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Power of Observation Quiz

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1 Power of Observation Quiz

2 Question #1 On a standard traffic light, where is the green light found? A. Top B. Middle C. Bottom,0.jpg

3 Question #2 How many states are there in the contiguous United States? A. 48 B. 50 C. 52 A. 48

4 Question #3 In which hand is the Statue of Liberty holding her torch? A. Right Hand B. Left Hand C. Both Hands A. Right Hand

5 Question #4 What color is the letter “L” in the Google logo? A. Green B. Blue C. Red A. Green

6 Question #5 What two numbers on the telephone keypad do not have letters by them? (Put your phones away!!!) A. Zero and Nine B. Five and Zero C. One and Zero C. One and Zero

7 Question #6 When you walk, does your left arm swing with your right or left leg? (No getting up to check!) A. Left B. Right C. Neither B. Right

8 Question #7 On United States flag, what color is the top stripe? A. Red B. White C. Blue A. Red

9 Question #8 What letter follows Q-W-E-R-T-Y horizontally on a standard computer keyboard? A. “I” B. “G” C. “U”

10 Question #9 What color is pure water? A. White B. Blue C. Clear C. Clear

11 Question #10 Which way does a “No Smoking” sign’s slash run? A. Towards top right B. Towards bottom left C. Towards bottom right C. Towards bottom right

12 Question #11 On a PlayStation controller, which color and shape are matched correctly? A. Pink – Triangle B. Green – Square C. Red - Circle C. Red - Circle

13 Question #12 On which side of a woman’s blouse are the buttons located? A. Left B. Right C. Neither A. Left

14 Question #13 How many teeth do you have in your mouth right now? (Close your mouths…no cheating!) A. 28 B. 30 C. 32 A. 28 (if you don’t have your wisdom teeth yet)

15 Question #14 Which way do fans rotate (as you face them)? A. Counter clock- wise B. Clockwise C. Neither B. Clockwise

16 Question #15 How many sides does a stop sign have? A. Five B. Six C. Eight C. Eight

17 Question #16 Where are even numbered pages found in book? (No peeking). A. Right side B. Left side C. Where two pages meet (spine) B. Left Side

18 Question #17 How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel? A. Five B. Six C. Eight A. Five

19 Question #18 How many sides are there on a standard (wooden) pencil? A. Four B. Five C. Six C. Six

20 Question #19 Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc…who’s missing (out of the Seven Dwarves, get it)? A. Clumsy B. Bashful C. Nerdy B. Bashful

21 Question #20 How many hotdog buns are in a standard package? A. Six B. Eight C. Ten B. Eight

22 Question #21 On which playing card is the card maker’s trademark found? A. Two of hearts B. Joker C. Ace of spades C. Ace of Spades

23 Question #22 On which side of a Venetian blind is the rod found that adjusts the opening between each slat? A. Right side B. Left side C. Middle B. Left side

24 Question #23 How many curves are there in a standard paper clip? A. Two B. Three C. Four B. Three

25 Question #24 What is pictured on the back of the United States $20 bill? A. The Lincoln Memorial B. The White House C. U.S. Treasury B. The White House

26 Question #25 In honor of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the white panels on standard soccer balls are what geometric shape? A. Octagons B. Pentagons C. Hexagons C. Hexagons

27 How Are Observations Made? An observation is the act of noting something in your environment using the five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. In science, we generally do not want to smell and taste things, especially in the laboratory! tp://

28 Food for Thought… As we continue learning about the Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry, chew on these tasty tidbits: 1.) How is an observation different from an inference? 2.) How can observations and inferences be used when formulating a scientific question? 3). How do observations and inferences help the scientific community establish laws and theories, such as the Theory of Evolution and the Law of Gravity?

29 Credits Questions (except numbers 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 24, and 25) taken from The Power of Observation Quiz found at: 12358_power-observation-quiz.html. Special thanks to Nick Cordella, Lena Koslover, and Angeles Contreras for their insightful contributions.

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