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Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine.

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1 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Latvian Experience in Realisation of Energy Efficiency Projects in Buildings Prepared by: G.Kashkarova Energy Resources Laboratory Institute of Physical Energetics

2 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Presentation content 1.Energy Efficiency in Building sector in Latvia 2.Building renovation process 3.Different approaches for Building Renovation Complex renovation Renovation step by step 4.Perspectives of EE projects financing 5.PPP projects in Latvia

3 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Energy consumption Structure of Energy consumption in Latvia Structure of Energy consumption in Housing sector in Latvia Latvia has not own energy resources except renewable energy resources (mostly biomas and hydro) and our dependence on fuel import is up to 65%. Reduction of relative and absolute consumption of energy by increasing of energy efficiency is a way for decrease the dependence on fuel import. Rational energy use in household sector is very important for Latvia because energy consumption in household sector takes a significant part of primary energy consumption

4 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Why do we need building renovation? The age structure of buildings in Latvia The age structure of multi- family houses The age structure of individual houses

5 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Heat consumption per m² in typical residential buildings Building serial number Number of tested buildings Heat consumption per year kWh/m² minaveragemax 10337124,18174,22224,30 10410134,96198,85218,69 46714155,79176,06193,39 60227155,76181,00212,62 2-6 floor buildings after year1945*) 6187,52199,38211,53 *) – heat consumption for this type of buildings is not typical because the number of tested buildings is too small.

6 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Regulatory framework of Building Renovation Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) 2002/91/EC - aims to promote energy efficiency in buildings, taking in account local conditions and requirements; European Parliament and Council Directive 2006/32/EK on energy end-use efficiency and energy services Law on the Energy Performance of Buildings & Regulations(2.04.2008) Latvian Energy Efficiency Strategy for the years 2008 – 2010 (22.05.2008)

7 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Regulatory Framework Some positive changes took place in financing of Energy Efficiency Projects in Housing Sector in last years: 1.Cabinet of Ministers approved: a.Law on the Energy Performance of Buildings & Regulations, b.Regulations Nr. 59 in February 2008 ‘’State Budget co financing of energy efficiency activities in dwellings’’ on the amount of co financing and the rules of procedure. In this Regulation is noted that: 284,6 EUR (200 Ls) for multifamily house auditing and 20% from total investments for the multifamily house renovation project. This co-financing was available from the year 2009. 2.From this year it is enough to have 51% of apartment owner’s agreement to take loan in Latvian Banks. Applicants of the before realized Projects faced a problem to reach at least 75% apartment owners agreement to take loan and to start whole renovation of dwellings (it is required by the Bank in case there is no any additional security provided).

8 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Latvian Energy Efficiency Strategy for the years 2008 - 2010 According to the Latvian Energy Efficiency Strategy for the years 2008 - 2010 following goals should be achieved: Energy audit realization in multi - family houses (more active in 2009); Energy audit realization in public and municipal buildings (very slow); Reducing average energy demand in buildings from 220 – 250 kWh/m²/year to 150 kWh/m²/year in 2020;

9 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Pre-accession stages for Building renovation Building Energy Performance evaluation before audit Energy Audit Building renovation

10 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Data base for pre-energy audit appraisal of energy efficiency in Riga apartment buildings  Data on 3660 apartment buildings with central heating energy consumption for last 5 years  Data on 140 houses, where condominium is established  Appraisal of buildings and preparation of the digital maps of Riga districts  Thermography of 10 apartment buildings to collect initial data for energy audits

11 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Renovation approaches Basically there are two approaches for building renovation projects implementation in Latvia:  step – by – step renovation  complex renovation Both approaches analysis were based on building renovation activities in Latvia:  Cesis, Broceni, Riga, etc. Both approaches were analyzed from point of view of:  technical measures taken  energy saving effects achieved – based on monitoring results  barriers for project implementation

12 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Broceni, Cesis (step – by – step renovation)

13 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Housing renovation for energy saving The projects are located in different regions of Latvia – Riga, Cesis, Broceni, Liepaja and Salacgriva. The projects owners in realised projects were: –Associations of apartment owners – in this case association took a loan and accordingly they went through all the formalities including all administrative, technical and financial actions (projects –Riga, Cesis, Sigulda). –Municipalities (Broceni, Liepaja, Riga) – in this case municipalities are responsible and for all payments and all actions. The discussions showed that in both cases the Projects owners noted that it was right decision and both schemes could be useful.

14 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Examples of complex renovation Riga, Celmu str. 5

15 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Riga, Celmu str. 5 Main parameters of the building : –Number of floors – 5 –Number of apartments – 60 –Number of tenants – 151 –Heating area – 2972 m 2 –Hot water – provided all year around Measures implemented : –Windows changed, m 2 – 541 –Walls insulated, m 2 – 2023 –Top floor ceiling insulated, m 2 – 780 –Thermoregulation installed on each radiator, pieces – 190 –Thermal energy meters installed on each radiator, pieces– 190 Total investments – 148 560 €

16 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Broceni, Lielcieres str. 34

17 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Broceni, Lielcieres str. 34 Main parameters of the building: –Number of floors – 5 –Number of apartments – 42 –Number of tenants – 110 –Heating area – 2200 m 2 –Hot water – provided all year around Measures implemented: –Windows changed, m 2 – 470 –Walls insulated, m 2 – 1730 –Thermoregulation installed on each radiator –Thermal energy meters installed on each radiator –Basement ceiling insulated, m 2 – 522 Total investments – 180 150 €

18 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine The main results of the projects Relative heat consumption In all projects after renovation of buildings specific heat consumption of buildings is below 70 kWh/m2 as it was originally planned, with the exception of the building on Tirgus str. 3, where the top floor and basement ceiling insulation had not been done and therefore the specific heat consumption of the building after heat insulation is 102.3 kWh/m2.

19 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Reduction of CO 2 emissions In the heating season 2006/2007 all 7 housing renovation projects show total emission reduction of 553 t of CO2 in comparison to before project data. In the heating season 2007/2008 the total emission reduction reached up 529 t of CO2 in comparison to before project data.

20 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Costs for heat per m² Almost in all projects heat costs per m2 have been reduced – from 11 % up to 50%, but in comparison with previous heating season the costs per m2 in heating season 2007/2008 have been increased. In Tirgus Str.3 heat costs per m2 has increased to 8% because also the total heat cost has increased in comparison to previous heating season 2006/2007. (1 EUR = 0,7028 LVL)

21 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Main problems and challenges Project applicants faced a problem to reach at least 51% (before 75 %) apartment owners agreement to take loan and to start whole renovation of dwelling (it is required by the bank in case there is no any additional security provided) It is very difficult for inhabitants to agree to take loan for investments in common property. There are very different people that are living in the same house – for some of the planned payments are acceptable but for some are too high Inhabitants are not ready to invest in common property and still do not realize that it is their common obligation Projects required complex renovation of dwellings. That is correct from technical point of view but it requires also high investments. Not all inhabitants are ready for so big credit payments that are necessary to finance complex renovation Inhabitants don’t have collective borrowing experience therefore are very skeptic to participate and to take loan It is a time consuming process – from project idea to real implementation

22 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Construction work Quality assurance (very important) EU certification for construction materials, Technological requirements for renovation works, Insulation materials with high level of heat isolation (some bed practices exist already), Ecological insulation materials use.

23 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Renovation approaches Comparison of approaches: Step-by-step: –role of standard building renovation measures is crucial – to ensure that expectations on energy saving potential will be achieved (in opposite case it will be very difficult to convince inhabitants to take the next renovation steps) –easier to convince inhabitants especially in case when total payment will not increase – energy savings fully cover loan principal and interest repayment –usually in long term perspective more costly and more time consuming than complex renovation

24 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Renovation approaches Comparison of approaches: Complex renovation: –from technical point of view more appropriate approach –more difficult to convince inhabitants – payments usually increase

25 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Perspectives of EE projects financing Building sector has a great potential for reduction of heat energy consumption and GHG emissions in the future, but it is very complex and challenging EU Structural funds will play an important role in facilitation of investment into increasing of EE in the housing sector Green investment schemes could be very good financing mechanisms for EE project financing. Involvement of private sector (like PPP etc.) and PPP financing scheme was used only for public building renovation up to now in Latvia.

26 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine PPP projects in Latvia Concluded PPP agreements

27 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Effective PPP projects by sectors (2000 –2008) – 27 projects Art school renovation Public transport service concession Aerial cable- way service concession waste water treatment service concession

28 Workshop on financial mechanisms and public-private relations in the field of energy efficiency in housing buildings, 25-26 February,2010, Kiev, Ukraine Thank you for your attention! Contacts: Institute of Physical Energetics Energy Resources Laboratory Galina Kashkarova Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga LV-1006 Phone/ Fax: +371 67553537 E-mail:

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