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Review of Essay Answers Results of the Korean War Role of US military in WWII Started at 38 th parallel Ended up split- demilitarized zone ceasefire North.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Essay Answers Results of the Korean War Role of US military in WWII Started at 38 th parallel Ended up split- demilitarized zone ceasefire North."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review of Essay Answers Results of the Korean War Role of US military in WWII Started at 38 th parallel Ended up split- demilitarized zone ceasefire North Korea- Soviet Union influence, Communist South Korea- United States influence, Democratic UN involvement Neutral, BUT Lend-Lease Act Provoked- Bombing of Pearl Harbor Fighting in both Europe AND Pacific D-Day Invasion Use of atomic bomb

3 ACTIVITY Today we will be watching short video clips that explain the U-2 Incident As we watch each short video clip, there will be a corresponding fill-in-the-blank question

4 Video Clip #1 President _____________ approved the building of the aircraft known as the ____________. The U-2 could fly _________ than any Russian aircraft, and its purpose was to take _____________ of what the Soviet military was creating.

5 Video Clip #2 The pilot chosen to fly the U-2 was _______________________.

6 Video Clip #3 The purpose of the U-2 flight was to gain important information about the Soviet _____________. During its flight, the U-2 was detected by the Soviets through __________.

7 Video Clip #4 Powers brought a silver dollar with him on the flight, which held a poisonous ___________. It was supposed to be used if he was ____________.

8 Video Clip #5 This specific flight was supposed to be the _______________ flight over Russia. Gary Powers took off from ______________ and headed towards Russia.

9 Video Clip #6 It only took Powers __________ minutes to reach the Soviet Union. Once detected on radar, Khrushchev was informed and he decided that the plane should be _____________________.

10 Video Clip #7 Powers’ flight was supposed to last ________ hours. He had to cut off radio contact after flying for ____________ minutes.

11 Video Clip #8 Soldiers were preparing for the celebration of _________________ when the alarm sounded. At first, the Soviets thought that the alarm was a ___________.

12 Video Clip #9 While flying, Powers notices a Russian ___________. However, it was flying ____________ than him.

13 Video Clip #10 The Soviets were unsure whether or not the U-2 plane was carrying a ______________ weapon.

14 Video Clip #11 When Powers flew over a missile launch site of the Soviets, the conditions were ____________, but he turned on his cameras anyways.

15 Video Clip #12 While in Moscow for the May Day parade, Khrushchev was angered that the U-2 plane had not been _____________________ and was still flying across Russia.

16 Video Clip #13 While flying over the Ural Mountains, the _____________ broke, but Powers decided to continue anyways.

17 Video Clip #14 As a result of the malfunction, Powers flew over an air base that was _________________________.

18 Video Clip #15 Due to the speed that the U-2 was travelling, Soviet radar could not get a _________ on the plane. They ordered to fire ___________ missiles, but only one was actually _______________.

19 Video Clip #16 A missile hit the ___________ of the plane that Powers was flying, and it began to lose altitude.

20 Video Clip #17 In Russia, someone saw Powers and his parachute falling from the sky and went to help him, assuming he was a ____________ pilot.

21 Video Clip #18 Americans had been monitoring the radio traffic, but they did not realize it had been said that Powers’ plane was shot down for ____________ hours.

22 Video Clip #19 Khrushchev tried to blame American ___________________________, rather than _________________________.

23 Video Clip #20 Since the Soviet Union viewed the United States as an _____________, they were less friendly to Powers when they realized he was an American.

24 Review Activity One person per team will come up to the front They will stand behind the line until the clue has been completely read Slap the word on the board with the flyswatter and YELL the word out loud You must leave your notes sheet at your desk Outside help is NOT allowed Have fun!

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