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By: Roufaida Al-Misky, M.D.. What is a cell? Human Cells Different Kinds of Human Cells I. Brain Cells II. Heart Cells III. Muscle Cells IV. Bone Cells.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Roufaida Al-Misky, M.D.. What is a cell? Human Cells Different Kinds of Human Cells I. Brain Cells II. Heart Cells III. Muscle Cells IV. Bone Cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Roufaida Al-Misky, M.D.

2 What is a cell? Human Cells Different Kinds of Human Cells I. Brain Cells II. Heart Cells III. Muscle Cells IV. Bone Cells V. Blood Cells Stem Cells

3 A cell is the basic building block of life. All organisms are made of cell(s). There are single and multi-cellular organisms. Every cell has cytoplasm, DNA and a cell membrane.

4 210 human cell types 100 trillion cells in the human body.

5 Neurons (nerve cells) send and receive electro-chemical signals to and from brain and nervous system. 100 billion in the brain. cannot heal after being damaged. 1,000 to 10,000 synapses communicates with 1,000- 10,000 other neurons, muscle cells, etc

6 Glial (glue) cells make up of about 90% of brain cells Support neurons digest of parts of dead neurons Make myelin for neurons provide physical and nutritional support for neurons


8 cardiac myocytes, or cardiomyocytes. the muscle cell family unique differences more mitochondria organelles than any other cell in the body. continuous supply of energy helps stop muscle fatigue. intercalated disks synchronize the contractions of all cardiomyocytes T tubules plasma membranes surround cell and organizes into pairs to build muscle strands used to build the myocardium

9 Muscle cell or fiber make up muscle bundle into larger unit of muscle


11 Osteoblasts bone-forming cells Osteocytes mature bone cells Osteoclasts cells responsible for bone resorption, or breaking down bone

12 There are red and white blood cells. Bone marrow makes blood cells Red blood cells responsible for delivering oxygen to tissues. White blood cells defend against infections. Platelets or throbocytes they circulate in the blood help stop the bleeding of wounds (or clot)

13 Are unspecialized cells Can become any cell in the human body during early life. an internal repair system in many tissues. Can divide many times, unlike other cells. i. Ex. If left in lab, one stem cell become divide into millions.

14 specialized cells can be used to regenerate and repair diseased or damaged tissues in people spinal cord injuries type 1 diabetes Alzheimer's disease heart disease; stroke rheumatoid arthritis; osteoarthritis Stem cells could also be grown to become new tissue for use in transplant medicine.

15 Test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. nerve cells could be generated to test a new drug for a nerve disease Tests could show… whether the new drug had any effect on the cells or whether the cells were harmed





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