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Distance Education at GCC: Past, Present, and Future Directions Consistent Growth with an emphasis on Quality Shereen Allison, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Education at GCC: Past, Present, and Future Directions Consistent Growth with an emphasis on Quality Shereen Allison, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Education at GCC: Past, Present, and Future Directions Consistent Growth with an emphasis on Quality Shereen Allison, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Instructional Technology July 19, 2010

2 State and Local Definitions 55200. Definition and Application. Distance education means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology. All distance education is subject to the general requirements of this chapter as well as the specific requirements of this article. In addition, instruction provided as distance education is subject to the requirements that may be imposed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12100 et seq.) and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (29 U.S.C. §794d). Online Classes in which over 51% of traditional classroom instruction is replaced with instruction online via the internet. Some online classes require on campus sessions for orientation or testing. 79 Hybrid Classes in which over 10% and under 51% of traditional classroom instruction is replaced with technology mediated instruction. 66 Web- Experimental Classes in which under 10% of the instruction is replaced with technology mediated instruction such as online exercises, video or CDROM. 439 Sections in Spring on Blackboard Web- Enhanced Classes that meet in the classroom setting during ALL class hours but make use of the internet for supplemental communication, out- of-class assignments, and learning resources. *Currently GCC Online Courses Require a Face-to-Face Mandatory Orientation

3 Strategic Alignment and Value of Distance Education  Aligned with GCC Educational Master Plan, 2020 Strategic Themes & Strategic Goals including:  Creativity and Innovation in Teaching/learning  Instruction Programs and Student Services  Streamline movement through curriculum  Promote innovative learning for 21 st century students and faculty  Value of Distance Education  Serve student populations that are not currently being served  Extend offerings beyond limited physical resources  Provide students efficient and more flexible scheduling options  Offer broad range of educational experiences that familiarize students with technology and promote self- directed behavior  Promote innovative instructional strategies faculty development Distance Education is a key tool in the ability of the college to meet the diverse needs of its’ students

4 What Students are Saying: About Distance Education  “To be able to communicate and be educated with a professor outside the classroom, amazing”  “I have a lot of health issues and being able to stay home makes my situation easier”  “It’s really great for adults who have work and family”  “Much more convenient-I can use my time to study on my own.” The top cited reason for choosing an online or hybrid course was to manage scheduling issues with work, family, or other courses. Quotes are responses from the Spring, 2010 Student Blackboard/WebCT Satisfaction Survey, N=689 About Blackboard CMS  “Wish all my classes updated grades and posted handouts on blackboard”  “I wish all of the teachers were required to use the system, it would make life a lot easier.”  “Have more classes available to use Blackboard/WebCT. It seems to have made it easier for me to succeed in my classes.”  “I think Blackboard/WebCT should be a requirement for every teacher because I t helps students do better in the classroom in numerous ways”

5 Art 102 – Online, Dr. Trudi Abram

6 Credit ESL

7  13,499 student enrollment in active courses on the Blackboard System in one semester, Spring 2010  Leverage cost of instructional technology to support Distance Education  CMS  Software (e.g., Turnitin, Respondus)  24/7 Helpdesk Enrollment and CMS Usage GCC is on par with other CA Community Colleges in terms of Number of Credit Students Enrolled in Hybrid or Online Course as Percentage of Total Headcount Average in 2009 was 15%, Spring, 2010 was 17.5%

8 Institution Online AA /AS options East Los Angeles College Online AA degree in General Studies with Arts and Humanities Emphasis or General Studies with Social & Behavioral emphasis LA Valley CollegeNo AA/AS currently offered College of the Canyons AS Degree: Business/Accounting, Hotel/Rest. Management, Liberal Arts & Sciences ( Social Science / Humanities Emphasis) AA Degree: English, History, Social Science. GO program 5-week online classes leading to AA degree Pierce CollegeNo AA/AS currently offered Pasadena City College No AA/AS currently offered GCCNo AA/AS currently offered Trends in Distance Education Offerings “Online programs are well- established at most two-year institutions” “Online courses represent the only real growth in enrollments at most colleges” “Approximately half of respondents in 2005-2006 said that they offered full degree and certificate programs using Distance Education.” Source: Instructional Technology Council (ITC) 2008 Distance Education Survey Results: Tracking the Impact of eLearning at Community Colleges *data as of Spring, 2010

9 GCC Current Infrastructure and Support for DE  WebCT, Campus Edition 8.x  Blackboard 9.1  Moodle (pilot)  Turnitin: anti-plagiarism  Respondus: Quiz/Test Creation Tool  Camtasia – limited licenses  iTunes U  Intelecom & Merlot Content  Freeware, Web 2.0 Applications  Blackboard Mobile 94.8% were satisfied or very satisfied with technical support provided  On-campus, Instructional Technology Resource Center, AD 134  1 Full-Time Instructional Technology Resource Specialist  1 Part-Time, Assistant Instructional Technology Specialist  Work closely with Information Technology (IT)  Teaching and Learning Center  Staff Development  24/7 Helpdesk, contracted through Presidium Course Management SystemSoftware/ServicesSupport for Faculty & Students

10 Growth Driven by Quality  All DE Courses are separately approved as required by:separately approved  Title 5, Section 55378 requires that each DE course shall be separately reviewed and approved by the curriculum committee prior to being offered.  All DE courses are subject to the same local and state approval standards and procedures that are applicable to all other forms of instructional delivery (Community College Distance Education Guidelines, 2004).  The same standards of course quality shall be applied to distance education as are applied to traditional classroom courses (Title 5, Section 55207)  DE Quality Task Force: Joint Senate and Academic Affairs Task Force  Training  Unique issues in DE environments  Impact on load, class sized  Ensure availability of infrastructure and support services  GCC student email accounts  CMS integrated with Peoplesoft for tracking, reporting,  24/7 Helpdesk  Student Services DE Success and Retention Rates are Similar to Traditional Courses Spring, 2010 Retention: Success: Traditional 85%67% Hybrid87% 69% Online 81%62%

11 Growth Driven by Quality: Discussions for the Academic Senate and Governance Committees  Increase CTE certificate programs available online  Establish at least one distance learning program certificate by June 2013 (Educational Master Plan, 2020)  Look towards developing AA/AS degree for people with variable work schedules (e.g., Fire and Police)  Target courses that fulfill IGETCE requirements needed for AA/AS for flexibility in scheduling.  Online courses benefit traditional and online learners by providing flexibility  Look towards developing online IGETCE based degree  Courses that lend themselves to be taught in online mode  Are cornerstone and present scheduling difficulties  Areas with instructor interest teaching in hybrid or online mode Develop IGETCE Courses Online Continue to Develop Robust Offerings GCC has made an investment in instructional technology and intends to build online and hybrid offerings that best serve our diverse student needs. CTE Course & Programs

12 Words of Advice  It’s not a one for one. The lecture format does not translate into the online format. It requires an entirely new design and methodology.  It is a wonderful way to reach students who may not fit the traditional student model. My SLO’s are much better because I’m able to give individual attention to each student.  It’s a lot more work than you think…  It needs to be highly organized and well thought out.  Prepare everything before the start of the semester  Go for it! Truly rewarding experience for students and instructor alike.  Don’t underestimate the amount of work required  It works great if you’ve had the “college experience and are disciplined  Make sure you can follow deadlines and be able to manage your time well  If you’re busy, online is a great way to balance school and life Quotes are responses from the Spring, 2010 Student and Faculty Blackboard/WebCT Satisfaction Survey, N=687 and N=67 respectively. Students to StudentsFaculty to Faculty

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