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PLAN TO EXPAND MARITIME EDUCATION IN KZN Ms Sithembiso Tshabalala Provincial Coordinator for Maritime Education 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PLAN TO EXPAND MARITIME EDUCATION IN KZN Ms Sithembiso Tshabalala Provincial Coordinator for Maritime Education 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLAN TO EXPAND MARITIME EDUCATION IN KZN Ms Sithembiso Tshabalala Provincial Coordinator for Maritime Education 1

2 Background Expanding Maritime Education forms part of the programme called Transforming the Schooling System in KZN The KZN MEC for Education directed the Dept. of Education to develop a plan to expand Maritime Education 2

3 The plan will ensure that: the provision of maritime education is accessible to many learners in KZN. learners acquire skills required in the maritime sector at an early age of their education. 3

4 there is an increase in the number of learners who can access employment opportunities in the maritime industry. 4

5 Audit conducted in June 2013 SchoolDistrictGrade 10Grade 11Grade 12 SithengilePinetown336332 46-- JG Zuma EmtsheziUthukela32-13 New Forest Umlazi272830 20-- Menzi Zwelibanzi33-- Total2029175 5

6 Findings Out of twelve education districts in KZN, there are only three that have schools that offer Maritime Education These are Umlazi, Pinetown and Uthukela (inland) Lack of Learner Teacher support Material 6

7 Some of the teachers teaching Maritime Economics in these schools have not studied the subject Some schools did not have a classroom dedicated to teach Maritime Economics Sithengile and New Forest were at an advanced level as compared to the other schools 7

8 Establishment of a Maritime School of Excellence The KZN has identified Acton Road establishment in Glenwood to be converted into a Maritime School This school will accommodate learners across the province who wish to study Maritime Studies 8

9 9 Acton Road establishment will have the boarding facilities to accommodate learners from parts of KZN that are far from the Durban This school will offer a full package of maritime subjects which includes Maritime Economics and Nautical Science.

10 Progress In February 2014 the SA Navy seconded two officers to introduce Nautical Science in Grade 10 Nautical Science is offered in three (3) satellite sites. These are Sithengile HS, JG Zuma HS and New Forest HS 10

11 This is a pilot study and the Nautical Science is taught to 45 learners as an additional subject All 45 learners are enrolled for both Maritime Economics and Nautical Science 11

12 Support programmes required Initiatives and projects to enrich the curriculum of maritime subjects at school level Provision of the practical component since at school level topics are dealt with at theoretical and abstract level 12

13 Initiatives and projects to train teachers on Maritime Education topics so that they are well equipped to teach these subjects Initiatives and projects to create awareness in Grades 7-9, where there is no provision of maritime education in the curriculum 13

14 Success of expanding Maritime Education Working together with the maritime stakeholders 14

15 Thank you 15

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