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TBC Food Security and Livelihoods Programme: Entrepreneurship Development.

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1 TBC Food Security and Livelihoods Programme: Entrepreneurship Development

2 TBC 2016 Preparedness Programme in Thailand Strengthening Sustainable Development Capacities and Focusing Humanitarian Assistance to the Most Vulnerable Readiness Organisational Development Participation and Governance Economic and Social Development Emergency Response Humanitarian Support TBC Strategic Direction 2013-2017 2016 programme ProtectionAccountabilityProtectionAccountability ProtectionAccountabilityProtectionAccountability Food Assistance Targeted Food distribution Pilot Cash Transfer Programme Charcoal distribution Alternative Cooking Fuels/Energy Return planning Food Assistance Targeted Food distribution Pilot Cash Transfer Programme Charcoal distribution Alternative Cooking Fuels/Energy Return planning Nutrition Infant and Young Child Feeding, Therapeutic Feeding, Nursery School lunches, Nutrition surveillance, Return planning, Nutrition Infant and Young Child Feeding, Therapeutic Feeding, Nursery School lunches, Nutrition surveillance, Return planning, Community Management Preparedness Program Camp Management, Refugee Participation, Coordination of Basic Services, Protection and Accountability, Advocacy, Refugee led Preparedness and return planning Community Management Preparedness Program Camp Management, Refugee Participation, Coordination of Basic Services, Protection and Accountability, Advocacy, Refugee led Preparedness and return planning Shelter and Settlement Shelter Assistance, Settlement Management – Housing Policy, Disaster Risk Reduction, Settlement Planning Training,Small scale construction and furniture making skills trainings, Shelter and Settlement Shelter Assistance, Settlement Management – Housing Policy, Disaster Risk Reduction, Settlement Planning Training,Small scale construction and furniture making skills trainings, Food Security and Livelihoods Community Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development Community Livelihoods Management Return planning Food Security and Livelihoods Community Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development Community Livelihoods Management Return planning Community Driven Natural Resource Management

3 Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) The Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) aims to help residents develop skills for enterprise creation and management, generate income, inculcate savings behaviour, and thus improve their food and livelihoods security while reducing dependence on humanitarian aid. Grants Create opportunities for entrepreneurial activities in camps through training, provision of grants for small business and regular mentoring and technical support. Savings and Loans Create community-based funds for financial accessibility, including group savings and loan activities in camps for financial and social capacity building.

4 Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Core Activities : Entrepreneurship Development and Grant Training Regular follow-up and mentoring services to clients Technical Training on Animal Raising and Food Processing Training on Group Formation and Community Based Savings and Loans Small Business Management Training for existing and self-reliant entrepreneurs Exposure Trips for camp residents, including CBO representatives

5 Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) 2170 entrepreneurs are being supported through individual grants, group business or savings and loans programmes in 9 camps Small group rice retail business in MLO and MRML have contributed to ensuring affordable rice access for families

6 Kay Lee, Umpiem Mai


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