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Reasoning, Riesling and Roquefort An evening with the Duncraig Maths Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasoning, Riesling and Roquefort An evening with the Duncraig Maths Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasoning, Riesling and Roquefort An evening with the Duncraig Maths Department

2 This evening….. Introduction Years 7-10 (including ipad and other IT) Interactive and collaborative learning Upper school (including classpad and other IT) Summary

3 Common challenges! Numeracy: fractions, decimals and percentages All sorts of algebra Now regularly tackled in class Numeracy in ‘starters’ and throughout lessons Algebra: on average one lesson per fortnight in years 8-10

4 Student results and the new curriculum New national curriculum up to year 10 Years 8-10 are graded within their course They are now also graded compared to National Curriculum standards each year Not yet an exact science – school and WACE are working on it

5 Changes in teaching and curriculum Text books or IT? Learn by ‘rote’ and problem solving Information now readily available on the web Group work Investigations Aim is preparation beyond school…

6 Flipping Maths! On trial in some classrooms Independent learning – prep for Uni Idea is to get ‘lecture bit’ done at home – youtube, mathsonline etc Class then used for more group work and problem solving

7 Investigations – on the increase! Now incorporated into years 9 and 10 to prepare for senior school Intrinsic part of all WACE senior school programmes to help prepare students for University – now much more group and investigation based than even 15 years ago Students expected to work individually or in groups with little explicit direction from teacher – learning to think for themselves Teacher will point them in right direction when needed and help with specific skills that are necessary, but is not allowed by WACE in year 11 and 12 to help specifically with a student’s investigation

8 Homework (and how to help alleviate algebra panic…) Homework will be given ‘little and often’ – usually every lesson Practice, Preparation and Revision If they are stuck, they need to check notes Look at examples Use websites/apps (see sheet) Maths club – seniors and middle school See their teacher! Spending 10 hours revising 2 days before a test suggests this has not been done! Too late!

9 Parental support part 1… Encourage them to work every day they have maths for a short time: they will usually have something! If they say they have done it ask them to talk you through it for 10 minutes: this will be very good for them whether or not they have understood it. Test results should be updated on edinfo regularly – if they have forgotten their mark, do check!

10 …Parental support part 2 Programmes will be posted on web or emailed at the beginning of each year, so they know what is coming and when tests are Email your son or daughter’s teacher with any questions about the course Booklist: your son or daughter will need everything on it - email their teacher or me with any issues

11 This evening A1: Miss Harwood and Miss McNab: Interactive and collaborative learning A6: Miss Prosser and Miss Till: Years 7-10 (including ipad and other IT) A7: Mr Ramsey and (hopefully!) Mr Bell Upper school (including classpad and other IT) Circulating for questions: Mr Acutt, Mr Golding and Mr Davies

12 Summary We are working hard on the ‘little and often’ and appreciate all your support! Keep in touch – far better to deal with things preemptively and you will often know before us! Any questions, ask your son or daughter’s teacher in the first instance about next steps

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