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Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter 6 th Grade Integrated Science Ms. Mathieson.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter 6 th Grade Integrated Science Ms. Mathieson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter 6 th Grade Integrated Science Ms. Mathieson

2 Do Now  What are physical and chemical properties?  What is a physical property of water?  What is a chemical property of water?

3 Vocabulary Terms  Physical Property: Can be observed or measured without changing the “makeup” of a substance. SizeDensityMass VolumeFreezing PointBoiling Point ViscosityColorFlexibility PermeabilityMagneticLuster StateOdorHardness

4 Vocabulary Term  Chemical Property: Characteristics of matter based on its ability to change into new matter with different properties.

5 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

6 Exit Slip 1. List a 3 physical properties of water? 2. What is a chemical property of water. Draw a picture.

7 Do Now  What is a physical change? List an example  What is a chemical change? List an example

8 Lesson Objective  SWBAT: differentiate between chemical and physical changes.

9 Physical Changes vs. Chemical Changes

10 Physical Change  A physical change is any change NOT involving a change in the substance's chemical identity.  Some examples are any phase change. Moving between solid, liquid and gas involves only the amount of energy in the sample


12 Chemical Change  Chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances.  At the molecular level, chemical change involves making or breaking of bonds between atoms.




16 Brain Pop: Video  Guided Note Physical and Chemical Change Bill Nye: Chemical Reaction

17 Exit Slip  What is one physical change that occurs in the following types of matter: wood, paper and glass?  Explain the chemical change that occurs in wood?

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