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Good Morning Welcome to the 9 th Grade Counselor Coffee Chat February 16, 2016 8:00AM.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning Welcome to the 9 th Grade Counselor Coffee Chat February 16, 2016 8:00AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning Welcome to the 9 th Grade Counselor Coffee Chat February 16, 2016 8:00AM

2 TODAY’S TOPICS Registration for 10 th Grade Classes Upcoming Dates and Activities Summer School

3 REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION 1. Students are to select no more than 6 classes 2. 7 period days are limited to students in the following programs: a. ASB b. Yearbook c. Journalism d. AVID e. Instrumental Music


5 PATHWAYS/ELECTIVES Pathway completion = 3 years of an elective in the same field

6 WORLD HISTORY Should I take College Prep or AP? World History AP is a college level course and one of the most challenging AP courses Do you enjoy studying history? After high school are you considering an elite or Ivy League School? Students currently taking Ancient Civ Honors or AP Human Geography should definitely consider World History AP

7 AP/Honors Courses Talk to your child about AP- Remind students to pick courses that match their interests, talents and priorities. Consider the classes they’ve already taken and the ones they were strong in, enjoyed more or found to be most interesting. Chances are, those courses can be launching pads for successful AP experiences. Set reasonable expectations- AP courses require students to do research and reading outside of class, and many students participate in study groups or tutoring sessions to stay on track. It’s important for students to think about the amount of work they’ll have so they can succeed in the courses they choose. You can support your child by designating specific areas in your home for schoolwork and study, and helping prioritize classes, activities, and home and work commitments. AP and Honors courses require teacher approval AP Courses require summer assignments They will be posted on our school website

8 CHALLENGE PROCESS What is the Challenge Process? It is when your child HAS NOT been recommended by their teacher for a certain course because he/she does not meet the grade and test score criteria established to meet the minimum course prerequisites. What do I do to Challenge the recommendation? You complete a challenge form stating that you understand your child has not been recommended, but you want them enrolled in the course and you understand they will BE REQUIRED TO REMAIN IN THE CLASS UNTIL THE END OF THE FIRST SEMESTER regardless of grades and be expected to perform in this higher level course. 1) All challenges due by May 29 th 2) Both Paper AND Electronic form required 3) Paper form can be found in counseling 4) Electronic form will be on our website 5) Incomplete forms will not be accepted 6) Response to Challenge will be sent via email

9 1) Log in to Aeries and click “Course Request Entry” REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION

10 2) You will see a screen similar to this. Click the “Search” button to view all courses available.

11 REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION 3) Course lists differ by grade level. If you believe there is a class missing that you would like to take, email or speak to your counselor.

12 REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION 4) Having trouble finding a class? You may also filter classes by department or subject area.

13 REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION 5) To add a class, simply click the class and it will be added to your course list on the left.




17 REGISTRATION – COURSE SELECTION FEBRUARY 22 nd : Deadline to choose 6 classes on Aeries and complete the course selection sheet with parent and student signatures. FEBRUARY 23 rd – MARCH 2 nd : Counselors meet with freshman individually to verify classes. Students will also receive Naviance training.

18 ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS 3/10-3/11 Link Cru meeting with freshman 3/19 Practice SAT/ACT test (Purchase by 3/11) 4/4-4/8 Spring Break 5/13 AP Human Geography Exam 8am Commons 6/15-6/17 Final Exams AP Tickets On Sale NOW! Student Store or Webstore (see BHS website) $93 per test prior to March 4 th $113 per test March 5 th - March 10 th

19 SUMMER SCHOOL Session 1- Session 1- June 21-24, June 27-30 & July 5-8 – 7:30am-1:05pm Session 2- Session 2- July 11-14, July 18-21 & July 25-28 – 7:30am – 1:05pm Where?: Where?: Beckman High Who?: Who?: Students needing to improve D or F grades and students in an approved Pathway or Avid program. Deadlines: Deadlines: Registration forms must be turned in to the counseling office by the end of the work day on May 13, 2016. For late registrations after May 13 th, students must report on the first day of each summer school session for space available.

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