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Effective Healthcare Management For managers in The Medical Offices of Doctor Finger, Hand, and Foot By Yelena Maskalik 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Healthcare Management For managers in The Medical Offices of Doctor Finger, Hand, and Foot By Yelena Maskalik 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Healthcare Management For managers in The Medical Offices of Doctor Finger, Hand, and Foot By Yelena Maskalik 1

2 Introduction What is healthcare management? Why were organizations created? 2

3 Agenda 1.Five Major Functions of Management Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling 3

4 Agenda 2.Three Management Styles Directing Delegating Discussing 4

5 Scenario For The 5 Functions Of Management You are a newly appointed manager at a progressive and respected medical office and are now responsible for setting up a meet and great for all the employees including your newly appointed division supervisors(managers) and conduct a managerial meeting. 5

6 Planning 6 Set a direction Determine what needs to be accomplished Performance targets Example: During this meeting you communicate and review all the current and revised office policy's and reiterate what direction the office aims to function in.

7 Organizing Organizing divisions/units/service Creating reporting relationships Determine positions/distribute responsibility Example: During the meeting you are tasked with describing and delivering the new organization model for the office. 7

8 Staffing HR Developing and maintaining workforce Effective strategies and tactics Example: During the meeting you address the need to improve the HR department and provide more workforce development through work sponsored classes and education 8

9 Leading Leading and motivating by positive example and rewards Considering self/unit/organization as whole Unified communication through proper channels Example: During your meeting you recognize that some employees may feel overwhelmed and demotivated by some of the restructuring and changes in roles/responsibility. 9

10 Controlling Monitoring staff activities/performance Corrective actions to increase performance Example: During your meeting you communicate to your staff that with all the new organization changes and goals, new measures to ensure staff performance will be implemented. 10

11 Management Styles Directing Delegating Discussion 11

12 Directing Learning through listening/following directions Manager tells employees what, how, and when Scenario: As a new division supervisor you are tasked with meeting with the front office staff and educating them on how to process/input patient information, schedule appointments, and schedule follow ups using the new computerized system. 12

13 Discussing Learning through interaction/critical thinking Allows for question/answer time for employees Issue resolution through opportunity and support Scenario: During your training for the front office staff you (the new front office division supervisor) simulate a case where a patient is upset because there was a mix up in appointment times. 13

14 Delegating Promotes learning through empowerment Manager (division supervisor) assigns tasks for individuals/groups Scenario: As the HR division supervisor you are tasked with overseeing the creation of a new external educational program. 14

15 Summary What does being a good and effective manager mean in the healthcare setting? 15

16 References Buchbinder, S., & Shanks, N. (2012). An overview of healthcare management. In Introduction to health care management (2nd ed., pp. 1-15). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Freifeld, L., (2013, June 6). Leveraging 3 Primary Management Styles. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from 0010754%20Leveraging%20the%20Three%20Primary%20Management%20Styles.pdf 16

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