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Hands-on security Carlos Fuentes RedIRIS Madrid,26 – 30 de Octubre de 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Hands-on security Carlos Fuentes RedIRIS Madrid,26 – 30 de Octubre de 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hands-on security Carlos Fuentes RedIRIS Madrid,26 – 30 de Octubre de 2008

2 SERVER: USERNAME: barcellonaXX PASSWORD: GridBARXX PASSPHRASE: BARCELLONA where XX = 01…30 How to access to the UI

3 Authentication and Authorization INSPECTING PERSONAL CERTIFICATE .globus: your personal certificate, two separate files (public and private keys)  You need them for the authenticated connections with all the other elements.  Check the permissions (you won´t be able to create a proxy if they are wrong) ls –l.globus -rw-r--r--usercert.pem -r--------userkey.pem

4 Authentication and Authorization INSPECTING PERSONAL CERTIFICATE  Look inside your certificate grid-cert-info  Important information  Creation and expiration date  Name and subject of the CA  Common Name (CN) of the certificate owner  Certificate subject

5 Authentication and Authorization Creation of a proxy with voms extensions  This step is comparable to a login on the grid. voms-proxy-init --voms gilda carlos@gilda-ui carlos]$ voms-proxy-init --voms gilda Your identity: /DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=rediris/CN=carlos.fuentes Creating temporary proxy...................................................... Done Contacting [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=Catania/] "gilda" Done Creating proxy..................................................................................................................................................... Done Your proxy is valid until Mon Feb 1 22:36:29 2010

6 Authentication and Authorization CHECK YOUR VOMS PROXY  To get info about your proxy voms-proxy-info -all  It shows two different lifetimes:  First is related to the proxy itself  The second one is referred to the AC infos added by the VOMS server.  Important: your proxy has 12 hours of live [carlos@gilda-ui carlos]$ voms-proxy-info --all subject : /DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=rediris/CN=carlos.fuentes/CN=proxy issuer : /DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=rediris/CN=carlos.fuentes identity : /DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=rediris/CN=carlos.fuentes type : proxy strength : 1024 bits path : /tmp/x509up_u505 timeleft : 11:58:01 === VO gilda extension information === VO : gilda subject : /DC=es/DC=irisgrid/O=rediris/CN=carlos.fuentes issuer : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=Catania/ attribute : /gilda/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL timeleft : 11:58:00 uri :

7 Authentication and Authorization LOGOUT FROM THE GRID  To delete your proxy voms-proxy-destroy

8 MyProxyUse Register a long living proxy in the MyProxy server (  Allows you to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init  The –s option allows you to specify the name of the myproxy server you want to contact myproxy-init –s

9 MyProxyUse Register a long living proxy in the MyProxy server (  The –d option allows you to create and store a long term proxy with your DN. myproxy-init –s -d  Without this option, the name of the stored proxy is the same of the user in the local machine

10 MyProxyUse Register a long living proxy in the MyProxy server (  The –l option allows you to create and store a long term proxy with a name specified by the user myproxy-init –s –l GILDA_TUTOR  Each user can create and store several proxies in a myproxy server, but each remote proxy is linked to the specified username

11 MyProxyUse Gather information about the proxy in the MyProxy server  I f in your UI there is no local proxy, it´s not possible to be authenticated in the myproxy server  In this case is needed to get a delegate proxy form the MyProxy sever or create a local proxy with voms-proxy-init

12 MyProxyUse Get a delegated proxy from the MyProxy server  It allow you to get a proxy from the myproxy server  Destroy the proxy in the local machine and verify it doesn-t exist anymore voms-proxy-destroy voms-proxy-info couldn´t find a valid proxy

13 MyProxyUse Get a delegated proxy from the MyProxy server  Now in your UI (virtual o real), there is no local proxy.  To get a proxy from the myproxy sever myproxy-get-delegation –s

14 MyProxyUse Get a delegated proxy from the MyProxy server  With –d option myproxy-get-delegation –s –d  Verify now that the user has a local proxy voms-proxy-info

15 MyProxyUse Gather information about the proxy in the MyProxy server  You can get info on myproxy server about your proxy myproxy-info –s  If the credentials have been initialized with the –d switch, you also have to specify it when using myproxy-info myproxy-info –s -d

16 MyProxyUse Gather information about the proxy in the MyProxy server  If the credentials have been initialized with the –l switch, you also have to specify it when using myproxy-info myproxy-info –s –l GILDA_TUTOR  Note the differences in the usename of each proxy

17 MyProxyUse Destroy remote proxy  You can destroy your remote proxy myproxy-destroy –s  Check your remote proxy myproxy-info –s

18 MyProxyUse Destroy remote proxy  Destroy your remote proxy with -d myproxy-destroy –s -d  Check your remote proxy with -d myproxy-info –s -d

19 MyProxyUse Destroy remote proxy  Destroy your remote proxy with -l myproxy-destroy –s –l GILDA_TUTOR  Check your remote proxy with -L myproxy-info –s –l GILDA_TUTOR

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