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Objective: Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behavior. Do Now: Get out laptop/paper,

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behavior. Do Now: Get out laptop/paper,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behavior. Do Now: Get out laptop/paper, and grading rubric Student will: Write SAQ9 in class and peer grade; these grades will count. Do Now: Write the first sentence (topic sentence) explaining the BLOA, then write the next sentence to describe what the essay will be about; you may also include as another sentence one of the principles of the BLOA that relates to the learning outcome or use one of the principles of the BLOA in your definition of the BLOA. Teacher will: Go over power point and direct student in writing the SAQ.

2 1 st sentence - Define the BLOA “There are biological correlates of behavior”. “There are biological correlates that guide behaviors”. “There are physiological origins of behavior such as neurotransmitters, hormones, specialized brain areas, and genes”. Are physiological and biological the same? “The BLOA is based on reductionism, which is the attempt to explain complex behavior in terms of simple physiological causes”. Do not use reductionism unless you know what it means. Animal research and genetic research – principles do not really work. “There are physiological origins of behavior such as specialized brain areas……….””The BLOA believes…….”

3 2nd sentence – what is this essay about? You may include another sentence using one of the principles of the BLOA that relates to the learning outcome. or use one of the principles of the BLOA in your definition of the BLOA and include what you are going to discuss. What is the idea of the essay? Keep the learning outcome in mind? “There are physiological origins of behavior such as specialized brain areas, or localization of function, that can be researched using modern technology.” or This essay will discuss……..

4 Cont. essay w/technology, brain function, and behavior You should have in mind what biological research you are going to cite. ???? include general information of how technology is used in research to determine what function of the brain is active (or not) and how that guides certain behaviors, specifically in terms of the research you are going to cite. For example: Discuss how a MRI is used in terms of localization of function, specifically in memory, if using HM. What happens if there is brain damage, how does that guide behavior. Discuss only MRI? Does it add critical analysis, like why use MRI vs fMRI not PET. – MRI scans are used to see the structures of the brain to determine the extent of brain damage. – The structures would not be able to be clearly seen using other technologies such as EEGs or CTs.

5 More Brain-imaging info you can use MRI - used in neuroscience to investigate the relationship between behavior and brain structures, for example brain damage. MRI - used to find out which areas of the brain are involved in which cognitive activities. Technology can be used to investigate relationship between bio factors and behavior, but all it registers is structures and activity of the brain. However, MRI can not determine cause-effect relationship at this point.

6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Our bodies are about 60% water H2O. Uses a strong magnetic field to push one proton of the H2O off its orbit. When magnetic pulse stops…the proton rushes back to its orbit. It emits a small radio frequency on its way back. The machine can detect that radio frequency..taking a picture of it.

7 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Normally much more safe that CT scan because CT scanning uses radiation while MRI does not But REALLY bad it you have metal inside of you…. Very precise images from any angle.

8 Continue Essay Discuss Localization of function and memory. What would you discuss about Memory? Different parts of brain that control memory? Hippocampus Limitations of using MRI, to research memory or technology in general….but think about how the research you are going to cite also has limitations in using MRI or research of memory. “..the MRI provides correlations between brain activity and behavior…specifically how the hippocampus contains short term memory….. though it does not necessarily detail a cause- effect relationship.”

9 Some Limitations of MRI Discuss limitations of the research

10 Continue Essay Write a transitional sentence to lead into citing research. “One biological research that used MRI to support the theory of localization is the case study of HM done by Milner and Scoville (1957).” Discuss that it was a case study and that brain damaged guided his behavior.. Include localization is supported….Corkin (1997) used a MRI that gave support to the case study.

11 HM Milner and Scoville (1957) Introduce StudyConnection of study to question: Another study which utilizes MRI scans to investigate memory is a study conducted by Milner and Scoville (1957). Background: – HM suffered epileptic seizures after a head injury at age 9 – Doctors performed surgery to stop seizures – Tissue from temporal lobe, and hippocampus was removed – HM suffered anterograde amnesia He could recall information from early life but could not form new memories – HM was studied using an MRI (Corkin et al.) results of MRI confirmed a relationship between damage to the medial temporal lobes(including the hippocampus) and his amnesia. Although a tiny part of the campus remained it was not enough to support normal memory function.

12 HM Milner and Scoville – cont. Findings: The brain scan showed that there was damage to the hippocampus, amygdala, and areas close to the hippocampus Connection of study to question By using MRI scanning technology, researchers were able to investigate the cognitive process of memory and make a correlation between certain brain areas (biological factor) and memory (cognitive process). MRI scans were used to see the structures of the brain to determine the extent of brain damage – “The structures would not be able to be clearly seen using other technologies such as EEGs or CTs.” End with a few more limitations of using MRI for research on memory, or limitation of that research. “The more, the more better your essay!”

13 You can add Technology information to most long essay questions in the BLOA Although we are answering a SAQ question, this information may enhance several long essay questions. For example: 1. Modern technology to support case studies. 2.Modern technology used to measure cognitive processes. Can you think of any other learning outcomes of the BLOA that you could use the technology information? Measure the effects of the environment. Modern technology to measures neurotransmitters and hormones. Again: Technology in animal testing and genetics is really hard to write about.

14 You do: finish the essay After you finish the essay, trade with a friend or enemy. Grade with positive and negative comments. Give a grade using the SAQ rubric. Explain your grading to partner. Turn in essay. Work on your IA project.

15 Brain-imaging techniques used by the CLOA When using brain imaging information for CLOA, Enhance the information by discussing how technology is used to research cognitive processes. two brain-imaging techniques that are most commonly used in the CLOA, because these two can detect cognitive activity as they are taking place. (EEG and fMRI), what part of the brain is active or not.

16 Electroencephalogram (EEG) Developed in 1929 by Hans Berger Electrodes are placed on the outside of the head using a special cap or helmet. Detect electrical activity in the brain. What is its use? Research on memory. What part of the brain would show activity if memory or emotion was involved? Any other research you can think of?

17 Electroencephalogram (EEG) Most widely used in sleep research. It can measure what stage of sleep you are in. 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th REM (Rapid Eye Movement) But does not really show what part of the brain is doing what? In others words – it’s not that accurate in showing localization of function.

18 Computed Tomography (CT scan) Combines computer and x-ray technology. Images are taken from all sides and look like slices of the brain. GREAT for showing structural changes in the brain (like a tumor) (or heart attacks.)

19 Functional MRI (fMRI) Uses MRI technology but takes pictures of only active areas (areas with more blood). Great for showing brain activity.

20 MRI vs fMRI MRI - machine used for brain structure imaging. Helpful for discovering unnoticed anatomical anomalies caused by a disease process or traumatic event. Use in determining structural differences and a behavior correlation. fMRI - functions through blood flow or blood oxygen level measurements to achieve the brain’s functional image. Primarily used to gather relevant data as to the consumption of oxygen by the tissues. fMRI - will view a picture of the brain’s active region by picking up the excess blood supply called Blood Oxygen Level Dependence (BOLD). In general. MRI and fMRI differ from each other in a way that an MRI views the anatomical structure while an fMRI views the metabolic function. In addition, the measurement of signals is different for an MRI and an fMRI. An MRI studies the water molecule’s hydrogen nuclei whereas an fMRI calculates the levels of oxygen. In atomic physics, the MRI’s structural imaging views at a high resolution the difference between tissue types with respect to space. fMRI’s functional imaging views the tissue differences with respect to time

21 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Inject a radioactive substance in an individual. Usually some radioactive sugar that produces gamma rays. When the brain metabolizes (burns) the sugar, the PET machine will measure it. Great diagnostic tool for showing abnormalities in brain activity.




25 What studies can you use? Maguire et al. (2000) HM - Milner and Scoville (1957)

26 Maguire et al. (2000)- a cognitive research Introduce Study Connection of study to question: An example of a study which utilizes MRI scans to investigate the cognitive process of memory is a study conducted by Maguire et al. (2000). Aim: Maguire hypothesized that full licensed taxi drivers in London would have a different hippocampus structure in their brains compared to ‘normal’ people. Methods: This was based on the knowledge that London taxi drivers must do a two-year training course where they end up being able to find their way around the city without a map. MRI scans were used to scan the structure of their hippocampi, which were compared to already existing MRI scans of healthy males who did not drive taxis.

27 Maguire et al. (2000)- cont. Results: Taxi drivers’ left and right hippocampi had a larger volume compared to the non-taxi drivers. Some parts of the hippocampi were smaller in the taxi drivers. Conclusions: Maguire concluded that there was probably a redistribution of grey matter in the hippocampi of taxi drivers due to the regular use of the spatial memory skills required to remember roads; the neurons are stronger in areas of the brain which are used most. Connection of study to question By using an MRI, Maguire was able to observe the structures in the brain and find a correlation between the hippocampus (biological factor) and memory skills (cognitive process). Maguire used MRI scans to investigate the structure of the hippocampus, which would not be able to be seen using other technologies such as an EEG or a PET scan

28 Biological Factor -Localization of Function/Brain Damage (PET Scans)

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