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Is There a Right to Access?: Of Authors, Publishers & Users Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable 2010 Drake Law School Alina Ng March 27, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Is There a Right to Access?: Of Authors, Publishers & Users Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable 2010 Drake Law School Alina Ng March 27, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is There a Right to Access?: Of Authors, Publishers & Users Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable 2010 Drake Law School Alina Ng March 27, 2010

2 Idea that private property rights restrict access to promote progress as a basic human right knowledge should be free Does society have a right to access creative works?

3 2 polar opposites 1.Copyright as an incentive to create & disseminate 2.Copyright as a necessary evil society bears

4 Exclusive rights 1.Encourage creativity 2.Misused to protect markets


6 Right to Access in Property Law (1)Servitudes - non possessory interest (2)Necessity – defense to trespass

7 Right to Access in Copyright Fair Use

8 “The more transformative the new work, the less will be the significance of other factors, like commercialism, that may weigh against a finding of fair use.” Campbell v.Acuff-Rose Music, 510 U.S. 569 (1994)


10 There doesn’t seem to be a general right to access in copyright…fair use is not a right in itself

11 what society has is a privilege to use

12 what publishers have is a privilege to exercise the rights under §106

13 What about authors? Do they have a right to access? 1.Servitudes 2.Necessity 3.Fair use

14 Analysis A right of access exists, if at all, only for authors: a)to create new works: as in the law on servitudes, access may be necessary to make a property right complete; and, b)To promote progress: as in the law on fair use & necessity, access may be necessary to comment, criticize, and teach

15 Other than that a general claim to a right to access literary and artistic works will only result in confusion between rights and privileges… …in law, there doesn’t seem to be such a right

16 So… …why is there such a claim in the literature?

17 Two bodies of scholarship 1.Law & Economics 2.Critical Legal Studies

18 Conclusion: There isn’t a general right of society to access literary and artistic works… …but the idea persists in the literature because of more contemporary thinking about rights and obligations

19 Thank You

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