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Welcome.  A workforce that understands, supports and embraces mission, vision, goals, values and focus  Employees driven to contribute to the success.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome.  A workforce that understands, supports and embraces mission, vision, goals, values and focus  Employees driven to contribute to the success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2  A workforce that understands, supports and embraces mission, vision, goals, values and focus  Employees driven to contribute to the success of the business or organization  An environment that creates a personal sense of well-being, awareness, self esteem and confidence  A culture of passion coupled with mutual respect and two way commitment of the employer and its employees  Demonstrating innovation, solutions, and service exceeding expectations

3  “More than half (56%) of HR managers around the world concede that their organization’s employee engagement programs fall short on delivering bottom-line results..” (Benefits Canada article)


5  Two major anchors 1) Compensation – Hardware 2) Emotional Intelligence - Software

6  The pieces that are tangible  Salary  Benefits  Holidays  Bonus and incentive plans  Profit sharing  Shares

7 The pieces that are less visible and not so tangible but felt by all and critical to retention and performance. Respect Being and feeling valued Communication Coaching to build relationship Engaged environment Team work Fairness Trust

8  Overload – longer days and weekends  Reduced administration meaning professional staff doing the filing  Compensation not aligned with market conditions  Poor supervision by managers not trained  Lack of clarity of goals and decision making  No encouragement to assist in decisions  Favourtism  Office politics and bulling  No recognition or respect  Lack of control


10  Communicate with your employees  Articulate your mission vision values  Lead by example  Demonstrate fairness  Reward performance  Respect opinion and engage for feedback  Developing a coaching culture  Recruit for right fit – hard vs soft skills

11  Protect intellectual property  Stay ahead of the competition  Costly to replace employees  Maintain continuity of your business  Build on customer relations with trust  Ensure quality of your product/service  Reduce training time and disruption

12  More than supervisors  Must be excellent communicators  Demonstrate respect and sensitivity  Non-threating approach to issues and challenges  Fosters two way communication  Advocates fairness  Leads by example

13  Integrating cross generations will be key to engagement, retention, performance and productivity.  Generation Z, Y and X respond differently then Greater Generation post WW 11 and baby boomers pre WW 11

14 Thank You

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