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Entry Task: Jan 29 th -30 th Block 1 Calendar for this quarter– pick one up New Seating arrangements What are we learning Second Semester? Grade distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Entry Task: Jan 29 th -30 th Block 1 Calendar for this quarter– pick one up New Seating arrangements What are we learning Second Semester? Grade distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry Task: Jan 29 th -30 th Block 1 Calendar for this quarter– pick one up New Seating arrangements What are we learning Second Semester? Grade distribution Revisit Amounts in Chemistry Chemcredit cards Notes on Moles

2 I can… Describe how a mole is used in chemistry Relate a mole to common counting units. Convert moles to numbers of representative particles and particles to moles.

3 First Semester Chemistry Matter- properties and changes Matter- Mixtures, Substances, Elements and Atoms Atoms- protons, neutrons and electrons Electrons- Arrangement, Energy and Valance electrons Valence Electrons- properties and bonding Bonding- Ionic and Covalent Ionic & Covalent substance properties Substance react together Equations

4 Second Semester Chemistry Equations Equations to amounts of substance- Moles Moles into grams of Substances- Stoichiometry States of Matter- gas, liquid and solid with amounts Mixing states of matter- solutions and Acid/Base Energy involved in Chemical reactions Organic Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry

5 Calculators This is a requirement!!!

6 Pre-Lab Assignment Lab handout that has questions at the beginning of the lab for you to answer. AND you use this handout in lab as the instructions.

7 NO Pre Lab Assignment This means- ALMOST DONE Sorta finished “Hang-on Mayhan- I’m almost done” Incomplete in ANY WAY Looks like you did it in 5 minutes No Pre-lab = Not prepared Not prepared = Not Safe Not Safe = No Lab Entry No Lab Entry = Lab on your own Within 1 week of lab or it’s a ZERO!! WITH A 30% penalty!!

8 These MUST be done: 1. Sign off pre-lab assignment 2. Stow backpacks/chairs, 3. Goggle on 4. Hair up/clothing secure. BEFORE LAB:

9 Three tardies (unexcused) = detention Each tardy/hall pass = 5 points from chemcredit card Tardies

10 Grab a calculator You will need a calculator EVERYDAY!!


12 Amounts How many “things” are in a dozen? How many “things” are in a pair? How many “things” are in a gross? 2 things 12 things 144 things How many “things” are in a mole?6.02 x 10 23 things 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Million BillionTrillion

13 How large is large (6.02 x 10 23 )? If we hook a mole of paper clips end to end, it would wrap around the Earth 400 trillion times. If we stack sheets of paper a mole high, the height would reach the sun and back more than a million times. 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

14 Using the square on this paper, make as many dots as you can in 10 seconds. How many is a mole? Ready?... Set… GO! Count the number of dots. Multiply that by 6. This is the amount of dots you can make in 1 minute. How long would it take you to make 1 mole of dots?

15 6.02 x10 23 dots DO THE MATH!! Hint: Multiply all the denominators (big number) turn it into scientific notation 6.02 x 10 23 Place your denominator number here  1 minute ___dots X 1 hour 60 min X 1 day_ 24 hours X 1 year_ 365 days = 2.94 x 10 7 Divide you whole numbers and subtract the exponents 2.04 x 10 16 years. Add 16 zero’s!!

16 Why do we need a unit of this size in chemistry? It represents a number of atoms, ions, molecules, or formula units large enough to be conveniently used in the laboratory.

17 Atoms- like copper Cu- 1 mole of copper would have 6.02 x 10 23 atoms of Cu Ions- like Na +1 - 1 mole of sodium ion would have 6.02 x 10 23 ions of Na +1 Molecules- like CO 2 - 1 mole of CO 2 would have 6.02 x 10 23 molecules of CO 2 Formula units- like NaCl 1 mole of NaCl would have 6.02 x 10 23 formula units of NaCl NOTICE THE LABEL AFTER EVERY NUMBER!!!

18 Atoms- like copper Cu- 2.0 moles of copper would have 12.04 x 10 23 atoms of Cu OR 1.2 x 10 24 atoms of Cu with 2 s.f. 3.5 moles of copper would have 21.07 x 10 23 atoms of Cu OR 2.1 x 10 24 atoms of Cu with 2 s.f. 0.50 moles of copper would have 3.0 x 10 23 atoms of Cu

19 Moles to Particles Conversions How many atoms are in a 0.50 moles or ½ a mole of copper? Do the math in your head. Cut the numbers in ½ (6.02 x 10 23 )3.01 x 10 23 Cu atoms Stoichiometry- set up! 0.5 moles of Cu 1 mole of Cu 6.02 x 10 23 atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here -------------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 3.01 x10 23 atoms = 3.0 x10 23 atoms

20 Moles to Particles Conversions How many molecules are in a 3.5 moles of SO 2 ? Stoichiometry- set up! 3.5 moles of SO 2 1 mole of SO 2 6.02 x 10 23 molecules Place starting amount here Place conversion here --------------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 21.035 x10 23 molecules = 2.1035 x10 24 molecules = 2.1 x10 24 molecules

21 Moles to Particles Conversions- Practice How many atoms are in 0.909 moles of silver? Stoichiometry- set up! 0.909 moles of Ag 1 mole of Ag 6.02 x 10 23 atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here ------------- -------------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 5.47 x10 23 atoms 3 Sig Figs !!!

22 Particles to Moles Conversions How many moles are in a 2.01 x 10 52 atoms of silver? Stoichiometry- set up! 2.01 x10 52 atom Ag1 mole of Ag 6.02 x 10 23 atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here ------------- --------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 0.334 x10 29 moles Subtract exponents = 3.34 x10 28 moles of Ag

23 Particles to Moles Conversions How many moles are in a 7.34 x 10 44 formula unit of Calcium phosphate? Stoichiometry- set up! 7.34 x10 44 f.u. Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 1 mole of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 6.02 x 10 23 f.u. Place starting amount here Place conversion here ------------- --------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 1.22 x10 21 moles Subtract exponents = 1.22 x10 21 moles of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2

24 Particles to Moles Conversions- Practice How many moles are in a 3.40 x 10 96 molecules of carbon monoxide? Stoichiometry- set up! 3.40 x10 96 molecules CO 1 mole of CO 6.02 x 10 23 molecules Place starting amount here Place conversion here ------------- --------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 0.565 x10 73 moles Subtract exponents = 5.65 x10 72 moles of CO

25 Particles to Moles Conversions- Practice How many moles are in a 2.21 x 10 70 formula units of copper II oxide? Stoichiometry- set up! 2.21 x10 70 formula units 1 mole of CuO 6.02 x 10 23 formula units Place starting amount here Place conversion here ------------- ---------------- Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 0.367 x10 47 moles Subtract exponents = 3.67 x10 46 moles of CO 3 Sig Figs and Sci notation!!!


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