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2016 DepED Projected SHS Enrolment ( eBEIS ) 24, 402 TotalTotal 9,760 40% 14,64214,642 60%60%

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3 2016 DepED Projected SHS Enrolment ( eBEIS ) 24, 402 TotalTotal 9,760 40% 14,64214,642 60%60%

4 2016 Non DepED SHS Projected Enrolees (eBEIS) 7,105

5 Tracks Davao City Division 30%



8 Academic Tracks

9 Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track 25% 14% 19% 43%


11 Industrial Arts


13 ICTICT DIST 1 44 DIST2DIST2 DIST3DIST3 8866 1818 TOTALTOTAL Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track

14 ICT Animation 25% Contract Center Services 30% Computer Programing 45%

15 ICT

16 HOME ECONOMICS DIST. 1 99 DIST. 2 DIST. 3 15151717 4141 TOTALTOTAL Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track

17 Home Economics


19 36% 11% 14% 18% 7% 4% Industrial Arts

20 Agri-Fishery

21 Animal Production

22 Agri-Crop Production

23 Fish Production

24 AGRI-FISHERY DISTRICT 1DISTRICT 2DISTRICT 3 Davao City NHS Pablo Lorenzo NHS Baracatan NHS Panaga NHS Buda NHS Paradise Embac NHS Dacudao NHS Elias P. Dacudao Gumalang School of Home Industries Emilio Estipona NHS Ma. Cristina P. Belcar Agricultural HS Marilog HS of Agriculture Saloy NHS Sirawan NHS

25 Stand alone SHS Davao City NHS Sta. Ana NHS DRANHS

26 Number of Teacher Assessors INDUSTRIAL ART Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 TOTAL Tile Setting 0 Masonry 0 Consumer Electronics 22 Mechatronics 0 Electrical Inst. & Maintenance 0 SMAW 1 1 Carpentry 2 1 14 Plumbing 2 2 Automotive Servicing 0 Cable TV Servicing 0 Refrigeration & Airconditioning 0 Total 1 4 1 39

27 Number of Teacher Assessors ICT Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 TOTAL Computer Hardware Servicing 1 12 Programing Animation Contact Center Services HOME ECONOMICS Housekeeping/Househ old Services Bread & Pastry Cookery 11 Food & Beverage Services 22 Food Processing 11 Bartending Tailoring/Dressmaking/ Garments Beauty Care/Nail Care Wellness Massage

28 Number of Teacher Assessors AGRICULTURE Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 TOTAL Fish production Animal Production 1 1 Agri-Crop Production Slaugtering Paising Large Ruminants Artificail Insemination Orgnic Production Hoticulture 1 1

29 NUMBER OF NC TEACHERS INDUSTRIAL ART Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9TOTAL Tile Setting 1 1 Masonry 21 3 Consumer Electronics 2 1 227 Mechatronics 11 13 Electrical Inst. & Maintenance 3621 113 SMAW 312111 211 Carpentry 231 17 Plumbing 1 2 3 Automotive Servicing 1 1 13 Cable TV Servicing Refrigeration & Airconditioning 1 1 Total 91112721 2852

30 ICT Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 TOTAL Computer Hardware Servicing 6896334 140 Programing Animation Contact Center Services Total6896334 140 HOME ECONOMICS Housekeeping/Househ old Services 91484782 52 Bread & Pastry16186310825 68 Cookery2013841462260 Food & Beverage Services 52243231123 Food Processing 3 1318 218 Bartending11 2 Tailoring/Dressmaking/ Garments 3 25 Beauty Care/Nail Care 921 1 215 Wellness Massage 2 2 Total11112124252182966 NUMBER OF NC TEACHERS

31 AGRICULTURE Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 TOTAL Fish production Animal Production 1 12 Agri-Crop Production 1 2 25 Slaugtering Paising Large Ruminants Artificail Insemination Orgnic Production Hoticulture 4 1 128 Total 41221515 NUMBER OF NC TEACHERS

32 TABLE OF DELIVERABLES ScopeDeliverablesTime Frame SHS Plan Database/ Templates Oct. to first week of Nov. 2014 SDO SHS Implementation Team set-up Oct. to first week of Nov. 2014 School HeadPrincipal HiredApril 2015 to May 2016 Teachers Teachers HiredApril 2015 to May 2016 Teacher Development PlanNov. 2014 Materials, Facilities, Equipment Inventory of needed learning materials and textbook Oct. 2014 to Dec. 2015 Inventory of needed Laboratories (Science, Computer, HE, IA, etc.) Oct. 2014 to Dec. 2015 Inventory of Library Needs and Laboratory Equipment Oct. 2014 to Dec. 2015 Distribution of Equipment from LSB Funds2014 to Dec. 2015 Inventory of Needed Classrooms and FacilitiesOct. 2014 to Dec. 2015 Building Construction PlansJuly 2015 MOA/Contracts for Building/Classroom Construction June to August 2015 Partnerships MOA/Contracts with Educational InstitutionsJune to August 2015 MOA/Contracts with LGUMay 2014- May 2016 MOA/Contracts with other partners (please specify) October 2014 to May2015

33 What is lacking to complete the Davao City SHS Profile ? What is lacking to complete the Davao City SHS Profile ? The data from the from the Non DepED schools. Secondary Schools HEIs TVIs

34 SDO SHS Implementation Team 1. SDS or ASDS (chair) 2. SHS Coordinator 3. Planning Officer 4. DepEd HS Principals or Municipal Lead Principal 5. DepEd School District Supervisors or EPS 6. Private School Coordinator 7.Municipal or Provincial Planning and Development Officer (MPDO or PPDO) or representative from local government 8.Industry Representative(s) 9.Education Committee Chair of the Sangguniang Panglungsod / Panglalawigan 10.Non-DepEd Schools Association Representative(s) Composition

35 SDO SHS Implementation Team 1. Lead the development of the SDO SHS Implementation Plan that contains the following details: a.List of public and private schools that will offer SHS in 2015 and 2016 b.Proposed SHS program/track(s)/strand(s)/specialization(s) per identified school c.Projected 2015 and 2016 enrolment per track/strand/specialization for each identified public and private school d.Teacher and staff requirement for identified public schools e.Available and needed facilities for identified public schools f.Partnership arrangements on teaching complement and/or immersion opportunities with higher education institutions, technical-vocational institutions, local government, industries, and/or other government agencies per identified public schools Responsibilities

36 SDO SHS Implementation Team 2. Gather needed data (e.g. absorptive capacity of public and private schools, students’ and parents’ preferences for specializations, workforce demand, local development plans) for the development of the SDO SHS Implementation Plan 3. Engage relevant stakeholders (i.e. students, parents, private schools, HEIs and TVIs, local government, industry, other government agencies) in the development and refinement of the SDO SHS Implementation Plan Responsibilities

37 SDO SHS Implementation Team 4. Facilitate communication of SHS plans and implementation updates to relevant stakeholders at the division, community, and school levels 5. Ensure the timely and proper execution of the SDO SHS Implementation Plan 6. Provide regular updates to the Regional Director and the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects. Responsibilities

38 SHS Technical Assistants 1. Provide technical assistance, both on- and offsite, to the SDO SHS Implementation Teams within their assigned region for the following: a.Identification of tracks/strands/specializations for DepEd SHS b.Identification of strategic sites/locations for DepEd SHS c.Determination of financial and organizational requirements for DepEd SHS d.Coordination and planning with non-DepEd schools e.Resource mobilization with industries, local government and development partners, and other line agencies f.SHS information/data collection and knowledge management g.Stakeholder management and communications Terms of Reference

39 SHS Technical Assistants 2. Assist the SDO and RO in the timely and proper development and execution of its SHS Implementation Plan 3. Derive the timeline and activities from the SDO SHS Implementation Plans and monitor their implementation 4. Validate information/data from the SDO SHS Implementation Team 5. Raise to the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects issues and concerns that require immediate and quick resolution 6. Provide regular updates to the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects Terms of Reference

40 SHS Technical Assistants In coordination with the SDO, RO, and other concerned offices: 1. List of tracks/strands/specializations for DepEd SHS in the assigned region; 2. Strategic sites/locations for DepEd SHS in the assigned region; 3. Financial and organizational requirements for DepEd SHS; 4. Profile of industries, local government and development partners, and other line agencies in the assigned region; 5. SHS information/data; 6. Timeline and activities of SDO SHS Implementation Plans; 7. Detailed work plan for the above deliverables Scope of Work and Deliverables

41 Davao City Division Implementation Team Davao City Division Implementation Team Chair: HELEN D. PAGUICAN, CESO V - Schools Division Superintendent Vice Chair: NELSON C. LOPEZ, ED.D - OIC-Asst. Schools Div. Superintendent Focal Person: MELANIE P. ESTACIO - EPS, SHS Focal Person Members: ALLEN SACAMOS Div. Planning Officer MARILYN L. MARCELO Public School District Supervisor PIO E. MELANCOLICO President School Heads Associatio HON. MABEL SUNGA ACOSTA Education Committee Chair - City Council MARCELINO ESCALADA City Planning and Development Officer BELINDA L. TORRES Industry Representative ( Chair, ICT Davao) LUZ TAN Private School Coordinator JIMMIE LOU DELA VEGA DACS Executive Director JUDITH BACARRO DAPRISSA President MARIA LITA MONTALBAN PRISAAP President5

42 Technical Assistants Equipment and Facilities: MARCELO O. ROCO TLE Coordinator JOSE ALLAN SUGANOB Principal Teachers and School Heads: PIO E. MELANCOLICO Principal III EDGARDO D. NOVELA Principal III Communications LEAH M. CAMILOTES Principal I Partnership and Linkages: MARILYN L. MARCELO PSDS, Dist. III EVANGELINE A. VICENCIO PSDS, Dist. I ROSALITA E. MONSANTO PSDS, Dist. II Database Manager/ Logistics: LYDIA V. AMPO HT-III Data Analyst: POTENCIANO C. GORRE, ED.D HT-I


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