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December 7, 2007 Christine Martinez Generations at Work.

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1 December 7, 2007 Christine Martinez Generations at Work

2 Objectives To share information about the multiple generations in today’s workplaceTo share information about the multiple generations in today’s workplace –Statistics –Generational Characteristics To bring the generational characteristics of Gen Y to life !To bring the generational characteristics of Gen Y to life !

3 A Few Statistics… Rough Estimate of Current US Workforce The Veterans: 6.5% (61-84 yrs)The Veterans: 6.5% (61-84 yrs) –will disappear by 2011 Baby Boomers: 41.5%(42-60 yrs)Baby Boomers: 41.5%(42-60 yrs) –retiring before traditional retirement age Generation X: 29.5% (26-41 yrs)Generation X: 29.5% (26-41 yrs) Generation Y: 22.5% (25 yrs and below)Generation Y: 22.5% (25 yrs and below) –will outnumber Gen X in the workforce by 2010

4 TI Workforce Demographics 4 Generations * total workforce as of 6/30/2007 The workforce dominated by Gen X and Boomers 34% of TI’s worldwide workforce hired in past five years Generation US ‘07 WW ‘07 Traditionalists3%1% Boomers51%38% Gen X 43%38% Gen Y 3%23%

5 Why Care About Generational Differences? Shrinking Labor Pool – Aging WorkforceShrinking Labor Pool – Aging Workforce –Increased competition for key positions. –Greater demand than supply. Four Generations = Four approaches to workFour Generations = Four approaches to work –Impacts employee engagement levels. –Creates the need to integrate people strategies in recruitment, orientation, talent management, retention and succession planning.

6 We know they are different ….Let’s Compare... Baby Boomers Gen X Millenials TOPIC 1946-19641964-19791980-1994 CommunicationParent’s phonePersonal PhoneCellphone/Email Video GamePongPacManMortal Kombat TechnologyIgnorantComfortableMasters ChangeDislikeAcceptDemand Role ModelsMen of CharacterMen & Women What’s Character? of Character TelevisionBonanzaFamily TiesReality TV Employer LoyaltyWork my wayThis could leadIf I can’t take off to the top!to the top!Saturday, I’ll quit! JusticeAlways prevailsUsually prevailsCan be bought

7 The Veterans (1922-1945: ~75m) NicknamesNicknames –The Silent Generation, Traditionalists, Seniors Family FocusFamily Focus –Family focused –Single-income household World EventsWorld Events –Great depression –WWII –Holocaust –Hiroshima –Radio and movies Motivated ByMotivated By –Respect –Recognition –Honoring long-term value to the company –Personal touch –Handwritten notes as opposed to e-mail

8 Generations in the Workplace Veterans Employment CharacteristicsEmployment Characteristics –Honest and Straightforward –Tactful –Loyal –Hard workers –Dependable Benefits DesiredBenefits Desired –Flexible working environment/part-time work environment –Health and wellness programs –Lifelong learning opportunities –Broaden EAP programs to include grief counseling Work StylesWork Styles –Follow tradition and status quo –Favor obedience over individualism –Understand how to “ make do ” –Age = seniority –Advancement through hierarchy –Command and Control –Natural leaders

9 Baby Boomers (1946-1964: ~80m) NicknamesNicknames –The “ Me ” Generation, The Sandwich Generation Family FocusFamily Focus –Dual-income families –Increase in divorce rate World EventsWorld Events –Vietnam war, Civil Rights and Watergate –Assignations of JFK, MLK and Robert Kennedy –Man on the moon –Television –Women ’ s liberation; Sexual revolution Motivated ByMotivated By –Teamwork and duty –Group discussions –Increased responsibilities

10 Generations in the Workplace Baby Boomers Employment CharacteristicsEmployment Characteristics –Seek opportunities for emotional fulfillment and meaning in their lives –Believe achievement comes after paying one ’ s dues –Like to mentor others Benefits DesiredBenefits Desired –Expand EAP programs to address child care, elder care, single-parent families and sandwich families –Include financing of long-term custodial care –Expand medical benefits beyond managed care –Innovative return-to-work programs following medical LOA Work StylesWork Styles –Value personal growth –Want to be involved –Team orientation –Value company commitment and loyalty –Believe in sacrifice for success –Uncomfortable with conflict

11 Generation X (1965-1980: ~40m) NicknamesNicknames –Baby bust, X ’ ers Family FocusFamily Focus –Children of divorce –Latch-key kids World EventsWorld Events –Demolition of Berlin Wall –Challenger disaster –O.J. Simpson –Clinton sex scandal –Dot-com boom and bust –Nintendo Motivated ByMotivated By –Professional interests rather than company interests –Require signs of employer commitment to develop loyalty

12 Generations in the Workplace Generation X  Employment Characteristics –Mobile, flexible and computer savvy –Desire immediate feedback and honesty –Learn by doing –Learn visually; tend to focus on results  Benefits Desired –Flexible health insurance options –401K savings rather than pensions –Assistance with repayment of student loans –Visible and short-term savings plans  Work Styles –Entrepreneurial and Independent –Thrive on diversity –Desire high levels of responsibility –Constantly looking for creative outlets –Quickly move on if employers fail to meet needs –Impatient

13 The Millennials (1981-2000: ~75m) NicknamesNicknames –Echos, Nexters, Generation Y Family FocusFamily Focus –Family vacations –Dining out –Older parents World EventsWorld Events –OKC bombing –Columbine –9/11 and Iraq –Corporate scandals –Internet, Play Station and X-Box Motivated ByMotivated By –High levels of diversity and responsibility –Manager quality and independence in making decisions –Creative input –Rapid results –Unique work experiences

14 Generations in the Workplace Millennials Employment CharacteristicsEmployment Characteristics –Value honesty and integrity in leaders –Desire challenge, growth and development –Want to work with people they “ click ” with –Enjoy fun, Work/life balance –Want to be treated with respect for ideas Benefits DesiredBenefits Desired –Tuition reimbursement –Flexible spending accounts for dependent care as opposed to retiree medical coverage and long-term care insurance Work StylesWork Styles –24/7, Capacity for multi-tasking –Collaborative –Global connections –Goal and achievement orientation –Competitive, Civic-minded, Open-minded on diversity –Desire for structure

15 Managing the Generations How to… motivateHow to… motivate Veterans: Provide satisfying work and opportunities to contribute, stress stability, focus on knowledge transfer Baby Boomers: Honor their opinions/skills/ knowledge, offer coaching style feedback, provide specific goals and deadlines Generation X: Extend opportunities for personal development, provide broad experiences, offer flexible work arrangements, provide access to decision makers Generation Y: Get to know them personally, listen, provide challenges, manage by results, be flexible on schedules and work assignments, provide immediate feedback, tie rewards closely to performance

16 Navigating the Generations How to… get alongHow to… get along Know your self+Know Others=Acknowledge Differences Respect Differences+Appreciate Differences =Give everyone space to be themselves Share information About your preferences Listen carefully to others

17 It matters most to me …. for someone to talk with me about my background and career ambitions that I can talk about the degree to which I am challenged in my work that my boss supports my need for work/life balance that I have a boss, mentor, etc., to discuss a variety of career goals to make sure I have say in how I get my work done to give me honest feedback about my work to give me an autonomy and power to make decisions to make it safe for me to speak up and offer uncomfortable perspectives public recognition extra time off tickets to an external event dinner with a leader to be connected…professional and social network to receive job related training that my company cares about my professional development to understand how I fit into the organizational structure, business strategy and priorities to have a fun, flexible work environment to feel valued and empowered

18 Things you could do: Welcome packet that briefs new hires of the local site groups and activities to facilitate assimilation of new hires ; packets with t-shirt, TI gadgets, product brochuresWelcome packet that briefs new hires of the local site groups and activities to facilitate assimilation of new hires ; packets with t-shirt, TI gadgets, product brochures Develop a server with recent hires so that they can exchange relocation tips & build community.Develop a server with recent hires so that they can exchange relocation tips & build community. 4 day introduction to the department and group4 day introduction to the department and group Assign MentorAssign Mentor Friday lunches - employee is introduced and asked to do 3-5 min of presentation of him/herFriday lunches - employee is introduced and asked to do 3-5 min of presentation of him/her New Hire events/outings.New Hire events/outings. On the job training for 2 weeks at off-siteOn the job training for 2 weeks at off-site

19 Closing Thoughts What Next?What Next? –Understand demographics of your team –Be conscious of differences driven by generations –Talk about it – make a plan! What can you do different to prepare for 2008?

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