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Overview of CLEAPSS RPA Service David Simister Radiation Protection Advisor to Lancashire Schools Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley.

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1 Overview of CLEAPSS RPA Service David Simister Radiation Protection Advisor to Lancashire Schools Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007

2 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 General duty to reduce risks so far as is reasonably practicable Duties under law are generally with the employer Work with ionising radiations Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 IRR99 Regulation 13 – Appointment of Radiation Protection Advisors Legal Basis

3 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the provision of Science Services ( CLEAPSS) Employer is LEA, school governor etc Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) coordinates activities within LEA ( first point of contact for schools) Radiation Protection Supervisor is responsible for compliance with local rules in school Radiation Protection Advisor advise employer / RPO CLEAPSS helpline available to schools CLEAPSS L93 good source of guidance Background

4 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Suitable and sufficient Risk assessment Adequate training and information Record keeping – source movements Adequate storage and security Contingency arrangements if things go wrong Key topics for schools

5 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Should be written and available Use of sealed sources justified for teaching purposes Advantages for students in contrast to simulations Model risk assessments in CLEAPSS L93 Identification of hazard, assessment of risk and control measures Low risk with sealed sources Powders / liquids require more care ( dispersion) Risk Assessment

6 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 CLEAPSS training courses Local training and conferences CLEAPSS publications and helpline Published advice ( including HSE ) Web access Employer responsible Training and information

7 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Records of source movements / use ( issue and receipt ) Records of holdings ( each item individually identified to avoid confusion) Records of leak tests Records of disposals Transport Certificates Records of training Copies of approval letters copy of local rules Record Keeping

8 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Lost sources – potential for media and regulatory interest Robust, dedicated cabinet with a lock Think about occupancy and local shielding ( eg Cobalt,Radium ) Supervision during transport and use Periodic checks – depends on level of usage. Storage and Security

9 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Too many sources ( hoarding ) – risk of loss Lack of monitoring equipment to perform leak tests No identified owner / teacher in charge Potential for spillage from radioactive powders Lack of adequate Training for supervisors Lack of adequate risk assessment Lack of contingency plans Use of inappropriate equipment eg X –ray sets Examples of areas of difficulty found in some schools

10 Lancashire Secondary Heads of Science Conference Chorley 20 November 2007 Advice to teachers available through CLEAPSS / RPO / RPA Mostly common sense Written guidance available reflecting good practice Low risk from normal use Professional advice available through RPO / CLEAPSS Conclusions

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