], Over speeding & Overtaking are the two major killers among all human errors. Others being drunken driving, Jumping signals, sleep, erratic parking, distractions, etc [2] Vehicular Factors: responsible in 3 - 4% only [e.g. failure of brakes or steering, burst tyres, etc. [3] Roads & Environmental Factors : responsible in 4- 5% [e.g. bad road surface, Steep curves, Sudden narrowing, Dangerous intersections, poor visibility, rains, roadside objects, etc

5 You may not believe but it is true that in 85-90% cases human error is directly or indirectly responsible for road accidents 20-October-2011: Press Information Bureau, Govt. of India Drivers’ fault is the single most important factor responsible for accidents : Revealed by an analysis of road accident data by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

6 We frequently blame hardware or the machine we are driving in, but the fact is that it is the software, the driver's brain that is the real culprit behind majority of accidents.

7 Remember! One single mistake or carelessness may prove instantly fatal ! Except road accidents, we don't remember any other mistake, crime or misjudgment in your life where there is provision for such a heavy penalty. Even the most dreaded diseases like cancer gives us some time ! you may argue that there are many other diseases where a sudden death may occur like heart attack, brain stroke and the like. Deaths in these conditions mostly occur in old age when the probability of being behind the wheel is not much. While in road accidents mainly young adults are involved where IT IS THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE of sudden death.

8 believe that it is the attitude of citizens and the society towards their own safety on the road that needs priority in attention and real need of hour. We believe that it is the attitude of citizens and the society towards their own safety on the road that needs priority in attention and real need of hour. “There is something wrong with our attitude towards road safety” [i.e. the Citizens, Society, Government, Media] In next couple of slides we would try to explain that we [i.e. the Citizens, Society, Government, Media] are not very serious about road accident in India.

9 Fact No.1 : Road accidents claims 3.5 times more deaths than total no. of murders in India Every day we find more news on road accidents in newspapers and on every alternate day we may find big articles or editorials on traffic related problems

10 - - but we hurriedly go through them without taking much interest or just take them as a bulletin of sorts. On the contrary we take great interest in murder mysteries of our city/country whether we are related with them or not.

11 Fact No. 2 : Road accidents claim 188 times more lives than terrorism in India [376/day vs 2/day] “YET terrorism is a bigger deterrent as compared to road accidents” just 2 deaths/ day due to bomb explosions can stop us going to the market or coming on to the roads. We discuss such terror incidents more seriously in terms of time and TRP.

12 - - on the contrary 376 deaths a day on roads due to road accidents have no deterrent effect on us ! Any death in terrorist attacks is 'news material' for 24 X 7 and that too for many days. Yes, we agree it is required to build up pressure on the govt. to take action against terrorism. On the other hand, giving disproportionately huge attention to news on terrorism indirectly helps terrorists to achieve their main aim i.e. arresting national and international attention! Such widespread news also adversely affects the country's economy.

13 Even a few who are injured during a terrorist attack or communal violence, get much better care or attention On the other hand, dozens of accident victims may fail to get attention of even the local authorities and are treated like orphans

14 Fact No. 3 : Do we react only to new stimuli? Death of 240 people by H1N1 in India can create a severe panic wave while - - - - Death of 1,37,285 people every year in road accidents fails to create any such impact! What does it show? It seems that we forget old problems easily irrespective of how major they are and show our concern only for current ones.

15 Do we learn any lesson from these tragic accidents? PROBABLY NOT Whenever we come across a tragic accident on roads while driving, we become scared and drive very carefully. BUT alas, only for a short time! And after some time we start driving with the same speed and style.

16 Similarly, we do shiver on seeing some ghastly scenes of accidents BUT only for a few minutes and after some time we get on with our lives thinking it is a part and parcel of life and can’t be helped.

17 Besides this, in next couple of slides we will also clear some misconceptions about road accidents that prevail in general public.

18 Our Misconceptions about accidents: No.1 “Accidents are rare or it will never happen to us” Don’t think that this may never happen to you Nobody knows who will fall victim to road accidents next. Even VVIPs, have lost their lives in accidents. According to surveys all of us have a risk for an accident once in a lifetime either as a driver, co-passenger or pedestrian.

19 Our Misconceptions No. 2 ‘It is the price we pay for Technological Advancement’ Then ELECTRICITY is the most widely used invention in society but total deaths due to electrocution are 20 times less than accidents. Do you ever see a sensible adult putting a finger into an electric socket? But on roads why do people want to drive like a rocket or make careless mistakes and expose themselves to danger.

20 Our Misconceptions. 3 “My Vehicle is Strong!” You feel safer inside a car having a strong metallic body. However, this metal is just an extra protection and does not permit you to take any added risk. Much would depend on the mode of the accident. If it is a head-on collision with a similar or smaller vehicle, then probably the strong body may help you. But then, if the other vehicle is heavier, or if it is a side impact or roll over, then even a strong body may not save you.

21 Dear friends, the type of vehicle you have an accident with is not in your hands. It is not a bullfight where a matador can choose the bull of his choice ! Depending on the size of the opposite vehicle you may be above or underneath the colliding vehicle

22 All these cars have been claimed to be very strong but met with fatal accidents ! Chevrolet Cruz TATA Safari Honda Accord Mercedec toyota qualis BMW Z3

23 Our Misconceptions. 4 “Concerned Traffic Authorities are mainly Responsible for it” In a majority of cases this is not so Out of the total accidents, 40% occur on highways and rest 60% occur inside cities. You may be right to some extent as far as accidents inside cities are concerned. However, on highways, our safety totally depends on how sensibly and carefully we drive. There is no traffic authority but only various signs as precautions. No traffic policemen but the Almighty punish us for mistakes on highways.

24 Even in urban areas the role of traffic police is practically confined to crossings only. Out of total city accidents, only 10% occur at crossings. While 90% occur in between crossings where traffic police has little role. So blaming the authorities is not going to solve our problem !

25 Our misconceptions. 5 : “No one can change our destiny” Some people believe that no one can change their Destiny and everyone has to die one day and in a manner predestined by God. We also try to convince ourselves that besides accidents so many other dangers are lurking in our lives. It is a lame and irrational excuse to cover up our risk- taking behavior. It is up to us to mould our destiny. It is our attitude towards life that largely determines our fate.

26 Our Misconceptions. 6 : “ Accidents are as rare as occurring one in thousands” Since driving is part of our daily life, there are lots of chances that we may meet with an accident. Suppose you make it a habit to drive fast everyday of every month, then according to the law of probability [1 in 1000], within three years you should expect an accident. My dear, three years is too short a life. If you are lucky enough, this accident may be on the thousandth day, or it could be on the very first day you make a mistake.

27 We feel it is okay to take a risk in some situations, e.g. in order to catch a train, in a medical emergency, for an exam or interview, etc. But one missed train is nothing compared to the irreparable loss your family will suffer if you are gone. Human life is extremely precious and not to be squandered away so easily. You have to achieve greater things for yourself, your family, for society and nation so take care of yourself ! Our Misconceptions. 7 : “Sometimes you have to take risks”

28 We hope that all this evidence is enough to make you realize that people are not very serious for road safety at present and need to address this ASAP!

29 So change in attitude is the real need of time and a large number of fatalities can be prevented if we concentrate on this single factor of ‘human errors’ control over all major human mistakes on roads means control over 85-90% of fatalities (of deaths) control over all major human mistakes on roads means control over 85-90% of fatalities (of 1,37,285 deaths) SO NOW “How to change the attitude of the people” Or “How to make people take road accidents seriously about” - - -look out for the next digest

30 From the next digest onwards we will start a detailed discussion on various important human errors.

31 You have received this message from 'Tsunami on Roads Organization' as a part of an awareness campaign against road traffic hazards. If you find merit in this message, please forward it to your contacts From Conscious Citizens, India [] For previous digests please visit: or or To receive such digests in future please inform at:

32 In future, besides road accidents, following topics will also be discussed on this platform : How to decongest our cities Vehicle induced environmental pollution Arrogance on Roads: Aggressive driving and Road rage Public Attitude towards traffic rules in the City Problems of pedestrians Road traffic and global warming The economics of the vehicles Petroleum Subsidy: Right or Wrong? Biography of urban roads in India Traffic Policeman: Problems & Challenges Drinking & Driving

33 Jai Hind

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