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Forrest Gump The Historical Narrative, Re-Writing of History and Historiography.

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Presentation on theme: "Forrest Gump The Historical Narrative, Re-Writing of History and Historiography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forrest Gump The Historical Narrative, Re-Writing of History and Historiography

2 The history of history

3 Historiography Throughout time, we change the way we remember and tell our history Some things emphasized, some things hidden Some things believed, some things challenged We use history to support and refute arguments about the present, about what “should be”, and about what we stand for

4 Historiography Examples During the Cold War, historians emphasized the Revolution and deemphasized the Civil War Why? Because we wanted to look strong and unified when faced with the Soviet threat During the civil rights and feminist movements, historians emphasized the contributions of women and minorities in history Why? To support the importance of these historically marginalized people in American development and empower them for further political gains

5 Historiography of Forrest Gump My thesis: Because this movie was made in a conservative era, it tries to tell history in a way that reasserts the position of white males in the power structure of a tumultuous and liberal period of history

6 Outline Placing itself in the historical narrative Influencing the Narrative Rewriting History Events Purpose and Effects Characters: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Purpose and Effects Anomalies – Bubba

7 Purpose & Effects Makes it an American movie with an American message Provides a sense of continuity and narrative

8 Purpose & Effects Explains the cause of certain historical actions as coming from white masculinity They are in control of the events Elvis, Ping Pong, Watergate Re-tells the story to include white males in a more positive way They were on the side of right all along The Civil Rights Movement

9 Characters The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

10 The Good

11 The Good: Forrest Completely good, despite his stupidity Always does the right thing without hesitation Beats up Jenny’s boyfriend (twice) when they hurt her Saves Jenny at the strip club Picks up dropped book Joins the army Saves his fellow soldiers Keeps his promise to Bubba Always follows orders, unless the order is wrong Takes in Jenny Raises Forrest Jr.

12 The Good: Mama Has some questionable actions, but it’s always because she is a self- sacrificing mother (traditional gender role) Raises Forrest by herself Sleeps with the principal to get Forrest into school Has Forrest tell a “white lie” and he gets money to buy the boat

13 The Good: Forrest Jr. 100% innocent Represents a new start for America, unjaded by the turbulence of the 1960s Smart

14 The Bad

15 The Bad: Jenny Makes bad choices, but ultimately redeemed by Forrest (because she has Forrest Jr.) Parks in cars with boys Has Forrest in her dorm room Poses for Playboy Works at a strip club Becomes a hippie Does drugs Lives with Wesley out of wedlock Tries to commit suicide Runs away from Forrest Gets AIDS

16 Jenny and her Dad Her father’s molestation puts her on this track Is she a victim or is she an active participant in her own moral demise? By redeeming Jenny Forrest also redeems white masculinity

17 The Bad: Lt. Dan Too proud Wants the glory of dieing in battle rather than the gift of life Let’s his injuries get the better of him Alcoholic Lives on welfare Redeemed by Forrest Literally – Saved in Vietnam Spiritually – Shrimping Gets new legs and loves life

18 The Ugly: Wesley 100% Bad Slaps Jenny; Blames it on Johnson Never actually apologizes Leads Jenny into sin by living with her out of wedlock Head of SDS in Berkeley

19 Other Notes Hippies Immoral; Say they stand for peace but really don’t

20 Other Notes Never any sexual tension between Forrest and Louise Undoes the history of southern, white male to black female sexual tension / violence

21 Purpose & Effects Conservative re-ordering of the players from the 1960s Joining the army = good Being a hippie = bad Upholds traditional American values and gender roles Reasserts white, male dominance into/after a decade of turbulence and challenge Specifically places white, Southern males on the positive side of the Civil Rights Movement Holds out hope for a white, male, conservative future

22 Anomalies – Bubba Bubba doesn’t fit into the rest of Forrest Gump’s thesis Innocent who dies in Vietnam “Why did this happen?” – No glory Moment of liberal criticism of the Vietnam War

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