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Parasitology can be classified to
Protozoology = study of protozoa (primitive single cells). Helminthology = study of helminthes (worms) including multicellular parasites with organs (also known as metazoa). 3. Entomology = study of arthropods (including insects).
Items have to be discussed for each parasite
Disease caused by parasite Type of parasite (amoeba, ciliate, flagellate: intestinal or blood & tissue, sporozoan) Life Cycle: Infective stage Vector for the parasite transmission Location (site of infection) of the parasite in the body Mode of transmission Lab diagnosis (diagnostic stage) Form of parasite under the microscope
Protozoa Classification of pathogenic protozoa according to
I) site of infection II) mode of locomotion
Urogenital flagellate
I. Classification of pathogenic protozoa according to the site of infection Species Site of infection (a) Amoeba Entamoeba histolytica (b) Intestinal flagellates Giardia lamblia (c) Intestinal ciliate Balantidium coli (d) Intestinal sporozoa Cryptosporidium parvum Intestinal tract Urogenital flagellate * Trichomonas vaginalis Urogenital tract Hemoflagellates * Trypanosoma spp., Leishmania spp. Blood Sporozoans * Plasmodium spp. Tissue Sporozoans *Toxoplasma gonidii Blood and tissue
II. Classification of pathogenic protozoa according to mode of locomotion
Amoebae (pseudopodia) Flagellate (flagella) Ciliate (cilia) Sporozoa (non-motile) All protozoa are seen by oil immersion lens, except Balantidium coli (largest one)
The Microscopes and lens used in parasitology labs
Low Power High Power Oil immersion lens
The Magnification Stereo Microscope (Magnifier) used in parasitology labs
A. Intestinal protozoa (General life cycle)
Ingestion of (food, water...) contaminated with cyst Excystation Trophozoite Encystation Mature cyst Pass in feces
1- Entamoeba histolytica
Type of protozoan: amoeba Disease caused by protozoan: amoebic dysentery Infective stage: cyst Diagnostic stage: cyst or trophozoite in stool Mode of transmission: ingestion of food/water contaminated with cyst Forms of the protozoan: trophozoite or cyst Location in the body: large intestine
Trophozoite: Active, feeding and motile form with amoeboid outline, one nucleus: with central large black chromatin granule called Karyosome, and nuclear membrane is lined with very small chromatin granules.
Entamoeba histolytica cyst
Cyst: resistant , infective form, round or oval, contains from 1-4 nuclei. Usually 4 in mature cyst and black chromatoid bars.
2- Giardia lamblia Type of protozoan: intestinal flagellate
Disease caused by protozoan: Giardiasis Infective stage: cyst Diagnostic stage: cyst or trophozoite in stool Mode of transmission: ingestion of food/water contaminated with cyst Forms of the protozoan: trophozoite or cyst Location in the body: small intestine
Giardia lamblia trophozoite pear-shaped with have two identical nuclei, a ventral disc for adhesion to the host intestine, and four pairs of flagella Giardia lamblia cyst contains four nuclei
3- Balantidium coli Type of protozoan: ciliate
Disease caused by the protozoan: Balantidial dysentery Infective stage: cyst Lab diagnosis (diagnostic stage): trophozoite or cyst in stool Mode of transmission: ingestion of food/water contaminated with cyst Forms of the protozoan: trophozoite or cyst Location in the body: large intestine
Balantidium coli trophozoite
Largest protozoan Trophozoite: oval, covered with cilia, kidney shaped nucleus
4- Cryptosporidium parvum
Type of protozoan: intestinal sporozoa Disease caused by the protozoan: traveler’s diarrhea Infective stage: oocyst Lab diagnosis (diagnostic stage): trophozoite or oocyst in stool Mode of transmission: ingestion of food/water contaminated with oocyst Forms of the protozoan: trophozoite or oocyst Location in the body: small intestine
Oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum stained by acid fast stain .
B- Urogenital flagellate Trichomonas vaginalis
Type of protozoan: urogenital flagellate Disease caused by protozoan: Trichomoniasis Infective stage: trophozoite Mode of transmission: spread through sexual contact with vaginal or urethral discharges of infected persons Form of protozoan: Trophozoite only. No cyst Location in the body: urogenital tract of male (urethra and prostate) and female (vagina)
Trophozoite: Only trophozoite form exist.
Pear shaped, 1 nucleus, 5 flagella: 4 free, 5th attached by an undulating membrane
C- Types of Hemoflagellates
Trypanosoma spp. Leishmania spp. Forms of hemoflagellates according to the position of organ of locomotion Amastigote has no free flagellum
1- Trypanosoma cruzi Type of protozoan: hemoflagellate
Disease caused by the protozoan: Chagas disease Infective stage: Metacyclic trypomastigote Form of the protozoan under microscope: trypomastigote in blood film Vector of the protozoan: Kissing Bug (Triatoma) Mode of transmission: through feces of the triatoma insect when a bug bite is scratched Location of the protozoan in the body: blood and tissue (heart muscle, liver, spleen, brain) Diagnostic stage: trypomastigote in blood film
Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote in blood film (Oil immersion lens)
Trypomastigote of Trypanosoma cruzi Red blood cells
2- Leishmania sp. Type of the protozoan: hemoflagellate
Disease caused by the protozoan: Leishmaniasis Infective stage: Promastigote Vector of the protozoan: Sand fly Form of the protozoan under the microscope: amastigote (leishmania bodies) released from macrophage Location in the body: blood & tissue Diagnostic stage: amastigote (leishmania bodies) released from macrophage in tissues
Leishmania sp. amastigote released from macrophage
Blood sporozoans Plasmodium spp.
Plasmodium sp. Type of protozoan: blood sporozoan
Disease caused by the protozoan: Malaria Infective stage: sporozoite in the saliva of female Anopheles Form of the protozoan under microscope: Different stages of the Plasmodium sp. in red blood cells Vector of the protozoan: Female anopheles mosquito Mode of transmission: through the bite of a female anopheles mosquito carrying sporozoites Location of the protozoan in the body: blood Lab diagnosis (diagnostic stage): Different stages of the Plasmodium sp. in red blood cells in blood film
Different stages of Plasmodium spp. in RBC’s
Normal RBC’s Different stages of Plasmodium spp. in RBC’s
Tissue sporozoans Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (oil immersion lens) are typically crescent shaped with a prominent, centrally placed nucleus.
Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii Type of protozoan: Tissue sporozoan
Disease caused by the protozoan: Toxoplasmosis Infective stage: oocyst, cyst, tachyzoite Form of the protozoan under microscope: Tachyzoite Mode of transmission: eating undercooked meat having tissue cysts, through water contaminated with cat feces, blood transfusion, transplacentally Location of the protozoan in the body: different tissues as lung, CNS, heart lymphoid organ and eye Lab diagnosis (diagnostic stage): tissue cyst in tonsils and lymph node, X-ray or detection of toxoplasma antibodies in patient serum.
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Entamoeba histolytica Name of spot: Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Entamoeba histolytica Name of spot: Entamoeba histolytica cyst
Name of parasite: Giardia lamblia Name of spot: trophozoite
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Giardia lamblia Name of spot: trophozoite
Name of parasite: Giardia lamblia Name of spot: cyst
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Giardia lamblia Name of spot: cyst
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Balantidium coli Name of spot: Balantidium coli trophozoite
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Cryptosporidium parvum Name of spot: Oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Trichomonas vaginalis Name of spot: Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Trypanosoma cruzi Name of spot: Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote in blood film
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Plasmodium spp. Name of spot: Different stages of Plasmodium spp. in RBC’s
Slides for Lab #1 Name of parasite: Toxoplasma gondii Name of spot: Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites
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