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Week 3 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012 New Media Marissa Kluger September 14, 2012

2 Mass Communication and its Digital Age media’s function: inform, persuade, entertain, and even sell cultural, social, and economic changes Journalists, PR professionals, advertising people, content creators, and media consumers are all affected new media symbols, processes, and effects convergence case studies: telephone & television

3 Case Study: Telephony mobility communication becomes more fluid and spontaneous changed communication patterns therefore changing social relations actually, the telegraph first changed our speed of communication earlier telephones delivered news private enterprise equaled competition multifunctional communications device; interface between old and new media (mass communication/interpersonal communication)

4 Three Types of Convergence convergence is the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment (“ongoing phenomenon”) Technological Convergence Economic Convergence Cultural Convergence

5 Convergence Context Is user-generated content creativity or piracy (copyright infringement)? it’s easy to copy and alter digital content Creative Commons: content is free, but the original creator must be credited and can only be used if it isn’t sold

6 Implications of Convergence Media Organization Changes “ “ Types “ “ “ “ Content “ “ “ “ Use “ “ “ ” Distribution “ “ “ ”Audience “ “ “ “ Profession “ “ Attitude & Value “ “

7 Mass Communication in a Digital Age Interpersonal Communication Mass Communication Mass Communication & Convergence

8 Functions of Mass Communication Surveillance Correlation Cultural Transmission Entertainment

9 Theories of Communication Transmission Models Critical Theory and Cultural Studies

10 Television: The Future of Convergence Television viewing habits changed by the advent of the remote control and the use of digital video recorders (DVRs) product placement convergence of television and the personal computer

11 Looking Back & Moving Forward interesting yet confusing mixture of mass communication combining with digital technologies Issues: consumer privacy, copyright, affordable access to the Internet and other legal, regulatory, or ethical Will the Internet flourish and continue to give way to many voices or become little more than a commodity? What do you think?

12 Week 3 Tasks Please post the following end-of-chapter discussion questions to your personal blog: 1, 7, and 8 on page 32. The entry should be titled Chapter 1 Discussion. Read the first half of Chapter 3: pages 34-47.

13 Personal Blogs This weekend, I will be leaving comments on your self-introduction blog entries. Additionally, here is the link to my personal blog: If you leave a comment, please do not do so anonymously. Name and class number would allow me to adequately reply to your comment.

14 Class Blog & Website I have set up a website for us. The website includes each class’s blog. I will also post all assignments, PPTs, and other class materials there. dex.html

15 Odds & Ends Next week: Media Literacy in the Digital Age; Introduction to Web Browsers, RSS feeds and News Alerts Tutorial Email etiquette Always include a subject, your name and class(or student number). Please do not send attachments; whenever you are sending a link, it is better to copy and paste the link from your web browser. Always check to make sure the link works before sending your email. Do your best to keep up with the readings. I will always send an email to you on Friday afternoon. It will be shorter from now on. Due to the fact that I will post everything on the website so please get used to checking it!

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