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Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) 2015-16 Mathematics and ELA/Literacy Test Administration Workshop Grades 3−8 February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) 2015-16 Mathematics and ELA/Literacy Test Administration Workshop Grades 3−8 February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) 2015-16 Mathematics and ELA/Literacy Test Administration Workshop Grades 3−8 February 2016

2 Presenters. Charlene Tucker, Director of Assessment & Accountability Maine Department of Education Nancy Godfrey, Assessment Coordinator Maine Department of Education Andy Wallace, Technology Director South Portland Schools Trystan Moss, Project Manager eMetric

3 Resources & Supports DOE Assessment Page: Measured Progress Service Desk: or (855) 652-8929 Maine Help & Support: MEA listserv: MEA email/questions: Nancy Godfrey, Assessment Coordinator, 624-6775 Bethany Dodge, Program Assistant, 624-6700 3

4 eMPower ME Training Agenda  MEA Online System Overview  MEA Portal Overview  MEA Client Overview  Conclusion  Schedule  Questions & Answers 4

5 MEA Online System Overview MEA Portal: Test Administration System MEA Client: Student Test Delivery System 5

6 MEA Portal & Client Components Online SystemPortal UsersAdministration Site Setup StudentsClasses Test Sessions Client KioskBrowser Mobile App 6

7 MEA Portal Overview User ManagementAdministration

8 MEA Portal  Go to https://maine.measuredprogress.org  Available February 29, 2016  Browser Specifications:  Chrome ® 34 or newer  Firefox ® 33-44  Safari ® 5 or newer  Internet Explorer ® 10-11 8

9 MEA Portal Access  Usernames & passwords for District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) mailed out February 19, 2016  DACs must create all other users within the MEA Portal.  Users will receive email from with username and temporary password 9

10 MEA Portal User Roles User RoleResponsibilities District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Manage users (all roles) Assign student accommodations Create classes Schedule test sessions Manage & monitor test sessions Prepare IT network for student testing IT Coordinator (ITC) Manage users (DU, STC, TA accounts) Assign student accommodations Create classes Schedule test sessions Manage & monitor test sessions Prepare IT network for student testing 10

11 MEA Portal User Roles User RoleResponsibilities District User (DU) View users View students View & edit classes View & monitor test sessions School Test Coordinator (STC) Manage users (TA accounts) Assign student accommodations Create classes Schedule test sessions Manage & monitor test sessions Prepare IT network for student testing Test Administrator (TA) View students View & edit classes View & monitor test sessions 11

12 User Management  Create new users  View users 12

13 Administration StudentsClasses Test Sessions 13

14 Administration  Student Information & Enrollment  Managed by Maine DOE  Available in portal February 29, 2016  Student Accommodations  Districts/Schools responsible for assigning accommodations to students 14

15 Administration  Class Creation  Roster Upload  Manual Class Creation Think of a “class” as a proctoring group! 15

16 Administration  Scheduling Tests  Schedule classes to tests  Print student test logins with students’ usernames and passwords  Manage and monitor test sessions  Not Started  In Progress  Finished 16

17 Administration  Site Setup  Download kiosks  Conduct Workstation Readiness (WSR) testing  Certify Site Readiness Conducting the WSR and certifying your site is ready for testing is extremely important. Not doing so may pose a risk to your site for online testing. 17

18 Administration 18

19 MEA Client Overview KioskMobile AppBrowser

20 Student Workstation Requirements System Requirements – All Hardware ConnectivityStudent devices must be able to connect to the internet via wired or wireless networks Screen Size9.7” screen size or larger/ “10-inch class” tablets or larger Screen Resolution1024 X 768 Browsers (Practice Test ONLY)Internet Explorer ® 10-11 Firefox ® 33-44 Chrome ® 34 or newer Safari ® 5 or newer Headphone/Earphone/Ear BudsHeadphones/earphones/ear buds are required for students who have a text-to-speech accommodation. Microphones are not required for the 2016 assessment. 20

21 Student Workstation Requirements Desktop and Laptop Specific Requirements CPU1.2 GHz Memory1 GB (2 GB strongly recommended for best performance) Input DeviceKeyboard – wired or wireless/Bluetooth mouse or touchpad Windows® operating systemWindows XP, SP 3 Windows Vista Windows 7-10 (32-bit and 64-bit) Mac OS® operating system10.6.8 – 10.11 (64-bit only) Linux OSUbuntu 12.04.5 – 14.04 LTS (64-bit only) Fedora 21, 22 (64-bit only) 21

22 Student Workstation Requirements Tablet/Netbook/2-in-1 Specific Requirements iPad®9.0 – 9.2.1 Chromebook™Chrome OS operating system 42 - 47 Windows-based tablets/netbooks/2-in-1 Windows 8.1 - 10  Use of Windows XP for computer based testing is strongly discouraged.  Newer versions of Chrome and iOS operating systems may not work properly with the MEA Client.  iOS 9.2.1 should be used for optimal MDM management.  NO requirements for local assessment servers or caching machines.  External keyboards are optional for iPad users. 22

23 Internet Connectivity Beginning of Test: 1.Authenticate login 2.Download test content End of Test: 1. Submit responses for scoring 23

24 Checking Internet Connectivity Internet Connectivity is ON Internet Connectivity is OFF 24

25 Failsafe Mechanism Saved Response Location 25

26 IMPORTANT INFORMATION  Each student should use ONE device  Testing on multiple devices can create stale responses 1 2 3 4 26

27 IMPORTANT INFORMATION  Do not turn off Chromebooks experiencing internet connectivity issues.  Need to switch devices? Call technical support immediately:  1-855-652-8929 Share this information with all IT and school personnel! 27

28 Test Security  RSA encrypted test content  128-bit SSL encrypted student data  Kiosk-mode on all devices 28

29 Testing Environment Proxy Server 29

30 MEA Client Installation  Download kiosk from MEA Portal  Download apps from app stores  Review installation guide  Available at  Install client on all testing devices  Conduct workstation readiness testing on all device configurations  Certify site ready for testing 30

31 Downloading MEA Client  Log in to Portal with username and password  Download kiosk for Windows, Mac, and/or Linux  Download app for Chromebook or iPad from app store  Search eMPowerMEA 31

32 Installation Information  MSI Package  Scripted Installation  Software Distribution using Group Policy  Review installation guide  Available at 32

33 Workstation Readiness Testing (WSR)  Retrieve WSR username and password for each school from MEA Portal  Run WSR test on each device configuration  Review WSR test details on MEA Portal  Certify Site for readiness 33

34 Launching the Client 34

35 Starting the Test 35

36 Client Testing Interface - Demo 31 24 36

37 Universal Tools  Universal Tools available to all students on all computer based tests: NameTool IconDescription GuidelineStudent uses onscreen tool to assist in reading by raising and lowering tool for each line of text. Answer MaskingStudent hides possible answer choices (multiple choice items only). Sketch & HighlightStudent may draw using black, red, or blue brushes; highlight; or erase NotepadStudent may type notes for each particular item 37

38 Item Specific Tools  Available to all students for specific items. NameAssessment / Content AreaTool Icon Basic CalculatorGrades 3-6 Mathematics Scientific CalculatorGrades 7-8 Mathematics RulerMathematics ProtractorMathematics 38

39 Accommodations  Accommodations assigned to specific students: NameContent Area Tool Icon Description Text-to-Speech Mathematics MathematicsStudents can play, pause, or stop audio. Text-to-Speech ELAEnglish Language Arts Students can play, pause, skip passage, or stop audio. Screen Zoom*AllStudents can zoom full screen up to 150% Color ContrastAllStudents select desired text and background color. Reverse Contrast*AllInverts all color values. Custom Masking*AllStudents can mask certain parts of screen. Turn Off All Universal Tools AllNot ApplicableGuideline, Answer Masking, Sketch & Highlight not available 39

40 Accommodations in Client 40

41 Assigning Text-to-Speech Accommodations  Assign all student text-to-speech accommodations PRIOR to scheduling tests.  If a class is already scheduled, assign accommodations and click Generate Missing Student Tokens.  If a student logs in to the test and the text-to-speech accommodation has not already been assigned, the test must be invalidated by the state, and the student must be scheduled for the test again. 41

42 Text-to-Speech Voices  Default voice set on device is the voice used for testing  Use practice test to let students listen to the voice  Review installation guide  Available at 42

43 Proctor Password 43

44 Passwords Type of PasswordUtilizationEntered By Student Password*Used to log the student into the appropriate testStudent Session PasswordUsed to log the student into the appropriate session of the test Student Proctor Password**Used to log the student into the appropriate session (section) of the test if the student began the session, paused for longer than 20 minutes, and needs to resume the session. Proctor * Student test password is NOT case sensitive ** Proctor password must be kept confidential. 44

45 Closing the Client StepsButton to Click On the last item, students click Finish. On the test review screen, students click Turn In. Below the confirmation question, students click Turn In. Student returns to test section selection page and may select the next section or click Exit to exit the client. 45

46 Online Practice Test  Available February 23, 2016  Use kiosk, mobile app, or browser clients  Use kiosk or mobile app if screen zoom or text-to-speech is required  Math Practice Test Username: MaineMath Password: practice Math Practice Test Username: MaineMath Password: practice ELA Practice Test Username: MaineReading Password: practice ELA Practice Test Username: MaineReading Password: practice 46

47 Schedule TaskDate Student data available in Portal for assigning accommodations and class creation 2/29/16 Begin Workstation Readiness testing and Site Certification at test sites 2/29/16-3/15/16* Begin scheduling tests3/10/16 Testing Window3/21/16-4/15/16 *It is recommended to complete WSR testing as soon as possible in order to identify any workstation configuration issues.

48 Questions & Answers  Measured Progress Technical Product Support   1-855-652-8929  Help & Support Site  48

49 Thank you.

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