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Annual Title I Parent Involvement Meeting Panter Elementary School September 17, 1:30 p.m. Media Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Title I Parent Involvement Meeting Panter Elementary School September 17, 1:30 p.m. Media Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Title I Parent Involvement Meeting Panter Elementary School September 17, 2015 @ 1:30 p.m. Media Center

2 The Purpose of the Meeting  To inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I  To explain the requirements of Title I  To explain the rights of parents to be involved

3 What is Title I?

4 Station #1 What does it mean to be a Title I school? What is ESEA Public School Choice? What is our designation status, and what does this mean? What is a parent’s right to know, and how do I request the qualifications of my child’s teacher? How will I be notified if my child is taught by a teacher who is not Highly Qualified? Documents:  Title I Information for Parents  Parent Right-to-Know Procedure  ESEA Public School Choice Information

5 “Parent’s Right to Know”  Parents have a right to request the qualifications of their child’s teachers  Parents Right to Know Letter and Student Handbook Title I Parents have a RIGHT to know the qualifications of teachers.

6 Parent Notification of Non- Highly Qualified (HiQ) Teacher  For the FY16 School Year, Paulding County Title I schools have...  100% Highly Qualified Teachers  100% Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals  Notification to parents regarding teachers not meeting NCLB’s requirements for Highly Qualified  How parents are notified

7 Station #2  What is a Title I Schoolwide/Targeted Assistance Plan, and what are our requirements?  Our Schoolwide Program: goals & programs in place Documents  Panter’s School Improvement Plan  LEA School Improvement Plan  Title I Schoolwide School Improvement Plan

8 LEA Title I Plan The LEA Title I Plan addresses how the LEA will use Title I funds throughout the school system. Topics include: Student academic assessments Additional assistance provided for struggling students Coordination and integration of federal funds and programs Parental Involvement strategies, including the LEA Parental Involvement Plan Title I Parents have a RIGHT to be involved in the LEA Title I Plan.

9 Title I SIP Schoolwide Plan The SIP is your school’s Title I School Improvement Plan (Schoolwide Plan)and includes:  A Needs Assessment and Summary of Data  Goals and Strategies to Address the Academic Needs of the Students  Professional Development Needs  Coordination of Resources/Comprehensive Budget  The School’s Parental Involvement Plan Title I Parents have a RIGHT to be involved in the development of this plan.

10 Our Schoolwide Program Goals  Students in all subgroups in grades 3-5 will score at or above the district average in ELA/Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies on the 2016 Georgia Milestones Assessment.  The percent of students in grades K-3 that demonstrate typical or high growth on the 2016 Student Learning Objectives (SLO) will be at or above the district average.

11 Station #3  What does the law require for parent involvement?  District Parent Involvement Policy  School Parent Involvement Policy  School-parent Compact  What opportunities are provided for parent involvement?  How responsive will the school be to my questions? (Staff contact information)  How does our school participate in the Title I Program? Documents  Panter Parent Involvement Policy  LEA Parent Involvement Policy

12 LEA Parental Involvement Plan This plan addresses how the LEA will implement the parental involvement requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It includes… LEAs expectations for parents How LEA will involve parents in decision-making How the LEA will work to build the school’s and parent’s capacity for strong parent involvement to improve academic achievement Title I Parents have a RIGHT to be involved in the development of this plan.

13 School’s Parental Involvement Plan This plan addresses how the school will implement the parental involvement requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Components include... Parental Involvement in Decision-Making and Activities Utilization of Parental Involvement Funds Information and Training for Parents Building Capacity in Parents and Staff for Strong Parental Involvement Title I Parents have a RIGHT to be involved in the development of their school’s Parental Involvement Plan

14 Evaluation of the LEA Parental Involvement Plan Evaluation Requirements (Parent Surveys) Conduct Annually Conduct with Title I Parents Analyze Content and Effectiveness of the Current Plan Identify Barriers to Parental Involvement Data Input: Parent Surveys Monthly Feedback Parent Involvement Committees

15 Station #4  How your child’s teacher will help you support your child at home?  Strategies and methods for parents to support students at home  What part your child can play in reaching academic success? Documents School Compacts

16 School-Parent Compacts  A commitment from the school, the parent(s), and the student to share in the responsibility for improved academic achievement.  Compact Distribution-by school Title I Parents have a RIGHT to be involved in the development of the School-Parent Compact

17 Station #5  How is Title I Parent Involvement money spent? Documents Parent Involvement Budget 15-16

18 How are Title I Funds Used?  The PCSD is required to set aside money in certain areas to include:  Funds are awarded to Title I schools based on the amount of students receiving free or reduced lunches Set- Asides 1% Parental Involvement 1% Homeless Set Aside* 5% Flexible Learning Program Neglected Set Aside

19 What is a Title I School?  Schools receiving federal funding to supplement the school’s existing programs. The funds are used to: Conduct parental involvement meetings/trainings/activities Purchase supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies Identify students who will benefit from timely assistance to meet Georgia’s challenging content standards

20 Parental Involvement 1% Set Aside  School Systems exceeding $500,000 in Title I funds are required to set aside1% for Parental Involvement  Of the 1% Parent Involvement Set Aside: 5% May be reserved for LEA systemwide initiatives related to parental involvement 95% The remaining amount must be allocated to all participating schools for parental involvement activities Title I Parents have a RIGHT to know how the funds are spent.

21 Parent Resource Center Come visit the Parent Resource Center to check out materials for use with your child at home. Our goal is to provide parents and guardians with information and resources that support student achievement. We are located within the Media Center during school hours.

22 Title I Complaint Procedures  Grounds for a Complaint  Federal Programs for Which Complaints Can Be Filed  Programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA)  Procedures for Filing a Complaint  Complaint Form  Found in Parent Resource Center or online

23 Panter Elementary Title I Program Station Rotation and Feedback

24 You Have a Right!!

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