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WHI: SOL 6h, i Spread of Christianity and its Impact.

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1 WHI: SOL 6h, i Spread of Christianity and its Impact

2 Origins of Christianity Had its roots in Judaism (Jesus was Jewish) Shares many similar beliefs with Judaism Was led by Jesus of Nazareth, who was proclaimed the Messiah(leader or savior) Conflicted with polytheistic beliefs of Roman Empire


4 Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Christianity Monotheistic Jesus as both Son of and incarnation of God Belief in life after death New Testament (Bible), containing accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as writings of early Christians Christian doctrines established by early church councils


6 Spread of Christianity Popularity of the message (forgiveness, equality, charity) Early martyrs (people who die for their beliefs) inspired others Carried by the Apostles (followers of Christ), including Paul, throughout the Roman Empire



9 Spread of Christianity Slowed as a result of persecution by Roman authorities (gladiators, crucified) Adopted and legalized by Emperor Constantine The Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made it legal.

10 Impact of the Church of Rome in the late Roman Empire Christianity later became the official state religion. The Church became a source of moral authority. Loyalty to the Church became more important than loyalty to the Emperor. The Church became the main unifying force of Western Europe (still dominant church today)




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