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Canavan’s Disease By Carissa D’Agostino.

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1 Canavan’s Disease By Carissa D’Agostino

2 What is Canavan’s? Named after Myrtelle Canavan
Described disease in 1931 First female pathologist Disease Group: Leukodystrophies Neurological genetic disorder affects the nerve cells of the brain  deterioration of the brain Brain can no longer receive and send messages to the body. It is one of 50 Leukodystrophies, a disease group known for degeneration of myelin, the fatty covering used to insulate nerve fibers. Also called: Canavan-Van Bogaert-Bertrand Disease, Spongy Degeneration of central Nervous System, Aspartoacylase deficiency, ASPA Deficiency, Aminoacylase 2 Deficiency, ACY2 Deficiency, ASP Deficiency What is Canavan’s?

3 Cause 1933- Dr. Rueben Matalon
Discovered the gene from tissues of Canavan patients Led to carrier screening & prenatal testing Mutation in ASPA gene prevents breakdown of NAA Chemical imbalance with Myelin & build up destruction of Myelin & brain’s nerve cells ASPA gene is located on Chromosome 17 at 17pter-p13 Many mutations in ASPA were found A305E- most common in non-Jewish patients & the most ancient mutation found E285A & Y231X- most common in Ashkenazi Jews The gene responsible is ASPA which codes for the making of aspartoacytlase enzyme. Apastoacytlase breaks down NAA (N-acetyl-L-aspartic acid) that is found in nerve cells. NAA’s function is unclear but is probably involved in the production of myelin or “white matter”, fatty insulation to nerve cells. The build up of NAA after the ASPA mutation destroys myelin which leads to brain damage. Cause

4 Inheritance Autosomal Recessive Affects all Ethnic backgrounds
Both parents must be carriers Affects all Ethnic backgrounds Mostly Ashkenazi Jews 1 in 6,400-13,500 have it 1 in 38 are carriers General population: 1 in 300 are carriers Matalon found congenital, infantile & late onset forms Ashkenazi Jews are from East and Central Europe. Dr. Matalon had 70 patients with Canavan’s and only 5 were non- Jewish. Out of the Jewish patients most came from East Europe and 35 came from Saudi Arabia, where the disease is very common. Inheritance

5 Symptoms Develop in Early Infancy (3-6 months) Gradual loss of skills
Lifespan: Usually about 18 months Most only have childhood- age 10 Very few reach their teens and young adulthood Symptoms

6 Symptoms Macrocephaly Nasal regurgitation Deafness Irritability
Optic atrophy Lack of head control Blindness/ Poor Vision Hypotonia, especially in the neck Nystagmus Delayed closure of anterior fontanelle Reflux with vomiting Severe intellectual disabilities Seizures Difficulty swallowing Opisthotonous Hyperreflexia Loss of very early milestones Joint stiffness Decerebrate- Stiff bent arms, clenched fists, legs straight out Delay in development Motor loss Heartburn Brian Atrophy Trouble sleeping Demyelination Macrocephaly- large head Optic atrophy- tissue loss in the optic nerve of the eye Nystagmus- rapid involuntary movements of the eye Hypotonia- poor muscle tone Opisthotonous-muscle spasms Decerebrate-decorticate posture Symptoms

7 Diagnosis Biochemical and DNA tests Increased amounts of NAA in urine
Finding known or novel mutations 95% certainty if someone is a carrier Increased amounts of NAA in urine Aspartoacylase deficiency in cultured skin fibroblasts Blood Chemistry CSF chemistry MRI or CT Prenatal diagnosis is difficult CVS- Chorionic Villus Sampling Amniocentesis Genetic Counseling Novel= New CSF- Cerebral Spinal Fluid analysis Prenatal diagnosis is difficult because of low aspartoacylase activity CVS-placenta Amniocentesis- fluid around fetus Diagnosis

8 Treatment No Known Cure Treatment Based on Symptoms
From Life-extending to Comfort measures Lithium and other drugs Researching: Gene Therapy, Stem cells & Acetate supplement Support Groups: Canavan Foundation & Jacob’s Cure Drugs used to slow down the progression of the disease Treatment

9 Summary Named after Myrtelle Canavan
A neurological disorder  affects nerve cells & causes brain deterioration Caused by a mutation with ASPA gene found on chromosome 17 by Dr. Matalon demyelination. Autosomal Recessive Affects mostly Ashkenazi Jews Symptoms develop in early infancy & lifespan is usually no longer than childhood Diagnosis by MRI, CT, DNA testing, Prenatal testing, aspartoacylase deficiency, or increased amounts of NAA Treatment follows patient’s symptoms because there is no known cure. Research: Gene therapy, stem cells & acetate supplement to find more treatments Summary

10 “ASPA_gene_location. ”Photograph. Wiki. n. p. , 21 April 2012. Web
“ASPA_gene_location.”Photograph. Wiki. n.p., 21 April Web. 4 Dec “brain-whole-axial-canavan.” Photograph. n.p., n.d. web. 4 Dec “Canavan.” National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2013. “Canavan Disease.” US National Library of Medicine, Jan Web. 1 Dec 2013. “Canavan’s Disease.” US National Library of Medicine, 31 Oct Web. 1 Dec “CanavanFoundation-logo.” Photogrpah. Canavan Foundation, Web. 4 Dec “Decerebrate.” Photograph. n.p., April Web. 4 Dec “Jacobscurelogo.” Photograph. Wikigenetics. Jacob’s cure, 25 Feb Web. 4 Dec Katz, Lisa. “Canavan’s Disease.” N.p., n.d. web. 1 Dec Steinberg, Douglas. “Normal.”Photograph. The-scientist. n.p., 17 Sept Web. 4 Dec 2013. “Transmission_of_autosomal_recessive_traits.” Photograph. n.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec “# Canavan Disease.” OMIM. John Hopkins University, 25 Oct Web. 1 Dec “ Canavan Disease Synopsis.” OMIM. John Hopkins University. 8 Jan Web. 1 Dec Works Cited

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