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AUD, SON, PHON O Definition: O Sound; To hear O Example: O Audible, Assonance, Phonograph.

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Presentation on theme: "AUD, SON, PHON O Definition: O Sound; To hear O Example: O Audible, Assonance, Phonograph."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUD, SON, PHON O Definition: O Sound; To hear O Example: O Audible, Assonance, Phonograph

2 BEN, BENE, BON O Definition: O Good; Well O Example: O Beneficial, Benefit, Bonus

3 BIO O Definition: O Life O Example: O Biologist, autobiography, biopsy

4 CEDE, CEED, CESS O Definition: O Go; yield O Example: O Recede; Proceed; Recess

5 COGN, SCI O Definition: O To know; knowledge O Example: O Conscience; Scientist; Omniscient

6 CRED, FID O Definition: O Believe O Example: O Confident; Credence; Miscreant

7 DICT O Definition: O Speak O Example: O Dictate; Contradict; Dictionary

8 DUC, DUCT O Definition: O To lead, take, or bring O Example: O Introduction, Reduce, Produce

9 FLECT, FLEX O Definition: O Bend O Example: O Flexible, Reflect, Deflect

10 FLU, FLUX O Definition: O To flow O Example: O Fluctuate, Influx, Fluid

11 FRAIL, FRACT, FRAG O Definition: O Break or shatter O Example: O Fraction, Frail, Infraction, Fractals

12 GRAD, GRESS O Definition: O Step O Example: O Graduate, Digress, Aggressive

13 GRAPH O Definition: O Writing O Example: O Autograph, Paragraph, Bibliography

14 JECT O Definition: O Throw O Example: O Eject, Projectile, Subject

15 JUNCT, JOIN, JUG O Definition: O To join, meet, or link O Example: O Conjoin, Joint, Rejoin

16 JUS, JUR, JUD O Definition: O Law or justice O Example: O Jury, Justice, Justify, Judge

17 LEG, LECT O Definition: O Law; choose or select; gather; read O Example: O Election, Legalize, Privilege

18 LOG O Definition: O Word, idea, reason, or speech O Example: O Logical, Monologue, Apology

19 MAL, MALE O Definition: O Bad, abnormal, worse O Example: O Malnourished, Malfeasance, Malice

20 MAN, MANU O Definition: O Hand O Example: O Manuscript, Manual

21 MEN, MIN, MON O Definition: O To think, remind, advise, or warn O Example: O Remind, Omen, Demonstrate

22 MIM, SEMBL, SIMIL, SIMUL O Definition: O Copy, imitate, to make like… O Example: O Mimic, Simile, Simulation

23 MISS, MIT O Definition: O Send O Example: O Admit, Dismiss, Submit, Missile

24 MOB, MOT, MOV O Definition: O Move O Example: O Mobile, Automobile, Promote, Movable

25 NAUT, NAUS, NAV O Definition: O Relating to the sea, ships, or travelers O Example: O Nautical, Astronaut, Navy

26 ONO, NYM, ONYM O Definition: O Word or name O Example: O Synonym, Antonym, Onomatopoeia

27 ORD O Definition: O Order O Example: O Order, Coordinate, Ordinance

28 PED O Definition: O Foot O Example: O Pedicure, Centipede, Tripod, Pedal

29 PEL, PLUS O Definition: O Drive, driven, force O Example: O Repel, Repulsive, Compel

30 PEND O Definition: O Hang; weigh; pay O Example: O Appendix, Suspend, Impending

31 PHON, PHONO, PHONE O Definition: O Sound, voice O Example: O Microphone, Telephone, Phonics

32 PORT O Definition: O Carry O Example: O Portal, Import, Transport

33 POT, POS, VAL O Definition: O Power or to be strong O Example: O Posture, Valor, Potion

34 RUPT O Definition: O Break O Example: O Bankrupt, Erupt, Rupture

35 SCRIB, SCRIPT O Definition: O Write O Example: O Scribble, Inscription, Subscription

36 SECT O Definition: O Cut or separate O Example: O Bisect, Dissect, Section

37 SED, SID, SESS O Definition: O To sit or to settle O Example: O Sedate, Reside, Sediment

38 SENS, SENT O Definition: O Feel or to be aware O Example: O Sensation, Sensitive, Resent

39 SOCIO O Definition: O Companion or friend O Example: O Sociology, Antisocial, Social

40 SPEC O Definition: O See or look O Example: O Inspect, Spectacle, Retrospect

41 STAT O Definition: O Stay; position, to know O Example: O Static, Thermostat, Stationary

42 STRAIN, STRICT, STRING O Definition: O To bind; to tie or draw tight O Example: O Constrict, Strainer, String

43 STRUCT O Definition: O Build O Example: O Construction, Instruction, Obstruction

44 TACT, TANG, TAG, TIG O Definition: O Touch O Example: O Tactile, Tangible, Contact

45 TAIN, TEN, TENT O Definition: O Hold O Example: O Obtain, Detention, Retainer

46 TERR, TERRA, GEO O Definition: O Land; earth O Example: O Extraterrestrial, Geography, Territory

47 THERM O Definition: O Heat; temperature O Example: O Thermostat, Thermal, Thermometer

48 TRACT O Definition: O Pull O Example: O Tractor, Attract, Subtract

49 VERS, VERT O Definition: O Turn O Example: O Anniversary, Introvert, Extrovert

50 VIT, VIV O Definition: O Live; life O Example: O Revive, Vivacious, Survival

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