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Heatherstones step forward accommodation. What is Heatherstones? Heatherstones is a block of ex- nursing accommodation owned by Calderdale and Huddersfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Heatherstones step forward accommodation. What is Heatherstones? Heatherstones is a block of ex- nursing accommodation owned by Calderdale and Huddersfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heatherstones step forward accommodation

2 What is Heatherstones? Heatherstones is a block of ex- nursing accommodation owned by Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust (CHFT) Whole site empty since 2009 13x 2 bedroom terraced houses and 8x 2 bed apartments The apartments will be split into 12 units of step forward accommodation for 15 adults



5 What will Heatherstones be? Step forward accommodation For adults of any age Medically stable for discharge from hospital Unable to return home Supportive yet independent environment ‘home from home’ Free service for up to six weeks

6 Criteria Reduced mobility Multiple falls May need assistance with transfers Mild confusion or short term memory problems Recovering from: fracture and/or breaks; amputation; and stroke Visual impairment or hearing impairment which impact on the individual’s reablement potential as identified at assessment by a health or social care professional Cultural or language support needs which impact on the individual’s reablement potential as identified at assessment by a health or social care professional An overnight need can be serviced by a planned overnight call The persons permanent home is not residing in nursing or residential care (unless goal is to move back to more independent living)

7 Not suitable Assessed as requiring 24 hour care and support including nursing Very complex and chaotic behaviours Unstable on all transfers High chance of falls Nocturnal wandering Self-funded respite

8 How will it work? Accommodation as part of the intermediate care service= beds AND apartments on offer Heatherstones team will comprise of a mixture of staff with Social Care and Housing backgrounds The Home from Hospital Service will be delivered as part of this team

9 Pathway

10 Referral into Gateway to Care for Intermediate Care Service Heatherstones management will allocate apartment number and key worker Key worker will explain Licence Agreement responsibilities and expectations whilst residing in Heatherstones Initial service will be offered for up to 6 weeks, this will be reviewed by team if extension is required Heatherstones team will pick up role of Home from Hospital, advising those people who are not resident in Heatherstones but require advice

11 What the team will do Identify potential housing and support issues Coordinate reablement and support packages for people in Heatherstones Discuss alternative housing options and assist with finding suitable alternatives Help secure an offer of suitable accommodation for those who need to move OR coordinate services for those who require help getting back to their own home Refer people to other relevant services where appropriate Act as ‘Trusted Assessor’ with the provision of adaptations and some equipment at home, ensure there is adequate heating at home Provide housing support whilst living at Heatherstones

12 Support and Independence Team The Support and Independence Team is a multi disciplinary group who provide reablement, rehabilitation and falls prevention support to people across Calderdale. A dedicated team of staff will be working within the Heatherstones complex to support the residents. There is a ‘doing with’ approach rather than a ‘doing for’. The team will provide up to six weeks free support. This service will complement the Up Beat service which is being provided. The work carried out within the complex can be transferred to the persons home after they leave. Reduce the amount of Home Care required to support the individual.

13 What do we call the scheme? There is a prize for the winning name! Suggestions to or by the end of November

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