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Spanish Christmas Traditions Learning Objective: To investigate the religious and non-religious significance of some Spanish Christmas traditions. Learning.

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1 Spanish Christmas Traditions Learning Objective: To investigate the religious and non-religious significance of some Spanish Christmas traditions. Learning Outcome: To identify some Spanish Christmas traditions and link to the Christmas story. To write a newspaper article about your Spanish experience of Christmas. 06 June 2016

2 Starter

3 Spain is a predominantly Roman Catholic country and Christmas is a very special time of year. Many of the Christmas traditions in Spain are familiar to us but they make a special effort to keep “Christ in Christmas”. What do you think this means?


5 La Cena de Navidad Traditionally very similar to British fayre. Often lots of seafood! Spanish Sparkling Wine - Cava Turrón

6 “Belenes” and “Nacimientos”

7 El Caganer – a very strange Spanish tradition which the children love is to have ornament at the back of the Crib of a man having a poo! This might sound strange to us but it is an old custom thought to bring good luck to the house!

8 La Misa del Gallo Like most of the world’s Catholics, Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation. Spanish people attend Church for Midnight Mass which remembers that the shepherds heard of Christ’s birth at night.

9 Cantar para aguinaldo Carol singing is so popular in Spain, especially on the last day of school. Spanish children sing in the streets for their aguinaldo (or pocket money) and dress as shepherds!


11 El Día de los Inocentes This remembers Herod’s massacre of all the baby boys in the region of Bethlehem shortly after the birth of Jesus. It takes place on 28 th December each year. For the Spanish the day is a little like April Fools Day! Spaniards remember this even in an unusually light hearted way – by playing practical jokes on each other and naming them “¡INOCENTE!”

12 “Los Reyes Magos” La Fiesta de España Aside from Christmas, there is another festival that is celebrated in Spain that is about the Christmas Story. It's called Epiphany or Kings’ Day and is celebrated on January 6th. This is the twelfth night after Christmas. In Spanish, Epiphany is called ‘Fiesta de los Reyes Magos’: in English this means ‘The festival of the Magic Kings’. Epiphany celebrates when the Kings or Wise men had brought gifts to the baby Jesus. Most presents are opened on Epiphany, instead of Christmas. Some children believe that the Kings bring presents to them at Epiphany. They write letters to their kings on Boxing Day asking for toys and goodies. On Epiphany Eve, they leave their shoes on windowsills, balconies, or under the Christmas tree to be filled with toys. Gifts are left for the Kings, such as a class of Cognac for each King, a satsuma and some walnuts. Water for the camels! Naughty children receive a piece of charcoal!

13 Cabalgata de Reyes On the night before Epiphany, Spanish people attend a huge Christmas parade. You find the Kings on floats throwing sweets and chocolate for all the children! Spaniards love it!

14 Roscón de Reyes

15 Newspaper Article Produce an article for the Newspaper “Bring Forth the News”. Remember, you will need a headline and a picture. Be sure to include: Reference to the Christmas Epiphany story, found in Matthew and Luke. How the festival is celebrated in Spain How the festival is celebrated in England (comparison) Should Epiphany be more important to Christians in England, or have the Spanish commercialised it too much? (Try to be critical)

16 “Gimme 5” In the back of your exercise books, write down 5 things you have learnt in today’s lesson. Be prepared to share your ideas with the rest of the class.

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