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Published byPercival Williamson Modified over 8 years ago
Date, location Laila Gide THALES Call 4 Preparation ARTEMISIA Brokerage Event AWP 2011 Barcelona, December 14, 2010
1. The Process for elaborating the AWP 2011 2. Presentation of the AWP 2010 “draft”
The Process for preparing ARTEMIS JU Calls 1- Reference documents ARTEMIS-JU MASP ARTEMIS-JU RA ARTEMIS-JU AWP ARTEMIS-JU Call for Projects ARTEMIS-ETP SRA ARTEMIS-JU Annual Implementation Plan Strategy & Implementation Monitoring Actions UNCHANGED
The Process for preparing ARTEMIS JU Calls 2- The Yearly Call Standard Macro Planning Pre- announcement Call Full Project Proposal Closed Project Outline Closed Call Open Project Start Projects eval. and Selection Projects Negotiation Year n Year n+1 Grants establishment UNCHANGED
Overview the MASP for 2011
MASP 2011 The Vision : Adoption of ARTEMIS vision The Mission : Realise the European Leadership by Building ARTEMIS The Strategy “Build self-sustaining “Eco-Systems” embracing activities from R&D to innovation and providing the environment to make it happen” The Targets ARTEMIS goals is to significantly impact the Embedded Systems market and improve system design and productivity Provide for a successful business environment Build an innovation friendly environment
MASP 2011 The Strategy implementation Through “Sub-Programmes” for the R&D, to generate the constituents of the “Eco-Systems”
The MASP is also about relation with other initiatives ITEA 2: coordination between both programmes in the spirit of “one mission, different instruments” as stated in the Sherpa document ENIAC and Catrene : to exchange information and identify potential areas for cooperation and alignment Process and multi-annual Programming Success criteria & measurement Up-dating the budget for the fundable activities MASP 2011
ARTEMIS JU Research Agenda
Research Agenda 2011 The Sub-Programme structure is again confirmed Existing 8 ARTEMIS Sub-Programmes are well targeted The Research Agenda (RA) is the “technical part” of the MASP Technical content focus on key issues, for solving high-visibility challenges with commercially exploitable results Research Domains of the ARTEMIS-ETP SRA more tightly integrated o Reference Designs and Architectures o Seamless Connectivity and Middleware o Design Methods and Tools
ARTEMIS Sub-Programmes (ASPs) 1. Methods and Processes for safety-relevant Embedded Systems 2. Embedded Systems for Healthcare systems 3. Embedded Systems in Smart Environments 4. Manufacturing and Production automation 5. Computing Platforms for Embedded Systems 6. ES for Security and Critical Infrastructures Protection 7. Embedded Technology for Sustainable Urban Life 8. Human-centred Design of Embedded Systems
1. The Process for elaborating the AWP 2011 2. Presentation of the AWP 2010 “draft”
The Annual Work Programme AWP 2011 Draft
AWP 2011 Draft Introduction and Context Sections 1 & 2 Introduction and Context are important as they set the Call’s frame ‘Societal and Economic Context’ Embedded Systems enable better use of resources, and are instrumental for other EC PPPs: Green Car, Efficient Buildings, Factory of the Future. Embedded Systems contribute to improve innovation capabilities in Internet, and Internet of Things areas ‘Strategic Context’ & ‘R&D Context’ To focus on downstream-oriented research and technological development with a strong market drive. Intention to deliver prototype or demonstrator solutions with high cross-domain applicability to address specific societal needs.
Innovation environment Context SMEs Integration Collaborative Innovation Standards Education Tool Platforms AWP 2011 Draft Sections 1 & 2 Introduction and Context
AWP 2011 Draft Section 3: Content and objectives of the Call Industrial Priorities requirements in context of Sub-programmes Each proposal should have a technological focus on at least one of the Industrial Priorities of ARTEMIS in the context of at least one Sub- Programme have application-driven development and real user needs and businesses and to achieve market-relevant results. focus on “downstream-oriented research and technological development with a strong market drive”. explore potential for practical application of upstream research from academic institutions and RTOs, in an industrial setting. extend in the downstream direction to the pre-commercial prototyping of innovative embedded systems exploiting the state of the art of tools and methodologies.
1.1.1 Reference designs and architectures Reference designs and architectures for common architectural approaches for given ranges of applications: composability; architectural dependability, design for safety for safety critical systems and dependability models; architectural support for certification, and the establishment of a safety case. 1.1.2 Seamless connectivity and middleware Middleware that allows seamless connectivity and interoperability: cross domain connectivity and communication, resource management to ensure high utilization of system resources 1.1.3 Design methods and tools Integrated system design methods and tools for rapid development and prototyping: integrated chains of tools platforms, system-level model- based tools and design processes, test, validation and verification tools to support compositional design AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.1 : Industrial Priorities
ASP1 Methods and processes for safety-relevant embedded Systems Objectives and Approach : Enhance quality of services and products in strategic industrial sectors to build cost-efficient processes and methods for the development and operation of safety enabling E.S. Technological breakthroughs in: o Requirement Management, Architecture Modelling and Exploration, Analysis Methods, Component Based Design, to build reliable systems out of unreliable components o conventional discrete stand-alone devices, multi-processor systems-on-a-chip, contribute to progress in several transverse processes, e.g. Design for Safety, Design for Maintainability, Design for Reuse, Certification Considerations,... o Contribution to a standard reference platform embodying meta-models, methods, tools. A model- driven process for - analysis methodology for exploration of design spaces – complete design tool chain Expected impact In applications :Transportation increased traffic demand; Industry (process control, manufacturing), Public infrastructures & utilities, Medicine, health monitoring, Energy Projects are therefore expected to: reduce time to market despite the increasing of size and complexity; increasing the quality and reliability of products and services while providing novel functionalities to the user;improve cross-domain fertilisation. Cross-domain aspects ASP1 expects strong interaction with ASP5 as it depends on suitable platform technologies for dependable embedded computer systems - certifiable computing environments, fault-tolerance and robustness technologies, diagnosis and maintenance mechanisms. Synergies with ASP6, and ASP8 AWP 2010 Draft Section 3.2.1 ASP1
ASP2 Embedded Systems for Healthcare systems Objectives and Approach establish an overall system approach for healthcare based on an integrated system concept of seamless integration of interoperable components (both devices and services). Technological development : gathering data by a large variety of sensors, actuators - ubiquitous access to a citizens health data, with proper privacy enforcements - supporting professionals and enabling adequate communication - including algorithms, equipment and infra-structure for massive image processing and simulation ; telemedicine including tele-monitoring and tele-surgery; facilities for diagnostic and epidemiological analysis, remote management, multi-modal interaction technologies supporting navigation and decision making for diagnostic and (minimal invasive) surgery. Contribute to a reference architecture to support integrated care cycles – interoperability guidelines and standards – distribution and interoperable dynamically configurable networks allowing massive reliable data processing– certification /qualification process to reduce effort and time during system development and implementation evolution. Expected impact To optimise the use of resources, fostering the digital hospital where all devices are connected: reduction in visits to doctors and to hospitals (including out-patient clinics), shorter periods of hospitalisation, greater longevity with improved quality of life throughout, increased support to interdisciplinary care teams to achieve the outcomes above. Cross domain aspects Share research results, such as connectivity, with the private spaces and nomadic environments, transportation, Collaborate with the ASP1 ( safety enabling), ASP3 (smart environment ); ASP6 ( dependability, security /privacy), ASP8 ( HMI design). AWP 2011 Draft: Section 3.2.2 ASP2
ASP3 Smart environment Objectives and Approach Provide methods and tools, technology and models to build Smart environment, i.e. ecosystems of smart and heterogeneous devices interacting with each other and with the environment. dynamicity, requiring a balance between design time and adaptability to runtime changes; autonomous runtime reconfiguration- deployable wide range of devices, with restricted resources. Application scenarios for smart environments include: Smart locations (smart city, smart home, smart public space,...) Smart physical objects, Smart virtual spaces (Mixed mode Physical and 3D-Virtual spaces, community spaces), Private mobile social networks ('PMSNs'), Profile-dependent intelligent guide ('PDIG') Contribute to a common, multi-domain architecture - standards for interoperability in smart environments - Interaction model between horizontal and vertical activities - infrastructure requirements - Environment representation language to support interoperability and reasoning- tool platform Application relevance and impact Enable participation in multiple communities and societies, whatever the actual, present, physical environment. Impact : easier use of digital systems for citizens and professional users, an infrastructural basis for new multi- domain services, integrating data and services from several application domains; some basic multi-domain services, defined and offered to the market, implementation and deployment of preliminary applications for smart homes, private and public area monitoring. Cross-domain aspects Smart environment connectivity to enhance all ARTEMIS application-oriented Sub-programmes particularly ASP1, ASP2, ASP7, ASP8, and benefit from ASP5 ( computing environment), and ASP6 (Security, Privacy, Dependability) AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.3. ASP3
ASP4 Manufacturing and Production Automation Objectives and Approach Establish an embedded Systems technology together with supporting methodologies, models, and tools that enables an holistic and life cycle approach to the main objective. Enable interoperation/ reconfiguration of embedded devices, systems & models in products and processing equipment to enable efficient energy and material usage while reducing risks and enhance security a new factory oriented framework for goods manufacturing, using smart automation, with innovative networking, communication and controlling technologies a real-time asset monitoring and control for large-scale distributed production processes, and real time and run- time methodology for continuous tracking of material flow based on models, sensor networks and RFID new multi-disciplinary coordination and control principles for large-scale, wireless sensor and actuator networks, including combined Control, Computing and Communication (C3) strategies. (distributed de-centralized, weakly connected systems); new tools for visualization of plant operations and energy usage; sensor, actuator and configuration technology for extreme environments; autonomous control and maintenance paradigms addressing productivity, availability, flexibility and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE); life cycle management of automation system. Expected impact Productivity improvement - increase Manufacturing and production efficiency, improve raw material utilisation, product quality, production flexibility Increased usage of automation to enable ‘High resolution management’; improve efficiency, safety and working conditions, reducing waste, energy consumption, the need for heavy manual work. New architectures and communications also open the prospect for remote maintenance, monitoring, control and industrial services Cross-domain aspects ASP3 ; ASP1 ; ASP6 : low-power, future wireless sensors-networks, energy efficiency, security – cyber security for web applications) AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.4 ASP4
ASP5 Computing environment for embedded systems Objectives and Approach enable transition from separate, sectoral, vertically structured markets to a horizontally structured market enable massive real-time data-processing in multiple domains (image, signal processing, computational fluid flow,...). enable composition of platform independent software over highly concurrent, fault-tolerant systems with a variety of communication schemes, types of core, etc identify the key standards to be considered in its scope of application/technology focus and the sets of innovations needed, such as core technologies and associated APIs and Intellectual Properties for multi-core computing architectures, interfaces to the physical world, run-time software, and communication mechanisms contribute to establishment of a common multi-domain architecture, design tool platform for advanced multi- core hardware and middleware solutions - definition of a new programming model & new types of API, meta-data and system layers in order to achieve global performance and resource optimization and management - development of design tools and associated runtime Application relevance and impact Enhance modularity, reuse, scalability, and portability that are anticipated as part of this transition will enable the development of low cost solutions for high volume market development. Impact : facilitate the transition from a vertically structured to a horizontally structured market for reuse across applications and domains, creating new market opportunities and stimulating the emergence of new innovation ecosystems, supporting SMEs. Cross-domain aspects Multi-domain and cross-domain application is central to this ASP5. Co-operation with ASP1 is required. Co- ordination with ASP6 AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.5 ASP5
ASP6: ES for Security & Critical Infrastructures Protection Objectives and Approach definition of a common conceptual framework to address the requirements for security, privacy and dependability in one or more of three classes of systems focusing on compositional design and development. instantiation of the framework with architectures, components, methods, interfaces and communications, tools and tool chains, to enable design, development, analysis, validation, and deployment, certification/ qualification a cost and time effective, widely adoptable certification scheme for ESs in the domain of security; trusted service platforms supporting the Internet of Things for seamless and secure interactions of ESs over heterogeneous communication infrastructures; using flexible communication protocols enabling trade-off between performance and security parameters (determinism, reliability, security, etc.); principles and methodology to specify and implement a dynamic security policy for federations of large networked embedded systems, dynamically composed by unmanaged devices, and incorporating spontaneously co-operating objects and ad hoc networks. Expected impact create new market opportunities by enhancing security, privacy and dependability reduce the users’ fear or reluctance in using inter-networked devices by providing fully guaranteed secured services and access, thus increasing the willingness of people to socialize, and decreasing the risks; enable industrial actors and service providers to offer new security features with minimal additional cost and more freedom to the customer enforce privacy and sensitive data protection against external threats, with high availability thus creating a business differentiator through the development of new security solutions. Cross-domain aspects Security, Privacy and dependability issues are transversal to the entire application context with particular considerations to the trusted architectures, trusted platform design at HW level, ad-hoc networking … AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.6 ASP6
ASP7 Embedded technology for sustainable urban life Objectives and Approach enable sustainable urban life,improving comfort and security while optimising resource usage. Eco efficiency - optimising usage and management of all resources, such as water and energy; Eco sufficiency - through helping people to make better use of resources and enabling more effective renovation, maintenance and waste management; Improved comfort and security - via intelligent urban infrastructures for environmental quality, work, leisure and domestic life including surveillance and intelligent response. definition of architectures and communication platforms to enable the flexible and evolvable interoperation of systems, including sensors, actuators, information systems, and control systems across multiple domains - e.g. transport and energy management - and multiple vendors and service with efficient energy management. Visualization of Sustainable Urban Life, and integration of such visualization with the underlying models and applications. Expected impact public infrastructures, utilities; residential and non-residential buildings; domestic electronics /appliances. Impact :eco-efficiency, improving energy efficiency and energy management (e.g. for energy efficient buildings), or improving sustainable use of resources in urban systems; eco-sufficiency, through improving human behaviour in the use of resources or improving the management and maintenance of resource distribution and management systems; comfort and security, through improvements in environmental quality, increased automation, and advances in Ambient Intelligence. Cross-domain aspects Safety aspects (ASP1), confort and security services ASP3 and ASP6, as well as computing environment and energy management ( ASP5) and ASP8 AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.7 ASP7
ASP8 Human-centred design of embedded systems Objectives and Approach provide embedded HMI solutions which integrate naturally into operational environments, are easy to use and understand, and support an adequate level of situation awareness. cross-domain reusable system design principles and methods that foster the transition from conventional unimodal, menu-based dialogue structures to multimodal, conversational. New HMIs must assist the user in defining own goals cross-domain technologies to analyse the effectiveness of assistance systems, the intuitiveness or complexity of the interaction between user and machine along different usability dimensions with associated metrics (analysis of HMI) research into human performance; agile HMI prototyping; cognitive user models; and intelligent multi-modal interactive systems and contribution to generic HMI Design Methodology easily instantiated in different domains. extension of model-based design approaches to human machine interaction, cross-domain reusable technology to synthesize “ intelligent ” multi-modal HMI. HMI prototyping taking into account multi-modal interfaces and allocation of capabilities between “ presentation layer ” and “ data management layer. Expected impact HCD is a key enabler for applications in safety critical domains, industrial systems, Advanced driver assistance systems for road and rail, in nomadic environment s, in Private spaces as well as critical infrastructures. Impact : · the automation of tasks which are today fully under human control (e.g., driver assistance in the automotive domain). The extension of automation in tasks which are today highly assisted (e.g., pilot assistance systems in the avionics domain).The fulfilment of the user centred and technical objectives by providing open innovation environment (e.g., open experimental test-bed). Cross-domain aspects Interfaces of automated systems are used in all ARTEMIS domains systems. In spite of differences, cross-domain reuse of design methodologies, devices, processing hardware, and software components is achievable. AWP 2011 Draft Section 3.2.8. ASP8
General: Proposals should address: at least one ARTEMIS sub-programme and identify the industrial priorities as described in section 3. Include demonstration of core technological developments Large proposal, complemented by smaller more focused Contribution to ARTEMIS Strategic targets :As defined in the MASP and the tailored to the period. Expected impact : identify the impact aimed with regard to the expected impact of the addressed sub-programmes and propose the measure and progress indicators. Technology vis à vis application : Strong application focus for industrially relevant short and medium term research. Co-operation : Sharing requirements & emerging results during project execution for coherent/ synergistic results Evolution of markets and market environment : Maintain a Market Watch to insure relevance to the evolving market and the emerging use of the Internet as an new market opportunity. Standards and regulations: Projects are to contribute to engaging relevant standardization, regulation and certification activities Innovation environment: SMEs Involvement, and link to education and training Contribution to tool platforms: the policy towards the use of or the creation of tool platforms Project duration: average 3 years AWP 2011 Draft Section 4. Requirements
AWP 2011 draft: Sections 5 & 6 Section 5 :Implementation of the Call in 2011 Section 6 : Eligibility and Evaluation criteria
AWP 2011 Draft Section 6: Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria A two step process : Project outline ( PO) and Full Project Proposal ( FPP) Eligibility criteria received before the deadline given in the call text. involves at least 3 non-affiliated legal entities established in at least 3 ARTEMIS MS It is complete (i.e. both requested administrative forms and technical). The content of the proposal relates to the topic(s) described in this work programme. Evaluation criteria Five criteria - Each criterion scored out of 10. 1.Relevance and contributions to the objectives of the Call. 2.R&D innovation and technical excellence. 3.Science and Technology (S&T) approach and work plan. 4.Market innovation and market impact. 5.Quality of consortium and management. Weighting 2 applies to criteria 4. The threshold for the individual criteria (1), (2), (3), (4) will be 6. There is no threshold for the individual criterion (5). The overall threshold, applying to the sum of the five individual scores, will be 40.
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