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1 Stelios Christofides Chairperson, EFOMP Professional Matters Committee Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium,

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1 1 Stelios Christofides Chairperson, EFOMP Professional Matters Committee Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”

2 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 2 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert” OUTLOOK  Background  The MPE Project  The Qualification Framework  Knowledge, Skills and Competence  Conclusions

3 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 3 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background The main aim of this presentation is to describe the development of the “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert” and highlight the involvement of Professor Alberto del Guerra in its development. Before I address the above guidelines, allow me to briefly go back in time to inform you of how and when Alberto and I have met and started to work together for the benefit of the Medical Physics Profession. The Cyprus Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (CAMPBE), was founded on the 10 th of October of 1988. I was one of the founder members and its first Treasurer.

4 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 4 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background The first time that I recollect that Alberto and I were together, it was at the Nice EFOMP Council meeting in 1997. At the Oxford EFOMP Council meeting which was held on the 15 th of September 1990, CAMPBE was approved as a new EFOMP NMO. I was assigned by CAMBPE as its long term delegate to EFOMP Council.

5 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 5 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background

6 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 6 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background The EFOMP Officers and Council meetings were hosted by the CAMPBE at the same time. I regard this event as the beginning of my collaboration with Alberto. At the Limassol EFOMP Council meeting I was elected as the next Chairperson of the EFOMP Science Committee.

7 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 7 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background

8 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 8 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background Another main event was the Xth EFOMP Congress – Pisa 2007 (First European Conference on Medical Physics) held at Il Ciocco – Castelvecchio Pascolo (LU) Italy, 20 – 22 September, 2007 Here I was elected at the EFOMP Council meeting as the next EFOMP Vice President

9 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 9 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Background

10 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 10 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project At the Pisa EFOMP Officer’s and Council meetings, Professor Eduardo Guibelalde from the University Complutense of Madrid has proposed that EFOMP proposes the development of a European Guide for harmonizing the work (competences) for Medical Physics Expert through possibly a European Commission Contract. Criteria for HArmonizing the Work of the Medical Physics Expert in Europe (CHAWOMPEE project). Both the EFOMP Officers and Council have approved the above proposal.

11 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 11 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project

12 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 12 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project

13 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 13 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project Was signed on the 15 th of December 2009.

14 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 14 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project issue a widely accepted document at European level that eventually could be considered ‐partially or as a whole‐ as a European Guideline on the professional competences for MPE and the minimum requirements to be acknowledged as MPE according to MED, The Objectives of the project were: make recommendations for the most appropriate education and training structure, based on the European High Education Area, to achieve the defined required professional competences,

15 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 15 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project proposal for detailed "standard" syllabus for the education and training of MPEs The Objectives of the project were: update criteria for staffing levels in Medical Physics Departments depending on the complexity and equipment of Radiological Services. To fulfil these objectives, this project will specifically rely on: Nine working groups (WG), where specific topics, all deserving special attention, will be widely discussed by professionals from the medical physics area.

16 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 16 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The MPE Project A website to widely diffuse the information gathered and the work done by the working groups and to facilitate the exchange of information within the members of the consortium, EFOMP National Member Organisations and with other experts and specialists not included in previous collectives. To fulfil these objectives, this project will specifically rely on: A final workshop to present and discuss the work performed in the scope of the project, inviting representative of Medical Societies and well‐known European and non‐European experts on the topics carried out by the different WGs

17 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 17 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The Qualification Framework The European Guidelines on the Medical Physics Expert can be freely downloaded from: publication/174.pdf In these guidelines the Qualification Framework for Medical Physics Experts in Europe is defined and presented diagrammatically.

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19 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 19 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The Qualification Framework NoteRationale (i)The background educational level for the Medical Physicist is a Level 6 in Physics and Mathematics (The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics. Policy Statement No. 12: The present status of Medical Physics Education and Training in Europe. New perspectives and EFOMP recommendations 15 ) Medical Physicists need to have good foundations in Physics and Mathematics as Medical Physics is a physical, numeric and exact science.

20 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 20 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The Qualification Framework

21 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 21 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  The Qualification Framework Furthermore the Qualification Framework for the Medical Physics Expert, depicts the three stages of Medical Physics Professional Recognition.


23 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 23 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence WP3:Syllabus for the education and training of MPEs: Nuclear Medicine Leader:Alberto Del Guerra (EF) Participants:Cesare Gori, Stelios Christofides and Carmel Caruana (EFOMP), IPEM, DGMP Objective:To form a WG that produces the syllabus of” Guidelines for education and training of Medical Physic Expert in Nuclear Medicine” Observations:Since the WP leader is also member of the Physics Committee of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the syllabus will be prepared also in cooperation with the EANM Physics Committee

24 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 24 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence Photographs from the Seville Workshop

25 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 25 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence

26 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 26 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence

27 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 27 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence The first of three pages of KSCs for the MPE as a Physical Scientist

28 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 28 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence

29 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 29 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence The first of nine pages of KSCs for the MPE in Nuclear Medicine

30 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 30 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Knowledge, Skills and Competence It is acknowledged that other Experts who have collaborated in the drafting of the Nuclear Medicine KSCs of the guidelines include, but are not limited to: M. Bardies(FR), N. Belcari(IT), M. Lassmann(DE), M. N. Lonsdale(DK), W. Waddington(UK) It should also be acknowledged that during the MPE workshop that was held in Seville, Spain between the 9 th and 10 th of May 2011, a lot of constructive feedback was received from a wide range of participants, including regulators, representatives of professional societies, equipment manufacturers’ associations and individuals.

31 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 31 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Conclusions EFOMP, to honour Alberto Del Guerra for his contribution in advancing the Medical Physics Profession, has awarded him with the title of Honourable Member of EFOMP in 2009.

32 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 32 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Conclusions The outcome of the MPE project is a set of standards for the MPE in Europe. This will allow the development of : Harmonisation of education (MSc “tuning”) Standards for clinical skills and training European wide professional recognition Continuous professional development Education and training Aid in mobility of medical physicists Radiation Protection is an integral and essential part of all the MPE activities.

33 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 33 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Conclusions “Medical Physics Experts will contribute to maintaining and improving the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of healthcare services through patient-oriented activities requiring expert action, involvement or advice regarding the specification, selection, acceptance testing, commissioning, quality assurance/control and optimised clinical use of medical radiological devices and regarding patient risks from associated ionising radiations including radiation protection, installation design and surveillance, and the prevention of unintended or accidental exposures; all activities will be based on current best evidence or own scientific research when the available evidence is not sufficient. The scope includes risks to volunteers in biomedical research, carers and comforters” Mission statement and key activities for MPEs

34 Stelios Christofides, “Medical Physics is Beautiful” Symposium, 31 st of October 2014, Pisa, Italy 34 The Making of Radiation Protection Report 174 “European Guidelines on Medical Physics Expert”  Conclusions

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