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K INDERGARTEN : READY BY EXIT Curriculum Standards & Achievement Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "K INDERGARTEN : READY BY EXIT Curriculum Standards & Achievement Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 K INDERGARTEN : READY BY EXIT Curriculum Standards & Achievement Expectations


3 Meets/Cumple Approaches/Se Acerca Emerging/Emergente

4 R F. K.1. D Identify ALL Upper Case Letters Identificar TODAS las letras mayusculas AGMSY BHNTZ CIOU DJPV EKQW FLRX

5 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 26 letters/letras Approaches/Se Acerca – 20-25 letters/letras Emerging/Emergente – 0-19 letters/letras

6 R F.K.1. D Identify ALL Upper Case Letters Identificar TODAS las letras minisculas agmsy bhntz ciou djpv ekqw flrx

7 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 26 letters/letras Approaches/Se Acerca – 20-25 letters/letras Emerging/Emergente – 0-19 letters/letras

8 RF.K.3 A Identify and produce ALL letter sounds Identificar y producir TODAS los sonidos de las letras agmsybhntzcioudjpvekqwflrxagmsybhntzcioudjpvekqwflrx

9 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 26 letters/letras Approaches/Se acerca – 20-25 letters/letras Emerging/Emergente – 0-19 letters/letras

10 R F. K.2 A Identify rhyming words Identificar palabras que riman

11 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

12 R F. K.2 A Produce rhyming words Producir palabras que riman

13 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

14 R F. K.2 B Produce syllable sounds/Segment Producir sonidos por silaba/segmentar But – ter – fly

15 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

16 R F. K.2 C Blending sounds in words Mezclar sonidos en palabras d-og dog

17 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

18 R F. K.2 D Identify initial/beginning sounds Identificar sonidos iniciales /p/

19 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

20 R F. K.2 D Identify medial vowel sounds Identificar sonidos de vocales medianos /i/

21 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

22 R F. K.2 D Identify final/ending sounds Identificar sonidos finales /g/

23 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

24 RF.K.3 C Identify Sight Words Identificar Palabras de Vista a the like to my go little

25 PROFICIENCY Exceeds/Exceda – 51-100 correct/correcto Meets/Cumple – 50 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 40-49 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-39 correct/correcto

26 RL.K.3 Identify major events in a story Identificar eventos importantes en una historia Julio went to the park with his mom. He went down the slide. Julio had fun.

27 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

28 RI.K.2 Identify major events in a story Identificar eventos importantes en una historia Frogs live in swamps. Most frogs are green. Frogs can jump, and they like to eat flies.

29 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

30 W.K.2/ RL.K.2 Write to provide information, including many details. Use proper conventions. Escribir para proveer informacion, incluyendo varias detalles. Usar convenciones correctos I like my cat. He is gray. His nam is flufe.

31 PROFICIENCY Exceeds/Exceda – 4 score on rubric Meets/Cumple – 3 score on rubric Approaches/Se acerca – 2 score on rubric Emerging/Emergente – 1 score on rubric

32 K.CC.1 Count by 1s to 100. Contar a 100 uno por uno 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

33 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 101 (Counts from 0-100 correctly) Approaches/Se Acerca – 75-100 Emerging/Emergente – 0-75

34 K.CC.1 Count by 10s to 100. Contar a 100 de diez en diez 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

35 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 11 (Counts from 0-100 correctly by 10s) Approaches/Se acerca – 8-10 Emerging/Emergente – 0-7

36 K.CC.3-1 Write ALL numbers 0-20. Escribir TODOS los numeros de 0 a 20

37 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 21 (Write numbers 0-20 correctly in order) Approaches/Se Acerca – 16-20 Emerging/Emergente – 0-15

38 K.CC.3-2 Match the correct number to a set of objects. Coincidar el numero correcto a un serie de objetos 2

39 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 9-10 Approaches/Se acerca – 8 Emerging/Emergente – 0-7

40 K.CC.7 Compare numbers (less than, greater than, equal) Comparar numeros (menos que, mas que, igual) 2 7

41 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

42 K.OA.1 Add and Subtract +/- Sumar y Restar Sam had 2 cookies. His mom gave him 3 more. How many cookies does Sam have now? 2 + 3 = 5

43 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 5/5 correct/correcto Approaches/Se acerca – 4 correct/correcto Emerging/Emergente – 0-3 correct/correcto

44 K.G.1-1 Identify 2 and 3 dimensional shapes in the environment Identificar formas geometricas de 2 y 3 dimensiones en el medio ambiente

45 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 7-8 Approaches/Se acerca – 5-6 Emerging/emergente – 0-4

46 K.G.1-2 Identify and demonstrate position and location of objects Idenfiticar y demostrar posicion y ubicacion de objetos

47 PROFICIENCY Meets/Cumple – 7-8 Approaches/Se acerca – 5-6 Emerging/Emergente – 0-4

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