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Linear Algebra Review Tuesday, September 7, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Algebra Review Tuesday, September 7, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Algebra Review Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2 Overview Basic matrix operations (+, -, *) Cross and dot products Determinants and inverses Orthonormal basis Gauss-elimination

3 What is a Matrix? A matrix is a set of elements, organized into rows and columns rows columns

4 Basic Operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Just add elements Just subtract elements Multiply each row by each column

5 Multiplication Is AB = BA? Maybe, but maybe not! Heads up: multiplication is NOT commutative!

6 Vector Operations Vector: 1 x N matrix Interpretation: a line in N dimensional space Dot Product, Cross Product, and Magnitude defined on vectors only x y v

7 Vector Interpretation Think of a vector as a line in 2D or 3D Think of a matrix as a transformation on a line or set of lines V V’

8 Vectors: Dot Product Interpretation: the dot product measures to what degree two vectors are aligned A B A B C A+B = C (use the head-to-tail method to combine vectors)

9 Vectors: Dot Product Think of the dot product as a matrix multiplication The magnitude is the dot product of a vector with itself The dot product is also related to the angle between the two vectors – but it doesn’t tell us the angle

10 Vectors: Cross Product The cross product of vectors A and B is a vector C which is perpendicular to A and B The magnitude of C is proportional to the cosine of the angle between A and B The direction of C follows the right hand rule – this why we call it a “ right-handed coordinate system ”

11 Inverse of a Matrix Identity matrix: AI = A Some matrices have an inverse, such that: AA -1 = I Inversion is tricky: (ABC) -1 = C -1 B -1 A -1 Derived from non- commutativity property

12 Determinant of a Matrix Used for inversion If det(A) = 0, then A has no inverse Can be found using factorials, pivots, and cofactors! Lots of interpretations – for more info, take 18.06

13 Determinant of a Matrix Sum from left to right Subtract from right to left Note: N! terms

14 Orthonormal Basis Basis: a space is totally defined by a set of vectors – any point is a linear combination of the basis Ortho-Normal: orthogonal + normal Orthogonal: dot product is zero Normal: magnitude is one Example: X, Y, Z (but don ’ t have to be!)

15 Orthonormal Basis X, Y, Z is an orthonormal basis. We can describe any 3D point as a linear combination of these vectors. How do we express any point as a combination of a new basis U, V, N, given X, Y, Z?

16 Orthonormal Basis (not an actual formula – just a way of thinking about it) To change a point from one coordinate system to another, compute the dot product of each coordinate row with each of the basis vectors.

17 Naïve Gaussian Elimination A method to solve simultaneous linear equations of the form [A][X]=[C] Two steps 1. Forward Elimination 2. Back Substitution

18 Forward Elimination The goal of forward elimination is to transform the coefficient matrix into an upper triangular matrix

19 Forward Elimination A set of n equations and n unknowns.. (n-1) steps of forward elimination

20 Forward Elimination Step 1 For Equation 2, divide Equation 1 by and multiply by.

21 Forward Elimination Subtract the result from Equation 2. − _________________________________________________ or

22 Forward Elimination Repeat this procedure for the remaining equations to reduce the set of equations as... End of Step 1

23 Step 2 Repeat the same procedure for the 3 rd term of Equation 3. Forward Elimination.. End of Step 2

24 Forward Elimination At the end of (n-1) Forward Elimination steps, the system of equations will look like.. End of Step (n-1)

25 Matrix Form at End of Forward Elimination

26 Back Substitution Solve each equation starting from the last equation Example of a system of 3 equations

27 Back Substitution Starting Eqns..

28 Back Substitution Start with the last equation because it has only one unknown

29 Back Substitution

30 Questions? ?

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