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LOVE Its Evolution and Neurobiology

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1 LOVE Its Evolution and Neurobiology

2 What Is Love? LOVE IS A DISORDER … like schizophrenia. Thus the phrase, “Madly in Love." As a disorder/disease, love is thought to result from a Chemical Imbalance in the brain, and there appears to be a hereditary component. Identical twin studies prove conclusively that when twins are separated at birth, they will still love, and fall in love, much like control groups.

3 Just a Little Neuroscience JOKE

4 Can’t You Just… “Feel the LOVE” In the Following Scenes?

5 Rated in the Top 10 Most Romantic Movies Ever!

6 Remember This One?

7 Remember this Unusual Wedding?

8 Who’s That Vampire?

9 “Behind Every Great Love is a Great Story!”

10 They Were ACTING! If You Experienced Warm & Fuzzy Feelings, You Had E MOTIONAL I LLUSIONS of LOVE! L OVE E MPATHY – R esults from Genetic Predisposition & Prior Experience… Establishing Neurocircuitry of Love in Your Brains!


12 Real LOVE…Is it Uniquely Human?

13 Can’t Other Animals Love?

14 Are BONDING and LOVE Most Highly Evolved in HUMANS?

15 Our Capacities Are Probably NOT Greater than Our Nearest Non-Human Primate Relatives! Do You Know What Species is Our Closest Relative? Their Loving Relationships Approximate the Strengths of Our Own. In their Abilities to Extend Love to Achieve Peace (i.e., “Turn the Other Cheek”), They Are, At Least, Our Equals.

16 Masters of Peace and Love! BONOBOS


18 Recent Evidence: BONOBO LOVE Most Similar to HUMANS !

19 “LOVE” & Attachment in Other Animals …

20 Well Known Animals that Mate for Life

21 Andean Geese Canadian Geese

22 Their Other Sides Are NOT So Loving!

23 Is there a Connection Between LOVE and Aggression?

24 “Intra-Specific Aggression Can Exist Without its Counterpart, Love, but Conversely… THERE IS NOT LOVE WITHOUT AGGRESSION.” (Konrad Lorenz; Winner of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Medicine.)

25 LOVE & B ONDING /A TTACHMENT Evolved to Suppress Aggression and Fear Between Members of the Same Species! (for mating & cooperation) Only Found in Species With Strong Genetic Predispositions to Attack and Compete With Fellow Members of the Same Species!

26 LOVE & Aggression Depend on Neuroanatomy and Neurochemistry

27 Brain Cells (Neurons) Release Neurochemicals (Neurotransmitters) Graham Johnson, Medical Media, Boulder, Colorado rve_signaling/overview/images/image_08.jpg

28 “I’ve campaigned for Renaming Valentines Day to Dopamine Day. After all, that’s what it’s really about. The Thrill of Romantic Love is Largely the Handiwork of the Neurotransmitter Dopamine.“ ( Raven Hanna, 2009) Romantic Love

29 Someone I Love Told Me… Her First Crack Cocaine Experience Was Like an Intense Feeling of Falling In Love!

30 Is LOVE Just an ADDICTION for a Person Instead of a Substance? & What about BONDING?

31 OXYTOCIN Necessary for BONDING & TRUST in Humans

32 ott_s_disease_associated_with_tuberculous_meningitis_ca using_blindness/pott-fig3a.jpg Oxytocin and Vasopressin Produced in Only 2 Brain Regions Vasopressin cells are immunostained with fluorescent green and oxytocin cells with fluorescent red.

33 Oxytocin Elevates Trust by Supressing the Amygdala …the Brain’s FEAR Center, and ANGER and AGGRESSION Initiating Region. Fearful Stimuli Do Not Activate Amygdala Activity In Subjects who had Sniffed Oxytocin (compared to controls). Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Kosfeld M, Heinrichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U, Fehr E. University of Zurich, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, Blumlisalpstrasse 10, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland. Nature. 2005 Jun 2;435(7042):673-6Kosfeld MHeinrichs MZak PJFischbacher UFehr E

34 Can You Think of Any Other Neurochemicals that Play a Role?

35 Human Pheromone in Perfumes and Colognes Do they really work? If you can find the real thing…Yes. Your partner certainly provides the real thing!

36 Well documented to have very specific effects on brain activity of women. One of the only pheromones shown to stimulate the VNO. Can elevate a woman’s mood and even alleviate PMS stress! Known to increase intimacy and comfort in women. Reported to also increase caring feelings. Called the “Love Pheromone” because of the feelings and reactions it induces in women. “The Real Thing” - Male Human Pheromone Androstadienone (4,16-androstadien-3-one) Love Formula #6 - For Men (See Below)

37 Nature. 2009;457(7226):148. Being human: love: neuroscience reveals all. Young LJ. CNS Spectr. 2009;14(5):239-42. Love and attachment: the psychobiology of social bonding. Stein DJ, Vythilingum B.Young LJStein DJVythilingum B

38 Is LOVE is Nothing More than a Handful of Neurochemicals Suppressing a Couple of Brain Regions Long Enough to Permit Reproduction and Feeding/Rearing of Offspring?

39 Photo by Harding Ballough –“The deepest and most complete love is given by forgetting and extending yourself—an almost self-abrogation—extending all of your caring, concern and devotion to that other individual and making that other individual the center of your existence.” Psyche Reanime par le Baisser de l'Amour – Antonio CANOVA - 1757 -1822

40 Can You Be Bribed?

41 4,16-androstadien-3-one: Balkan Pharmaceuticals 사에서 나온 이퀴포입니다. 1 병에 10ml 들어있구요 1ml 에 250mg 입니다. 컷팅용으로 많이 사용됩니다 Ballough, Prushan, Chicken Man Love Formula #6 For Men

42 Ballough, Prushan, Chicken Man Love Formula #6 - For Men USE AT YOUR OWN RISK CAUTION! FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY! DO NOT INGEST! DO NOT GET IN YOUR EYES! Ovulating Women May Lose Composure Apply to the Neck or Chest Using a Q-Tip

43 Dedicated to My Family--With All My Love! PLEASE SING with this Acquiescent Neuroscientist; He Needs Help

44 Some Say LOVE…

45 It is a River…That Drowns the Tender Reed

46 Some Say LOVE…

47 It is a Razor…That Leaves Your Soul to Bleed (My Sons)

48 Some Say LOVE…

49 It is a Hunger…An Endless Aching Need

50 I Say LOVE…It is a Flower

51 And You…Its Only Seed

52 When the Night has Been Too Lonely

53 And the Road has Been Too Long

54 And You Think…That LOVE is Only

55 For the Lucky and the Strong

56 Just Remember…In the Winter

57 Far Beneath the Bitter Snow

58 Lies a Seed that with the Sun’s LOVE

59 In the Spring…Becomes a Rose!

60 When the Night…Has Been Too Lonely

61 And the Road Has Been Too Long

62 And You Think…That LOVE is Only

63 For the Lucky…And the Strong

64 Just Remember…In the Winter

65 Far Beneath…the Bitter Snow

66 Lies a Seed…That with the Sun’s LOVE

67 In the Spring……

68 Becomes a Rose!

69 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES : Being human: love: neuroscience reveals all. Young LJ. Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA. Nature. 2009 Jan 8;457(7226):148. Young LJ The neurobiology of love. Zeki S. University College, Department of Anatomy, London, UK. FEBS Lett. 2007 Jun 12;581(14):2575-9. Epub 2007 May 8. Zeki From affiliative behaviors to romantic feelings: a role of nanopeptides. Debiec J. Department of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016, USA. FEBS Lett. 2007 Jun 12;581(14):2580-6. Epub 2007 May 8. Debiec Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Kosfeld M, Heinrichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U, Fehr E. University of Zurich, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, Blumlisalpstrasse 10, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland. Nature. 2005 Jun 2;435(7042):673-6 Kosfeld MHeinrichs MZak PJ Fischbacher UFehr E

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