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Presentation on theme: "MACON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL WELCOMES THE CLASS OF 2020."— Presentation transcript:



3 SCHOLARS OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Recognition at graduation for any students who have taken all Honor classes and no in- house (pass/fail) classes through their senior year will be eligible for Scholars of Academic Excellence ranking.

4 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 28 Credits Required for Graduation at MCHS  ENGLISH4 credits (one per year)  MATH4 credits (one per year)  SCIENCE3 credits  SOCIAL STUDIES3 credits  LIFETIME WELLNESS1 credit  PERSONAL FINANCE/PE½ credit each  ELECTIVE FOCUS AREA3 credits  FOREIGN LANGUAGE2 credits (same language)  FINE ARTS1 credit o or 3 additional electives if FL/FA waiver

5 FOREIGN LANGUAGE/FINE ARTS WAIVER  Students who elect NOT to go to college may waive the 2 Foreign Language and 1 Fine Arts requirements.  Instead, they will have to take 3 additional electives to expand and enhance their Elective Focus Area.  We MUST have a PARENT signature on file indicating that the parent consents to the waiver.

6 BUBBLE REGISTRATION FORM  Make sure that you have filled out the top part of this sheet with a PENCIL.  At the bottom of the page, you must indicate whether your child plans on attending college OR has decided that he/she will waive those courses in order to enhance the Elective Focus Area.  Mark YES or NO to the Waiver question.

7 BUBBLE REGISTRATION FORM  At the bottom of the page, you will also need to write down an Elective Focus Area before you leave tonight. This needs to be determined by the end of the student’s Sophomore year.  The STUDENT will need to sign this form.  The PARENT will also need to sign the form and then date it.

8 HEALTH/PE/DRIVER’S ED  PE may be taken any year prior to graduation for ½ credit or 1 credit. (1/2 credit is required—in addition to the 1 credit of Wellness students earned as a Freshman)  If there are openings, Freshmen may take Driver’s Ed. You will need to fill out the form and turn it in. You must be at least 15 and have a Social Security number.

9 ENGLISH  Every student will enroll in an English class.  Select one of the courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letters to the code that is already printed on the form : o English I o English I—Honors o English I—ELL

10 MATH  Select at least one of the Math courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letter to the code that is already printed on the form : o Algebra I o Algebra I—Honors

11 SCIENCE  Select at least one of the Science courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letters to the code that is already printed on the form.  These all will meet college entrance requirements; however, Physical World Concepts is intended to be more college- preparatory than the other two sciences. o Physical World Concepts o Physical World Concepts (Honors) o Physical Science o Agriscience

12 SOCIAL STUDIES  Select at least one of the Social Studies courses below and, if necessary, add the extra letters to the code that is already printed on the form : o World History o World History --Honors o World History—ELL

13 YEAR BOOK  If you plan on participating in Year Book you will need to write the name on the 1 st ALTERNATE Elective line.  Applications were sent over the MCJH and the sponsor will pick her staff from the applications that were turned in.  It is a pass/fail class  It can be taken as a 1 or 2 credit class.

14 ELECTIVE FOCUS AREAS PROGRAMS OF STUDY  Every student must choose at least ONE elective course in their Elective Focus Area. These types of courses are referred to as “Focused Electives.”  Choose course(s) from the Elective Focus Areas below: o AGRICULTURE (CTE Program of Study) o BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY (CTE Program of Study) o FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE (CTE Program of Study) o FINE ARTS o HUMANITIES (Language Arts and Social Studies) o MATH/SCIENCE (only if you are an honor student) o Classes at Tri-County Campus of TTC-Hartsville (cannot attend until your Sophomore year)

15 ELECTIVE FOCUS AREAS  Tri-County Campus of TTC-Hartsville  Can enroll for 1 or 2 blocks per semester o CTE Programs of Study Automotive Maintenance (not until Jr. year) Residential & Commercial Construction Architectural & Engineering (CAD) Cosmetology Culinary Arts Therapeutic Nursing(not until Jr. year) Machining Technology Welding

16 MCHS CTE Programs of Study ELECTIVES  AGRICULTURE o Agriscience  BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY o Computer Applications o Introduction to Business Marketing  FAMILY and CONSUMER SCIENCES o Introduction to Human Services o Fundamentals of Education

17 Additional CTE Information  You may sign up for additional CTE electives as long as you have also registered for the first level course in that Program of Study.  You may take additional courses: o in different Programs of Study and/or o up to TWO electives in the same Program of Study

18 Additional CTE Courses For additional CTE Courses look on the back of your papers.

19 FINE ARTS ELECTIVES o Concert Band I (S1 only) o Concert Band II (S2 only) o General Music o Theatre Arts o Visual Arts I o Vocal Music

20 HUMANITIES ELECTIVES  LANGUAGE ARTS o Journalism (This class alternates on a rotating basis with Creative Writing)  SOCIAL STUDIES o Contemporary Issues o Psychology o Sociology o Tennessee Studies

21 MATH / SCIENCE ELECTIVES  If you choose Math/Science as your Elective Focus Area, you may need to double up on Math at least one year between 10 th and 12 th grades and/or take at least one advanced-level Science (Chemistry is a pre-requisite) your Senior year.  Only honor students will be able to complete this Focus Area because of the requirement to double up on Math.

22 IN-HOUSE ELECTIVES  Your grade in an In-House Elective class will be either a “P” for Pass or an “F” for Fail.  You may register for only one In-House Elective per semester.  Credit Recovery, Study Skills, Teacher Assistant, and Yearbook are all In-House Electives.

23 REMINDERS  All 8 blocks MUST have a course name in the block.  All 3 ALTERNATE ELECTIVES MUST be filled in.  Circle YES or NO for the FL/FA Waiver.  Write down your ELECTIVE FOCUS AREA.  The STUDENT will need to sign this form.  The PARENT will also need to sign and date the form.

24 BUBBLE REGISTRATION FORM  If you leave anything BLANK, you will not be allowed to make any changes next year.  If you write down a class on the Registration Form and that class is on your schedule next year, you will not be allowed to change it.  If you would like to make any changes after tonight, please email, mail, or phone your requests to one of the school counselors BEFORE April 15. o o o 666-4474 (MCHS School Counseling Center)


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