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Communicating within the organization – internal communications.

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1 Communicating within the organization – internal communications

2  A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Proverbs 15:1 Revised Jan 2011 Provided by the NASA Headquarters Library

3  Communication is integral to the proper running of any enterprise, whether it is a child’s lemonade stand or a government agency with offices all over the country.  In order to keep this system on track, effective management communication is a vital necessity.

4  Newsletters  Annual Reports  Internal Web Pages  Memos  Statistical Reports, EEO, required training  Surveys  Committees  Forms used for Institute, agency reporting  Policy manuals  In house seminars – recording, archiving? viewing  Webinars

5  Activities also include scientific seminars, technical training, school visits with on-site tours, and special projects. Additionally educational kiosks and CDs and sponsors workshops.  Collaboration: members work with many partners from universities, Federal, State and local government, and the private sector to achieve the Center’s mission.

6  Biweekly scientific seminars, a geographic information system and other technical training, school visits on-site tours, and special projects, teachers’ workshops  Special events  Special events - GIS Day, National Wetlands Month, Bring Your Child to Work Day, and press conferences.

7 

8  Includes policy guidance on various publications and communication  web policies  corporate communications and protocol  publication policies for technical reports  forms for purchasing, statistics, weekly reports, annual reports

9  Internal and External Communication

10  PDF Introduction to Effective Planning and Facilitating of Meetings

11  For communicating laboratory news  For sending copyrighted materials  Other?

12 Show NHC Virtual tour AOML Staff bios Reports and publications Newsletter

13 

14  Online resources  Web Pages  Web 2.0 tools  Institutional Repositories and archival repositories  Publication services – papers, journals, web bibliographies etc  Mobile Devices  E-readers, tablets  Open Access  Embedded Librarian – discussion

15  To communicate services and products Sample library brochure Sample library brochure


17  Embedded Librarianship is about a partnership with your scientists and their programs

18 Internal Outreach to increase the visibility and credibility of the Library Services and develop personal advocates for the library: How:  Providing Information literacy instruction away from the Library facility (Lecture hall; Laboratories; Offices or Research facilities)  Collaborate with the Faculty members on students’ research projects (Library-Subject based assignments)  Make use of Virtual Learning Environment to reach to students in their study space  Attend science Workshops, Open Lecturers, Seminars, Classes and Practical tutorials  Attend Faculty Board and Departmental meetings to learn about the latest on Research & Teaching, and information needs of its members  Credit to Pavlinka Kovatcheva, U of Johannesburg, S. Africa

















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