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PowerSchool Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the State of Michigan School year 2015-2016 DRAFT VERSION MARCH 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerSchool Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the State of Michigan School year 2015-2016 DRAFT VERSION MARCH 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerSchool Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the State of Michigan School year 2015-2016 DRAFT VERSION MARCH 2016

2 New programs for 2015-2016 school year  PowerSchool CRDC “core” system is used for reporting, providing the following capabilities:  Two PowerSchool report programs create comma separated value files (CSV), used for importing the data on the CRDC web site.  Both reports have a print out, summarizing the data in the import files.  PowerSchool “core” supports the 2013-2014 school year and has not made upgrades for the 2015-2016 school year.  PowerSchool for the State of Michigan provides the following CRDC data collection functions:  Conversion programs from current report data to PowerSchool “core” attributes.  CRDC setup validation program.  CRDC Student Pre-Load program, saving student history as of October 1, 2015 and onward.  CRDC Student Load program, updating CRDC attributes during the school year.  Additions to the PowerSchool CRDC screens supported by the State of Michigan.

3 CRDC references used   LEA reporting requirements  form.doc form.doc  Elementary school through High school reporting requirements   Reporting tip for student ethnic code data entry

4 CRDC forms  LEA form  Summary counts for students  Summary counts for schools  Early child, Pre-School, and Kindergarten programs  Distance education  GED programs  School Form  School characteristics  Student enrollment  Classes, Course Enrollment, and program enrollment  School Staff  Cumulative end of year data  School Expenditures (not part of PowerSchool)

5 PowerSchool CRDC input forms (screens) PowerSchool CRDC core  Staff  District info  School info  Courses  Student/Course (CC)  Sections  Students State of Michigan additions  Staff: type, FTE, absent days  No addition  Refers to school type  Conversion to CRDC core data  Student credit recovery course  Section credit recovery course  Student history and maintenance of all cumulative end of year data

6 PowerSchool “core” deliverables and the State of Michigan update procedure  Extended CRDC Staff requirement reporting for the 2015 school year is possible.  Data elements have been added to the Staff table for CRDC reporting. If the data is not entered in PowerSchool, then the method in the past to update Staff/Teacher reporting is used.  Using PowerSchool as the source for Staff data is effective, identifying the teachers and courses taught during the CRDC reporting year.  Macomb county has written an interface between the financial system and PowerSchool, updating the Staff data for CRDC reporting. Your school district may wish to consider doing the same.  At the present moment PowerSchool core system does not fully support Staff reporting, even though the State of Michigan system is prepared to satisfy the new Staff requirements.

7 PowerSchool “core” deliverables and the State of Michigan update procedure  The PowerSchool core system derives CRDC requirements when the two (2) reports are run (Example: chronic absenteeism). There are no student questions in the PowerSchool CRDC forms for derivable data.  The State of Michigan CRDC version has expanded the Student reporting procedures, including a data entry field on the student record for most CRDC reporting categories. This provide the ability to:  View, identify, and report the students in each CRDC category; such as chronic absenteeism.  Override the reporting value by updating the input form data attribute.  Manually enter the reporting data into the system, when no method is available to derive the requirements in PowerSchool.  Provide the ability to import CRDC data into the Student table from external systems.

8 Process  Update district questionnaire (screen) and enter LEA identifier  Update school questionnaire (screen) and enter SCH identifier (important: students in a school with no SCH id are not reported to the CRDC)  Update staff: staff type, staff status, PIC, CRDC support staff, hire date, CRDC questionnaire, staff FTE, and absent days in school year  Run course conversion program and import using data import manager (one time only)  Update courses  Update sections  Update student/course (CC)  Run CRDC setup validation program  Run student pre-load for students effective on October 1  Special procedure using the general collection XML file is necessary for the 2015- 2016 school year  Student history for October 1 is saved during the Fall general collection time period  Import using quick import utility

9 Process continued…  Run student load program for cumulative end of year data  Import using quick import utility  Review results  Run CRDC setup validation program  Identify students in CRDC setup validation with FTE less than 51%  Mark students to exclude from CRDC where another school district is the primary entity provider.  Make a general review of CRDC students and FTE

10 Process continued…  End of school year, June 30  Enter Teacher and Staff FTE  Enter Teacher absent days for the school year  Enter Student credit recovery courses  Update unique sections for single sex classes or advanced placement  Verify student stored grades and are updated for Algebra 1 reporting  Verify student earned credit hours are updated for the end of the school year  Discipline, Offenses, harassment, Restraint and seclusion totals are finalized  Run CRDC setup validation program  Run student load program at the end of the school year, June 30, recording end of year counts.  Import using quick import utility

11 Process continued…  Beginning of new school year in September  Enter Student credit recovery courses completed in summer school  Update unique sections for single sex classes or advanced placement  Verify student earned credit hours are updated for student retention reporting  Verify student enrollment records are created for the new school year, determining when a student is retained in the same grade from last school year  Discipline, Offenses, harassment, Restraint and seclusion totals are finalized  Run CRDC setup validation program  Run student load program in the new school year (September), recording changes made in summer school.  Import using quick import utility  Review, correct, and submit to the CRDC using “Core” reports  Run CRDC Report – Part 1  Run CRDC Report – Part 2

12 Program constraints  The special education count date is not referred to in the State of Michigan CRDC programs.  The October 1 date and the Special education count date, first Wednesday in October, are considered to be close enough for CRDC reporting.  PowerSchool student grade levels referenced include: 0..12, 14, 20, 30 or education setting code of 14, 20, 30.  Early On students, grade 30 where S_MI_STU_GC_X.flagEarlyOn = 1 are ignored and are only included to identify childhood services age 0 – 2, in the CRDC LEA form.  Early Child students (pre-school), grade 30, are reported with ages 3-5 as of the October count date.  Adult education students, grade 20, are only included for counting students in GED preparation programs, in the CRDC LEA form.  Normal student reporting is based on Early Child (3-5) to Grade 14 student population, as of the October 1 CRDC count date.

13 Program constraints continued…  The CRDC student pre-load program identify eligible students as of October 1.  Student in grade levels 0..12, 14, 20, 30.  Enrollment entry date and exit date must be greater than one (1) day.  Exit code of not enrolled (“00”) is excluded.  Students reported in the CRDC submission are saved by the Student Pre load program, using the CRDC collection date. The student pre-load program initializes all the data entered from the prior CRDC submission.  Running the student pre load program after November may result inaccurate collection reporting, due to untimely capture of historical data.  School districts converting to PowerSchool in the school year need to consider where the CRDC data is derived for reporting to the CRDC.  CRDC reporting is reported from the old student information system.  CRDC reporting data for the current school year is converted to PowerSchool for reporting in the CRDC collection. Special student categories effective as of October 1 are to be considered.  Updating the CRDC data element using special programs is a possible solution.

14 CRDC LEA Form Calculations  Part 1, Section I  Student and school counts are available using the student CRDC data with the matching CRDC collection date, saved in history.  Part 1, Section II  Early childhood student count is available for zero (0) to two (2) year olds.  Pre-School student count is available for three (3) to five (5) year olds.  Kindergarten Count is available for five (5) year olds  Developmental retention kindergarten flag is saved for reporting kindergarten students properly. At the present moment the first year of a developmental retention kindergarten program is included in the kindergarten category.

15 Part 2, Section I Distance Education*  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.distanceLearning_YN  Reporting period: entire regular school year  Student grade levels: K-12 14?  Where student course or section virtual delivery code is not spaces  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM CC  INNER JOIN Sections sec ON sec.ID = CC.SectionID  INNER JOIN Courses crs ON crs.Course_Number = sec.Course_Number  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_SEC_TSDL_X secx ON secx.sectionsDCID = sec.DCID  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X crsx ON crsx.coursesDCID = crs.DCID  WHERE CC.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade NOT IN ('20','30')  AND CC.DateLeft IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(CC.DateLeft) - 1 BETWEEN #startDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#collDate#,'EOY')  AND (NVL(secx.virtualDelivery,' ') <> ' ' OR NVL(crsx.virtualDelivery,' ') <> ' ')  ) AS stuDL,

16 Part 2, Section II GED Preparation Programs*  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.GEDProgram_YN and S_STU_CRDC_X.GEDProgramCred_YN  Reporting period: entire regular school year  Student grade level: 20  Age in years 16 to 19  Students who received GED courses and Student graduated with a GED  CASE WHEN NVL(stux.flagAdultEd,0) = 1 AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '20' AND NVL(stux.aeGradStatus,' ') = '3' AND mi_srs_common.miAgeInYears(NVL(stu.dob,TO_DATE('01/01/2099','MM/DD/YYYY')),#collDate#) BETWEEN 16 AND 19  AND (NVL(stux.aeProgJul1,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgJul2,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgJul3,' ') = '3'  OR NVL(stux.aeProgSep1,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgSep2,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgSep3,' ') = '3'  OR NVL(stux.aeProgFeb1,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgFeb2,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgFeb3,' ') = '3'  OR NVL(stux.aeProgApr1,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgApr2,' ') = '3' OR NVL(stux.aeProgApr3,' ') = '3')  THEN 1  ELSE 0  END stuGED,  Student who received their GED in the school year  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM ps_enrollment_reg enr  WHERE enr.studentID = stu.ID AND NVL(enr.exitCode,' ') = '05'  ) AS stuGEDGrad,

17 CRDC School Form Calculations  Part 1, Section II Student Enrollment  Student enrollment based on Active students enrolled on October 1.  Student Pre load saves students used for cumulative end-of-year data reporting.  Student categories saved in history as of October 1:  School Number  Entry date  Exit date  Exit code  Grade Level  Total student FTE  Development retention kindergarten student  Early on student, age 0 to 2.  Gifted and talented student program  LEP student and LEP student program  Special education student (IDEA)  Section 504 student

18 Part 1, Section III continued…  Part 1, Section III Classes in Algebra  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Classes n Geometry  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III High School Enrollment in Algebra 1  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Mathematics courses in High School  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Science courses in High School  Derived from student sections in the school year

19 Part 1, Section III International Baccalaureate Diploma Program*  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.IBDiplomaProgram_YN  Reporting period: Enrolled as of October 1  Student grade levels: 9-12  Courses with a course type of “05”  SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM CC  INNER JOIN Sections sec ON sec.ID = CC.SectionID  INNER JOIN Courses crs ON crs.Course_Number = sec.Course_Number  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X crsx ON crsx.coursesDCID = crs.DCID  WHERE CC.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND CC.dateEnrolled IS NOT NULL  AND #collDate# BETWEEN TRUNC(CC.dateEnrolled) AND NVL(TRUNC(CC.dateLeft),TO_DATE('01/01/2099','MM/DD/YYYY')) - 1  AND NVL(crsx.courseType,' ') = '05'  ) AS stuIB,

20 Part 1, Section III continued…  Part 1, Section III Advanced Placement Student Enrollment  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Advanced Placement Mathematics  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Advanced Placement Science  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Advanced Placement Other subjects  Derived from student sections in the school year  Part 2, Section III Single Sex Academic Classes  Derived from student sections in the school year  Special combo box on courses

21 Part 1, Section III Dual Enrollment*  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.dualEnrollment_YN  Reporting period: Enrolled as of October 1 to end of school year  Student grade levels: 9-12  Course type “07” or “10”  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM CC  INNER JOIN Sections sec ON sec.ID = CC.SectionID  INNER JOIN Courses crs ON crs.Course_Number = sec.Course_Number  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X crsx ON crsx.coursesDCID = crs.DCID  WHERE CC.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND CC.dateEnrolled IS NOT NULL  AND #collDate# BETWEEN TRUNC(CC.dateEnrolled) AND NVL(TRUNC(CC.dateLeft),TO_DATE('01/01/2099','MM/DD/YYYY')) - 1  AND NVL(crsx.courseType,' ') IN ('07','10')  ) AS stuDE,

22 Part 1, Section III continued…  Part 1, Section III Science courses taught by certified teachers  Derived from sections and main teacher assigned to courses reported earlier  Part 2, Section III Algebra 1 courses taught by certified teachers  Derived from sections and main teacher assigned to courses reported earlier  Part 2, Section III Mathematics courses taught by certified teachers  Derived from sections and main teacher assigned to courses reported earlier  Part 2, Section III Grade 7 and 8 Algebra 1  Derived from sections and main teacher assigned to courses reported earlier  Part 2, Section III Geometry  Derived from sections and main teacher assigned to courses reported earlier  Note: Implies the main teacher assigned to a course should also be certified in the subject area.

23 Part 1, Section IV School Staff FTE certified/not certified*  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  If the teacher is duplicated with multiple PIC numbers, then the teacher with the maximum DCID is chosen.  (SELECT sum(sfx.CRDCFTE)  FROM SchoolStaff sf  INNER JOIN S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx ON sfx.schoolStaffDCID = sf.DCID  WHERE  sfx.repPIC IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(sfx.crdcFTE,0) ]]> 0  AND sf.DCID = (SELECT MAX(sfx2.schoolStaffDCID) FROM S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx2 WHERE sfx2.repPIC = sfx.repPIC)  AND sf.schoolId = #schoolNumber#  AND sf.staffStatus = 1  AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SectionTeacher st WHERE st.TeacherId = sf.Id AND st.End_date IS NOT NULL AND st.End_date BETWEEN #countDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#countDate#,'EOY'))  ) totFTETeachersClass,

24 Part 1, Section IV School Staff FTE certified/not certified  Certification is checking for a license number (S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X.REPLICENCE)  (SELECT sum(sfx.CRDCFTE)  FROM SchoolStaff sf  INNER JOIN S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx ON sfx.schoolStaffDCID = sf.DCID  WHERE  sfx.repPIC IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(sfx.crdcFTE,0) ]]> 0  AND sf.DCID = (SELECT MAX(sfx2.schoolStaffDCID) FROM S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx2 WHERE sfx2.repPIC = sfx.repPIC)  AND sf.schoolId = #schoolNumber#  AND sf.staffStatus = 1  AND sfx.REPLICENSE ]]> ' ' and sfx.REPLICENSE is not null  AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SectionTeacher st WHERE st.TeacherId = sf.Id AND st.End_date IS NOT NULL AND st.End_date BETWEEN #countDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#countDate#,'EOY'))  ) totFTETeachersFullCert,

25 Part 1, Section IV School Staff first year teaching*  First year teacher is hired between June and December of the CRDC collection year.  If this is not a new teacher to the profession, then then FTE needs to be reduced appropriately.  (SELECT sum(sfx.CRDCFTE)  FROM SchoolStaff sf  INNER JOIN S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx ON sfx.schoolStaffDCID = sf.DCID  WHERE sfx.repPIC IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(sfx.crdcFTE,0) ]]> 0  AND sf.schoolId = #schoolNumber#  AND sf.staffStatus = 1  AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sfx.repHireDate) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM #countDate#)  AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sfx.repHireDate) ]]> 5  AND sf.DCID = (SELECT MAX(sfx2.schoolStaffDCID) FROM S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx2 WHERE sfx2.repPIC = sfx.repPIC)  AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SectionTeacher st WHERE st.TeacherId = sf.Id AND st.End_date IS NOT NULL AND st.End_date BETWEEN #countDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#countDate#,'EOY'))  ) totFTETeachersFirstYear,

26 Part 1, Section IV School Staff second year teaching*  Second year teacher is hired from June the prior year, or hired in the CRDC collection year from January to May.  If this is not a new teacher to the profession, then then FTE needs to be reduced appropriately.  (SELECT sum(sfx.CRDCFTE)  FROM SchoolStaff sf  INNER JOIN S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx ON sfx.schoolStaffDCID = sf.DCID  WHERE sfx.repPIC IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(sfx.crdcFTE,0) ]]> 0  AND sf.schoolId = #schoolNumber#  AND sf.staffStatus = 1  AND ((EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sfx.repHireDate) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM #countDate#) - 1 AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sfx.repHireDate) ]]> 5)  OR (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sfx.repHireDate) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM #countDate#) AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sfx.repHireDate) 6))  AND sf.DCID = (SELECT MAX(sfx2.schoolStaffDCID) FROM S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx2 WHERE sfx2.repPIC = sfx.repPIC)  AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SectionTeacher st WHERE st.TeacherId = sf.Id AND st.End_date IS NOT NULL AND st.End_date BETWEEN #countDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#countDate#,'EOY'))  ) totFTETeachersSecYear,

27 Part 1, Section IV School Staff counselors, law enforcement, security, support services*  FTE for support staff. New state field S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X.CRDCStaff.  Staff status check box must be set to active.  If the staff member is duplicated with multiple PIC numbers, then the person with the maximum DCID is chosen.  (SELECT sum(sfx.CRDCFTE)  FROM SchoolStaff sf  INNER JOIN S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx ON sfx.schoolStaffDCID = sf.DCID  WHERE  sfx.repPIC IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(sfx.crdcFTE,0) ]]> 0  AND sf.DCID = (SELECT MAX(sfx2.schoolStaffDCID) FROM S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X sfx2 WHERE sfx2.repPIC = sfx.repPIC)  AND sf.schoolId = #schoolNumber#  AND sfx.CRDCSTAFF = 'COU'  AND sf.status = 1  ) totFTECounselors,

28 Part 2, Section I Algebra 1 Passing  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcPassAlg1_CD  Reporting period: October 1 through regular school year  Student grade levels: 7-12  Algebra 1 taken for full school year in multiple sections as of October 1 or a block schedule class. Program counts the sections as Algebra 1 to determine how many sections are needed. Sections must have passing grades. Passing grade is found from the Course/Student (CC) completion status, or the grading scale completion status. No stored grade value assumes the course is passed.  As a special check the program checks school days is greater the 140 for reasonableness.  CASE WHEN NVL(stux.crdcPassAlg1_CD,' ') = ' ' AND alg1.algDCID IS NOT NULL AND NVL(alg1.algPF,' ') = 'P' AND NVL(alg1.algCount,0) > 0 AND (NVL(alg1.algDays,0) > 140 OR NVL(alg1.algBSC,0) > 0) AND (NVL(alg1.algCount,0) >= NVL(alg1.algPortion,0) OR NVL(alg1.algBSC,0) > 0) AND (NVL(TRUNC(alg1.algEnrolled),TO_DATE('01/01/2099','MM/DD/YYYY')) 0) THEN 'Y'  ELSE NVL(stux.crdcPassAlg1_CD,' ')  END AS crdcPassAlg1CD

29 Part 2, Section II Credit Recovery Program*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcCreditRec_CD  Reporting period: Start of school year (September to September)  Student grade levels: 9-12  Student/Course (CC) or section is marked as a credit recovery  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM CC  INNER JOIN Sections sec ON sec.ID = CC.SectionID  INNER JOIN Courses crs ON crs.Course_Number = sec.Course_Number  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X crsx ON crsx.coursesDCID = crs.DCID  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CC_TSDL_X ccx ON ccx.ccDCID = CC.DCID  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_SEC_TSDL_X secx ON secx.sectionsDCID = sec.DCID  WHERE CC.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND CC.DateLeft IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(CC.DateLeft) - 1 BETWEEN #startDate# AND #endDate# - 1  AND (UPPER(TRIM(NVL(ccx.crdcCreditRec_CD,' '))) = 'Y' OR UPPER(TRIM(NVL(secx.crdcCreditRec_CD,' '))) = 'Y')  ) AS stuCR,

30 Part 2, Section III SAT Reasoning test  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.SAT_YN  Reporting period: Start of school year (September to September)  Student grade levels: 9-12  Test scores have a SAT test in the date range  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM StudentTest st INNER JOIN Test tst ON tst.ID = st.testID  WHERE st.studentId = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND st.test_date IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(st.test_date) BETWEEN #startDate# AND #endDate# - 1  AND #satList# IS NOT NULL  AND INSTR(#satList#,chr(39) || TRIM(TO_CHAR(tst.ID,'9999999990')) || chr(39)) > 0  ) AS stuSAT,

31 Part 2, Section III ACT test  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.ACT_YN  Reporting period: Start of school year (September to September)  Student grade levels: 9-12  Test scores have an ACT test or StudentCoreFields.ACT_Date in the date range  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM StudentTest st INNER JOIN Test tst ON tst.ID = st.testID  WHERE st.studentId = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND st.test_date IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(st.test_date) BETWEEN #startDate# AND #endDate# - 1  AND #actList# IS NOT NULL  AND INSTR(#actList#,chr(39) || TRIM(TO_CHAR(tst.ID,'9999999990')) || chr(39)) > 0  ) AS stuACT,  CASE WHEN NVL(scf.ACT_DATE,' ') = ' ' THEN 0  WHEN TO_DATE(scf.ACT_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY') BETWEEN #startDate# AND #endDate# - 1 THEN 1  ELSE 0  END AS scfACT,

32 Part 2, Section III Advanced Placement Exams  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.APEXAM  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 9-12  AP exam results are most likely not saved in PowerSchool, but option to import in test scores is provided.  If AP exam(s) and AP course(s) are taken then value is set to some exams taken (S). If courses are only taken, then set to no exams taken (N). Course type “04” is for advanced placement.  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM StudentTest st INNER JOIN Test tst ON tst.ID = st.testID  WHERE st.studentId = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND st.test_date IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(st.test_date) BETWEEN #startDate# AND #endDate# - 1  AND #apList# IS NOT NULL  AND INSTR(#apList#,chr(39) || TRIM(TO_CHAR(tst.ID,'9999999990')) || chr(39)) > 0  ) AS stuAP,  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM CC  INNER JOIN Sections sec ON sec.ID = CC.SectionID  INNER JOIN Courses crs ON crs.Course_Number = sec.Course_Number  LEFT OUTER JOIN S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X crsx ON crsx.coursesDCID = crs.DCID  WHERE CC.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND CC.DateLeft IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(CC.DateLeft) - 1 BETWEEN #startDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#collDate#,'EOY')  AND NVL(crsx.courseType,' ') = '04'  ) AS stuAPC,

33 Part 2, Section III Advanced Placement Exams  Field name: S_STU_CRDC_X.APExamPassed  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 9-12  Program assumes if exams are entered and course are taken, then passed all or some exams (S). If none of the exams were passed, then the value must be manually checked and reset to no (N).  CASE WHEN NVL(crdcx.APExamPassed,' ') = ' ' AND pi.stuAP > 0 AND pi.stuAPC > 0 THEN 'S'  ELSE NVL(crdcx.APExamPassed,' ')  END AS apExamPassedCD,

34 Part 2, Section IV Chronic Student Absenteeism  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAbsent_CD  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Full days absent greater than 14  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL ada  WHERE ada.studentId = stu.Id  AND NVL(ada.membershipValue,0) = 1  AND NVL(ada.attendanceValue,0) = 0  AND TRUNC(ada.calendarDate) BETWEEN #startDate# AND mi_srs_common.miCollDate(#collDate#,'EOY')  ) AS stuCA,

35 Part 2, Section V Student Retention  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcRetention_CD  Reporting period: Start of school year (September to September)  Student grade levels: 0..12  Student is retained in the same grade the following school year. In addition: “At the high school level, a student who has not accumulated enough credits to be classified as being in the next grade level is considered retained.”  (SELECT NVL(MIN(enr.grade_level),-99) FROM ps_enrollment_reg enr  WHERE enr.studentID = stu.ID  AND enr.entryDate = (SELECT MIN(enr2.entryDate) FROM ps_enrollment_reg enr2 WHERE enr2.studentID = stu.ID AND enr2.entryDate IS NOT NULL AND TRUNC(enr2.entryDate) >= #endDate#)  AND enr.entryDate IS NOT NULL  AND NVL(TRUNC(enr.exitDate),TO_DATE('01/01/2099','MM/DD/YYYY')) - TRUNC(enr.entryDate) > 1  AND NVL(enr.exitCode,' ') <> '00'  ) AS stuRG,

36 Part 2, Section V Student Retention  Program ignores students in grades 14, 20, 30.  Program ignores students in the second year of developmental retention kindergarten.  High school students behind in earned credit hours are reported as retained.  CASE WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') IN ('14','20','30') THEN ' '  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.educSetting,' ') IN ('14','20','30') THEN ' '  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND pi.stuRG IN (14,20,30) THEN ' '  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '00' AND NVL(stux.crdcDevRetKinder,' ') = 'Y' THEN ' '  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND pi.stuRG < 0 THEN ' '  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND TRIM(TO_CHAR(pi.stuRG,'00')) = NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') THEN 'Y'  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '09' AND GREATEST(NVL(stux.crdcEarnedCrHrs,0),NVL(pi.stuCrHrs,0.0)) < #crhrs9# THEN 'Y'  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '10' AND GREATEST(NVL(stux.crdcEarnedCrHrs,0),NVL(pi.stuCrHrs,0.0)) < #crhrs10# THEN 'Y'  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '11' AND GREATEST(NVL(stux.crdcEarnedCrHrs,0),NVL(pi.stuCrHrs,0.0)) < #crhrs11# THEN 'Y'  WHEN NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ') = ' ' AND NVL(stux.crdcGrade,' ') = '12' AND GREATEST(NVL(stux.crdcEarnedCrHrs,0),NVL(pi.stuCrHrs,0.0)) < #crhrs12# THEN 'Y'  ELSE NVL(stux.crdcRetention_CD,' ')  END AS crdcRetentionCD,

37 Part 2, Section VI Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletes  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcSSAthlete_CD  Reporting period: Start of school year (September to September)  Student grade levels: 9-12  May be set via selecting students with special activity flags.  Program queries special enrollments.  (SELECT NVL(COUNT(*),0) FROM spEnrollments spe  WHERE spe.studentID = stu.ID  AND stux.crdcGrade IN ('09','10','11','12')  AND #ssAthlete# IS NOT NULL  AND INSTR(#ssAthlete#,chr(39) || TRIM(TO_CHAR(spe.programID,'9999999990')) || chr(39)) > 0  AND spe.Enter_Date IS NOT NULL  AND TRUNC(spe.Enter_Date) <= #endDate# - 1  AND (spe.Exit_Date IS NULL OR TRUNC(spe.Exit_Date) - 1 > #startDate#)  ) AS stuSS

38 Part 2, Section VII Corporal Punishment  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisCP  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate and LOG.consequence

39 Part 2, Section VII In School Suspension  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisIss  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘1’

40 Part 2, Section VII Out School Suspension  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisOss  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘2’

41 Part 2, Section VII Out School Suspension Days*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisOSSdays  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘2’, LOG.durationAssigned or LOG.durationActual or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.disciplineDays(1..3)

42 Part 2, Section VII Expulsion with Services  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisExp  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘5’, S_MI_LOG_GC_X.incedentExpel not = ‘25’

43 Part 2, Section VII Expulsion with Services to Alternate School*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisEXPalt  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘5’, S_MI_LOG_GC_X.incedentExpel = ‘20’ or ‘24’

44 Part 2, Section VII Expulsion with Services to Regular School*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisEXPreg  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘5’, S_MI_LOG_GC_X.incedentExpel = ‘23’

45 Part 2, Section VII Expulsion without Services  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisEXwo  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘5’, S_MI_LOG_GC_X.incedentExpel = ‘25’

46 Part 2, Section VII Expulsion due to zero tolerance policy  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisEXzro  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or S_MI_LOG_GC_X.actionTaken(1..3) = ‘5’,  Check for LOG.schoolRulesVioFlag > 0 ???  No data for zero tolerance policy at the time.

47 Part 2, Section VII Referral to law enforcement agency or official  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisPol  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_policeInvolvedFlag > 0 OR LOG.discipline_felonyFlag > 0 OR LOG.discipline_hearingOfficerFlag > 0

48 Part 2, Section VII Received a school- related arrest  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisPol  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_felonyFlag > 0

49 Part 2, Section VIII Incident of sexual battery*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffBattery  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN sexual battery

50 Part 2, Section VIII Incident of rape*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffRape  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN rape

51 Part 2, Section VIII physical Attack without a weapon*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffAtt  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType is empty

52 Part 2, Section VIII physical Attack with a weapon*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffAttWeapon  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType is not empty AND LOG.discipline_weaponType NOT IN firearm

53 Part 2, Section VIII physical Attack with a firearm or explosive device*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffAttFirearm  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType IN firearm

54 Part 2, Section VIII robbery without a weapon*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffRob  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN Robbery, LOG.discipline_weaponType is empty

55 Part 2, Section VIII robbery without a weapon*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffRobWeapon  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN Robbery, LOG.discipline_weaponType is NOT empty AND LOG.discipline_weaponType IS NOT firearm

56 Part 2, Section VIII robbery with a firearm or explosive device*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffRobFirearm  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty or student, LOG.discipline_Offender empty or not equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN Robbery, LOG.discipline_weaponType IS firearm

57 Part 2, Section VIII Threat of physical attack*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffThreat  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty, LOG.discipline_Offender equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType is empty

58 Part 2, Section VIII Threat of physical attack with a weapon*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffThreatWeapon  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty, LOG.discipline_Offender equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType is not empty AND LOG.discipline_weaponType is not Firearm

59 Part 2, Section VIII Threat of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffThreatFirearm  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType is empty, LOG.discipline_Offender equal student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN attack, LOG.discipline_weaponType is Firearm

60 Part 2, Section VIII All other incidents with a firearm or explosive device*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffPossFirearm  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType NOT IN attack AND LOG.discipline_incidentType NOT IN robbery, LOG.discipline_weaponType is Firearm

61 Part 2, Section VIII Incidents where firearm or explosive device used (shooting)*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffUsedFirearm  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is empty, LOG.discipline_weaponType is Firearm  Manual entry is probably required.

62 Part 2, Section VIII Incident of homicide at school district*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcOffHomicide  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is empty  Manual entry is probably required.

63 Part 2, Section IX Allegation of harassment basis of disability  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullyDsbl  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_victimType IS empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment disability

64 Part 2, Section IX Allegation of harassment basis of race  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullyRace  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_victimType IS empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment race

65 Part 2, Section IX Allegation of harassment basis of religion*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullyRel  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_victimType IS empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment religion

66 Part 2, Section IX Allegation of harassment basis of sex  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullySex  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_victimType IS empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sex

67 Part 2, Section IX Allegation of harassment basis of sexual orientation*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullySexOr  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_victimType IS empty, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sex

68 Part 2, Section IX Report of harassment basis of disability  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyDsbl  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student OR (LOG.discipline_victimType is empty AND LOG.discipline_Offender is empty), LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment disability

69 Part 2, Section IX Report of harassment basis of race  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyRace  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student OR (LOG.discipline_victimType is empty AND LOG.discipline_Offender is empty), LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment race

70 Part 2, Section IX Report of harassment basis of religion*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullyRel  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student OR (LOG.discipline_victimType is empty AND LOG.discipline_Offender is empty), LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment religion

71 Part 2, Section IX Report of harassment basis of sex  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullySex  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student OR (LOG.discipline_victimType is empty AND LOG.discipline_Offender is empty), LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sex

72 Part 2, Section IX Report of harassment basis of sexual orientation*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullySexOr  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student OR (LOG.discipline_victimType is empty AND LOG.discipline_Offender is empty), LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sexual orientation

73 Part 2, Section IX Discipline for harassment basis of disability*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyDDsbl  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student AND LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment disability

74 Part 2, Section IX Discipline for harassment basis of race*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyDRace  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student AND LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment race

75 Part 2, Section IX Discipline for harassment basis of religion*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcAlegBullyDRel  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student AND LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment religion

76 Part 2, Section IX Discipline for harassment basis of sex*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyDSex  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student AND LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sex

77 Part 2, Section IX Discipline for harassment basis of sexual orientation*  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcBullyDSexOr  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.discipline_victimType IS student AND LOG.discipline_Offender is student, LOG.discipline_incidentType IN harassment sexual orientation

78 Part 2, Section X Subjected to mechanical restraint  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisResMech  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or LOG.discipline_actionTaken  It is expected restraint is an action taken with a consequence. The program will check for the selected restraint code as a consequence. If your school district has restraint codes as a consequence only, then enter the restraint codes in System > Log Entry Setup, updating the data field “discipline_actionTaken”.

79 Part 2, Section X Subjected to physical restraint  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisResPhys  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or LOG.discipline_actionTaken  It is expected restraint is an action taken with a consequence. The program will check for the selected restraint code as a consequence. If your school district has restraint codes as a consequence only, then enter the restraint codes in System > Log Entry Setup, updating the data field “discipline_actionTaken”.

80 Part 2, Section X Subjected to seclusion  Field name: S_MI_STU_GC_X.crdcDisResSeclu  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Student grade levels: 0..12, 30  Required data fields: LOG.Discipline_IncidentDate, LOG.consequence or LOG.discipline_actionTaken  It is expected restraint is an action taken with a consequence. The program will check for the selected restraint code as a consequence. If your school district has restraint codes as a consequence only, then enter the restraint codes in System > Log Entry Setup, updating the data field “discipline_actionTaken”.

81 Part 2, Section XI Teacher Absenteeism*  Field name: S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X.crdcAbsentDays  Reporting period: Entire regular school year  Teacher should be teaching in the school year.  Teacher absent more than 10 school days during the school year.

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