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When Generations Collide Differences in Today’s Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "When Generations Collide Differences in Today’s Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Generations Collide Differences in Today’s Workforce

2 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR “The children now live in luxury. They have bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for adults, and love to talk rather than work or exercise. They no longer rise when adults enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter in front of company, gobble down food at the table, and intimidate their teachers.” Socrates (469 –399 B.C.)

3 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Learning Objectives Understand the four generations in the workplace, and define them by experiences and values.Understand the four generations in the workplace, and define them by experiences and values. Compare and contrast the values and the potential outcomes of generational interaction.Compare and contrast the values and the potential outcomes of generational interaction. Offer strategies for recruiting and retaining four generations of workersOffer strategies for recruiting and retaining four generations of workers

4 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Why Do We Care About Differences in Today’s Workforce?

5 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Impacts in the Workplace Turnover RatesTurnover Rates Tangible Costs (i.e., Recruitment, Hiring, Training, Retention)Tangible Costs (i.e., Recruitment, Hiring, Training, Retention) Intangible Costs (i.e., Morale)Intangible Costs (i.e., Morale) Grievances and ComplaintsGrievances and Complaints Perceptions of Fairness & EquityPerceptions of Fairness & Equity

6 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR More Mothers Are Staying Home According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of new mothers who work fell to 55% in 2000, continuing a steady decline from 59% in 1988. Impacts on Recruitment & Retention But They Plan To Come Back 84% of Generation X (25 to 35 years old) stay-at-home moms say they may return to work. Source: Deloitte Development LLC.

7 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Impacts on Recruitment & Retention

8 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Family Values Shift

9 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Social Transformation From Ozzie & Harriett to Ozzy & Sharon

10 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Generational Change Can You Hear Me NOW??

11 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Generations at Work The events and conditions each of us experience during our formative years help define who we are and how we view the world.The events and conditions each of us experience during our formative years help define who we are and how we view the world. The generation we grow up in is just one of the influences on adult behavior.The generation we grow up in is just one of the influences on adult behavior.


13 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Four Generations At Work Traditionalists (born before 1946)Traditionalists (born before 1946) Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) Generation X (born 1965-1981)Generation X (born 1965-1981) Millenials (born after 1981)Millenials (born after 1981)

14 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Generations in the Workplace

15 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Distribution of Scottsdale Employees by Generation

16 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Generation Retention

17 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Potential For Disconnect?

18 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Are We Ready? Can the Generation-X and Millenial generations fill current positions when they become vacant? In 2006, two employees will leave workforce for every one who is added to it In 2006, there will be 151 million jobs in U.S., but only 141 million people to fill them The gap is estimated to increase to 35 million by 2031 Source: U.S. Dept of Labor

19 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Events and Experiences Traditionalists: prior to 1946 Great DepressionGreat Depression The HolocaustThe Holocaust World War IIWorld War II HiroshimaHiroshima Father Knows BestFather Knows Best John WayneJohn Wayne Ed Sullivan ShowEd Sullivan Show Korean WarKorean War Jack PaarJack Paar

20 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Events and Experiences Boomers: 1946-1964 Civil Rights Vietnam Sexual Revolution Cold War Space travel Assassinations Watergate The Beatles Johnny Carson

21 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Events and Experiences X-ers: 1965-1981 Working MomsWorking Moms AIDSAIDS Star WarsStar Wars Energy CrisisEnergy Crisis Break-up of USSRBreak-up of USSR Bill ClintonBill Clinton Michael JordanMichael Jordan Desert StormDesert Storm David LettermanDavid Letterman

22 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Millenials: (after 1981) Fall of Berlin WallFall of Berlin Wall School shootingsSchool shootings Oklahoma CityOklahoma City TechnologyTechnology Child focused worldChild focused world The SimpsonsThe Simpsons War in IraqWar in Iraq I-podsI-pods Cell phones & text messagingCell phones & text messaging Jay LenoJay Leno Events and Experiences

23 Are We There Yet? Understanding the Generations’ Destinations

24 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Clashpoint Around Career Goals Traditionalists“Build a legacy” Baby Boomers“Build a stellar career” Generation X-ers“Build a portable career” Millenials Y-ers“Build a parallel career”

25 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Clashpoint Around Rewards Traditionalists“The satisfaction of a job well done” Baby Boomers“Money, title, recognition, the corner office” Generation X-ers“Freedom is the ultimate reward” Millenials Y-ers“Work that has meaning for me”

26 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Clashpoint Around Balance Traditionalists“Support me shifting the balance” Baby Boomers“Help me balance everyone else and find meaning for myself” Generation X-ers“Give me balance now, not when I’m sixty-five” Millenials Y-ers“Work isn’t everything; I need flexibility so I can balance all my activities”

27 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Clashpoint Around Retirement TraditionalistsReward Baby BoomersRetool Generation X-ersRenew Millenials Y-ersRecycle

28 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Clashpoint Around Job Changing Traditionalists“Job changing carries a stigma” Baby Boomers“Job changing puts you behind” Generation X-ers“Job changing is necessary” Millenials Y-ers“Job changing is part of my daily routine”

29 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Values Traditionalists: Hard workHard work Dedication & sacrificeDedication & sacrifice Respect for rulesRespect for rules Duty before pleasureDuty before pleasure HonorHonor Boomers: Optimism Team orientation Personal gratification Involvement Personal growth

30 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Values X-ers: DiversityDiversity Techno literacyTechno literacy Fun and informalityFun and informality Self-relianceSelf-reliance PragmatismPragmatism Millenials: Optimistic Feel civic duty Confident Achievement oriented Respect for diversity

31 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Leading Different Generations Learn all you can about other generations - the more you know about the shared life experiences of other ages, the more you can understand their fears, values and attitudes.Learn all you can about other generations - the more you know about the shared life experiences of other ages, the more you can understand their fears, values and attitudes. Manage employees according to their values and attitudes.Manage employees according to their values and attitudes. Provide opportunities to grow based on their priorities.Provide opportunities to grow based on their priorities.

32 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR “I think I’ve acquired some wisdom over the years, but there doesn’t seem to be much demand for it.”

33 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR ARE WE READY ?

34 City of Scottsdale - Conversations with HR Discussionand Q & A

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