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An Overview of Select Asian Countries India, China, Japan, and Indonesia.

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1 An Overview of Select Asian Countries India, China, Japan, and Indonesia

2 India The Subcontinent

3 South Asia (India) Physical Geography ◦Geographers refer to South Asia as a “subcontinent” ◦The continental crash created the enormous Himalayan Mountains

4 South Asia (India) Physical Geography (cont.) ◦The most populated area of India is around the Ganges River  This major river begins in the mountains and flows southeast into the Bay of Bengal

5 South Asia (India) Physical Geography (cont.) ◦The southern portion of India is an elevated area of land called the Deccan Plateau.  How does this impact the way people live?

6 South Asia (India) Physical Geography (cont.) ◦Monsoon season  A monsoon is a seasonal shift in winds


8 South Asia (India) Human Geography ◦India is the second most populated country in the world. 1.2 billion people call this country home. ◦Most of the people live near the coast or the Ganges river valley.

9 South Asia (India) Human Geography (cont.) ◦A Little History  India gained independence from Great Britain in 1947.  The Indian people rallied behind a strong non- violent leader, Mohandas Gandhi

10 South Asia (India) Human Geography (cont.) ◦Gandhi’s work included:  Boycott –  Non-violent resistance –

11 South Asia (India) Human Geography (cont.) ◦The British decided that partition of South Asia was the only way to solve the cultural differences between the people.

12 South Asia (India) Human Geography (cont.) ◦India today  Although 7 out of 10 people in India live in small, poor, rural villages, the nation is experiencing new economic growth.  Life in India’s cities is much like life in American cities

13 South Asia (India) Human Geography (cont.) ◦Cultural Life  Most of the people in India practice Hinduism ◦ Beliefs  Polytheistic –  Reincarnation –  Caste System –

14 East Asia China and Japan

15 China Physical Geography ◦China is the world’s 3 rd largest country (Behind Russia and Canada. Just larger than the U.S. and Brazil.)

16 China Physical Geography (cont.) ◦Most of China’s population live near the major rivers of the North China Plain.  Huang He (Yellow) River  Yangzi River

17 China Physical Geography (cont.) ◦The region in northern China with vast natural resources is called Manchuria.  Iron Ore, coal, some oil, and natural gas.

18 China Physical Geography (cont.) ◦To the west are the sparse regions of the Gobi Desert and the Tibetan Plateau

19 China Physical Geography (cont.) ◦It’s a Dam controversy ◦China is working on a very controversial project called the Three Gorges Dam. ProsCons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


21 Writing Assignment After looking at the pros and cons of the dam, write a five paragraph opinion essay either supporting the construction or not supporting construction. List at least three reasons supporting your opinion.

22 Japan Land of the Rising Sun

23 Physical Geography Japan is an archipelago. ◦Four major islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu How do you think being an island nation has impacted life in Japan?

24 The Ring of Fire Japan is located along the “Ring of Fire” What is subduction?

25 Climate The climate of Japan is very similar to that of the Eastern U.S. ◦Colder in the North, and warm to hot in the South. Japan is affected by monsoons The eastern shore is often devastated by typhoons brought by the warm ocean currents.

26 Human Geography Japan is a very densely populated country.

27 Human Geography Japan has a very uniform, or homogenous, population. ◦Over 99% of the people have Japanese ancestry.

28 Human Geography Economy in Japan ◦Japan does not fit the typical theory of “If you have resources a country will be wealthy, and if you don’t you will be poor.” ◦Japan is a country without vast natural resources. However, Japan does have a thriving industrial economy. ◦How is this possible? What is Japan's greatest resource?

29 Human Geography Japan’s greatest resource is its population. ◦Japan takes great pride in its education system. ◦The educated population has carried over into the Japanese economy.

30 Assignment ◦The school board has hired you as a consultant to investigate the possibility of incorporating aspects of the Japanese education system here in Metamora. Write a one page letter to the board indicating your opinion and whether or not MTHS should adopt some of the Japanese methods.

31 Indonesia Islands and more Islands

32 Indonesia

33 Indonesia Physical Geography ◦Made up of over 17000 islands.  Largest islands are Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan ◦Many of the islands are volcanic due to its position on the borders of 3 major tectonic plates  150 active volcanoes  Krakatau is a famous one  Merapi is the most active today

34 Indonesia Living near so much water with tectonic activity can put one in danger of a tsunami

35 Indonesia Human Geography ◦A wide variety of ethnic groups live throughout the country ◦4 th most populated country in the world ◦Largest Muslim country in the world

36 Indonesia Resources ◦Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia. ◦Natural resources like oil (OPEC), natural gas, and various metals make it an industrial power

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