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Molly Williams EPSY 6764 California State University, East Bay Hayward, CA 94542.

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Presentation on theme: "Molly Williams EPSY 6764 California State University, East Bay Hayward, CA 94542."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molly Williams EPSY 6764 California State University, East Bay Hayward, CA 94542

2 David High School Total student population: 2,298 White: 30% Asian: 41% Hispanic or Latino: 15% Black or African American: 5% Two or More Races: 7% Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander: 2% (School Profile, 2015-16)

3 City of David White: 51.3% Asian: 26.8% Hispanic or Latino: 14.5% Black or African American: 9.4% Two or more races: 6.0% Some other race: 5.3% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.6% American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.5% Median household income: $107,754 Individual in poverty: 3.9% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010)

4 Implications of Demographics Affluent community Prevalence of smartphones/computers Reliance on technology Students must have computer access for classes

5 Local School Rivalries Walter vs. Fairbanks Middle School Students from each think they are “better than” the other once they get to DHS David High School vs. Victory High School

6 Looking at Data - Bullying 36% of 9th graders, and 33% of 11th graders, reported that they have "Experienced any harassment or bullying.” 37% of 9th graders, and 35% of 11th graders, reported that they "Had mean rumors or lies spread about [them].” 18% of 9th graders, and 18% of 11th graders, reported having "Experienced cyberbullying at least one time in the past 12 months.” *Note: Fewer than one-quarter of students will report being victims of cyberbullying (Bidwell, 2015). (Healthy Kids Survey, 2013-14)

7 Conversations with School Stakeholders Supervisor Assistant principals Health teacher Counseling staff Principal

8 Looking at Resources No preventative interventions in place at DHS to address cyberbullying Only disciplinary actions for cyberbullying once it's occurred Important for schools to establish that cyberbullying won't be tolerated (Hoff & Mitchell, 2009) but… Risks discouraging students from reporting For perpetrators AND victims, reporting implies that their technology could be taken away (McQuade, Colt, & Meyer, 2009) Counseling services available to students, but... Counselors mainly do academic counseling at DHS Lack of personal/social support at DHS Requires students to come forward--still problem of students under- reporting

9 Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Students are co-researchers who, through the process of action research, develop their ability to share their expertise and take on leadership roles in overcoming their own challenges, with support from adult allies. Students research social problems affecting their own lives and determine courses of action to overcome these problems. YPAR teaches young people that conditions of injustice are produced, not natural; are designed to privilege and oppress; but are ultimately challengeable and thus changeable. (Cammarota & Fine, 2010)

10 WHY YPAR? Major resource at DHS: Motivated and dedicated student population Students, as co-researchers, will collect data and make recommendations for meaningful interventions Students are the experts on the student experience Students experience cyberbullying firsthand Students will have meaningful recommendations for effective interventions YPAR fosters resilience All about empowering students to recognize that they can be a part of making meaningful change occur in their school/community

11 Hypothesis Students will be empowered to 1) shed light on the experience of cyberbullying from their own perspectives, and 2) make recommendations as a group as to how the school and students at DHS can reduce cyberbullying.

12 Participants 8 students (co-researchers) participating in 8-week YPAR group 7 pre-screened by health teacher 1 referred by other counselor-in-training

13 Data Collection Pre/post test with scaled and short-answer questions assessing: Advocacy and leadership skills Resilience factors Whether students feel they have a voice/are able to be a part of making meaningful change happen Quick writes at the beginning of each session to collect qualitative data about the YPAR process Students will collect data via surveys of their classes

14 Where We Are Now Had our first session... Started the conversation about cyberbullying from students’ perspectives--found that students think traditional bullying is the bigger issue at DHS Students want to focus on BOTH cyberbullying & traditional bullying YPAR is all about honoring student voices, so we are rolling with it!

15 Where We Are Going Will look at traditional bullying resources/interventions at DHS (what’s worked / what hasn’t) Students will each survey one of their classes to collect data on: Prevalence of cyberbullying & traditional bullying at DHS How cyberbullying & traditional bullying affects students at DHS Recommendations for decreasing prevalence of cyberbullying & traditional bullying at DHS Students will present findings to school stakeholders (administration, counselors, and possibly school board) Presentation will include recommendations for meaningful cyberbullying & traditional bullying interventions (how to treat each other more kindly) based on survey data and group discussions

16 References Bidwell, A. (2015). School bullying, cyberbullying continue to drop: School bullying is at its lowest rate since 2005, but girls are still bullied at higher rates. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from cyber-bullying-continue-to-drop Cammarota, J., & Fine, M. (Eds.). (2010). Revolutionizing education: Youth participatory action research in motion. New York, NY: Routledge. David Unified School District. (2013-2014). California healthy kids survey, 2013-14: Main report. San Francisco: WestEd. Retrieved from Hoff, D. L. & Mitchell, S. N. (2009). Cyberbullying: causes, effects, and remedies. Journal of Educational Administration, 47(5), 652 - 665. U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Bay area census: City of David. Retrieved from McQuade, S. C., Colt, J. P., & Meyer, N. B. (2009). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. Prilleltensky, I., Nelson, G., & Peirson, L. (2001). The role of power and control in children's lives: An ecological analysis of pathways toward wellness, resilience and problems. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 11(2), 143-158.

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