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Comparing the ancient Egyptian classes What clothing did they wear? Did they wear jewelry? Why did they wear certain accessories What tools would they.

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2 Comparing the ancient Egyptian classes What clothing did they wear? Did they wear jewelry? Why did they wear certain accessories What tools would they have carried with them? Did they wear headpieces? Was there a difference between the clothing of the rich and that of the poor?

3 They used jewelry for ornamentation, round collars of jewels or beads, they decorated their wrists and upper arms with rings bracelets. Both for beauty and protection from the heat, they wore long. heavy black wigs of sheep's wool or human hair, they also wore striped or embroidered headdresses to signify their upper social standing. Helped the Pharaoh to rule the country and were often rewarded for their work by gifts of land from the Pharaoh that they could use to make their own income

4 Scribes were people in ancient Egypt (usually men) who learned to read and write. Although experts believe that most scribes were men, there is evidence of some female doctors. These women would have been trained as scribes so that they could read medical texts. To become a scribe, you had to attend a special school for scribes. At this school you would learn how to read and write hieroglyphic and hieratic scripts. This was hard work. These scripts are complicated, and there were many signs to learn. Students spent a lot of time practicing the signs by copying them onto sheets of papyrus, old pieces of pottery or flakes of limestone.scriptslimestone Most often it was the children of scribes who became scribes. Although some craftsmen were able to get their sons into the school for scribes, it was very rare. It could take four to five years for a person to go through scribe school. Scribes usually wrote on papyrus with reed brushes dipped in ink. The ancient Egyptians made ink by grinding brightly coloured minerals into powder, then mixing the powder with liquid so that it was easier to apply.reed

5 . Slaves were most commonly prisoners of war Slaves could own land, marry freeborn people, and even employ servants. Slavery in Egypt did not mean total ownership, which is associated with the later concept of slavery. Slaves of the royal families were held in high regard. Many of the slaves were more educated and used for their knowledge of accounting and writing. Slaves that were servants cared for every aspect of the royal families, from taking care of the children, cooking, dressing them and cleaning for them. It is believed that these slaves were treated almost as well as the higher ranking Egyptians. Servants belonged to the lowest social class and did most of the hard work. Depending on the needs of their masters, Egyptian servants had different duties. Both men and women worked as servants. Women were often serving girls for royalty or nannies for children in wealthy families. Sometimes they worked in the fields. Male servants also worked in the fields or did other manual labor. Some servants were assigned to work for the pharaoh. They reported to the royal controller who was in charge of the pharaoh's servants. The servants worked as cooks, butlers, litter carriers, and as pharaoh's dressers. The male servants also worked on royal building projects or were sent to fight in the Egyptian army. Egyptian servants did not have many rights but were usually not treated poorly. Egyptian servants could not own or inherit land. Servants could not move up in the social order, but their children could.

6 Pharaoh means “great house” Absolute ruler Large head garments were worn. The pharaoh wore a lot of gold jewelry because he could afford it. Cloth was wrapped around the waist. The pharaoh’s clothing was more transparent than others to show his wealth and status.

7 Most priests did not wear a wig unlike other people in the society. (Ancient Egyptian Clothing) Priests were not allowed to wear leather sandals or wool clothing because it was considered unclean. (Ancient Egyptian Clothing) Priests wore leopard robes while serving their god Amun. (Ancient Egyptian Clothing) Priests were likely the cleanliest of all Egyptian peoples. They washed several times a day and kept themselves free of body hair in order to purify their bodies for Amun. (Ancient Egyptian Clothing) Their job was to look after the temples and hold religious ceremonies. The high priest ran a temple with the help of musicians, dancers and assitant priests. People paid taxes directly to the temple.

8 Other than weapons soldiers had to wear helmets, scales, gloves, and shields for protection They also had another form of protection - magical and religious icons on jewelry for example were popular too.

9 Common people wore clothing around their waste made of animal hide and linen as well as simple tunic dresses which were fitted. The cloth used in common people’s clothing was less transparent than those of the wealthy. Worked in organized shops and used simple tools Worked mainly for the government, the pharaoh, the temple of wealthy people, but if they had extra goods, they could trade them at the market. Jobs consisted of leatherworkers, sandalmakers, stonecarvers, metalworkers, chariotmakers, sculptors, carpenters, jewelers, scribes, boat builders, and painters

10 Wore cloths made of animal hide and linen as well as simple tunic dresses which were fitted. The cloth used in common people’s clothing was less transparent or see through than those of the wealthy. Most of the slaves actually worked naked. Used simple tools that they made out of wood such as plows, digging sticks, and sickles Worked all day long and didn’t waste any time Often gathered food to feed their cattle, rasied ducks and geese, weaved cloth, make bricks out of Nile mud to build their homes, as well as hunting and fishing for food along with harvesting the land. During the flooding season, they were known to work on government projects such as building the pyramids to pay off debt and the taxes on their land.

11 Grooming was very important. Women also washed before they dressed. They also rubbed scented oil on themselves to smell nice. Women wore a piece of cloth over their heads. Usually, women held their hair up with pins or a metal band around the head. Women also wore ankle length dresses which tied around the neck or behind the shoulders.

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