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Chapter 10 Study Guide.

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1 Chapter 10 Study Guide

2 the lowest land on the planet.
The Dead Sea is a significant feature of the region surrounding Israel because the Dead Sea is the lowest land on the planet. Most of the rainfall in this region falls on the highlands and the Mediterranean coast. Like the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, many Israeli Arabs consider themselves to be Palestinian. In 587 B.C., the Babylonians conquered the Israelite Kingdom of Judah and enslaved people from Judah.

3 Jewish beliefs include following the Ten Commandments, which
provide guidelines for acting justly and fairly. What is the religious importance of Jerusalem for Muslims? Muslims believe Muhammad went to heaven from Jerusalem. The United Nations’ plan to partition, or divide, Palestine led to Israel’s declaration of independence as a Jewish state. After Paul began to preach Christianity to people with non-Jewish backgrounds, Christians with non-Jewish backgrounds gradually began to outnumber Christians with Jewish backgrounds.

4 In Lebanon, the democratic government’s constitution requires that its leaders must be
members of particular religious groups. Syria’s autocracy, led by the Ba’ath Party, has limited personal freedom in the country by keeping Syria under a state of emergency since 1963. How has government corruption in some counties in the region harmed people’s standard of living? Hamas wanted to destroy Israel as a country. Why did fighting in the second Palestinian Intifada die down in 2005? Israel removed its settlers from the Gaza Strip.

5 What parts of the region fall within the Fertile Crescent?
the Euphrates River Valley What happens in a rain shadow? Very little rain falls all year. What are aquifers? underground layers where water collects Which ethnic group makes up the majority in Israel? Jews In which of the following do Christians make up more than a quarter of the population? Lebanon

6 Which group has religious writings that include the Torah and the Talmud?
Jews Which term means “messenger of God”? prophet What is the Christian belief known as the Trinity? God exists in three forms Which movement worked for a national homeland for the Jewish people? Zionism What does the term anti-Semitism mean? Discrimination against Jews

7 Which meaning of capital is important to Israel’s economy?
Money and goods used to manufacture products How does power change hands in an autocracy? A single elected person takes power and keeps it. In a parliamentary democracy, who chooses the nation’s main leader? The parliament True or False (Israeli Settlements)? F Most Israelis live in the settlements. T Palestinians want Israel to remove them. F The settlements bring Jew and Arabs together. F They are located in Jerusalem.

8 True or False (Palestinian Territories)?
T Different Palestinian groups control the West Bank and Gaza. F They are a completely independent country. F Israel will not allow a Palestinian government to form there. F Israel governs these territories. What is the capital of Israel? Jerusalem What is the capital of Lebanon? Beirut

9 A region known as the _____ reaches from the coast of the Mediterranean through Iraq to the Persian Gulf. Fertile Crescent The far side of a mountain that is dry and receives little rain or snow is called a(n) _____. Rain shadow An underground layer of rock or sand where water collects is known as a(n) _____. aquifer According to the Bible, Moses, a(n) _____ or messenger of God, was chosen to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. prophet Because Israel’s parliament elects the country’s prime minister, its democratic government is known as a(n) _____ Parliamentary democracy In the late 1000s, Europeans invaded Palestine in a series of religious wars known as the _____. crusades

10 J I A E G C F H D B

11 Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Compare Jewish, Muslim, and Christian beliefs about Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad. How are the three religious groups' beliefs similar and how are they different? (4 points) Jews, Muslims, and Christians believe that Abraham is the father of their nations. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Muslims and Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet. Muslims believe Muhammad was God’s last and greatest prophet. Jews and Christians do not regard Muhammad as a prophet. All three religions believe in the same God.

12 Israel has a strong education system, so its workers are skilled.
What difference is there between the education given students in Israel and in the rest of the region? How does that difference affect people's standard of living? (4 points) Israel has a strong education system, so its workers are skilled. This brings in foreign capital that creates businesses and products. The Arab nations in the region generally have poor schools and limit education for women. Ongoing conflict has discouraged foreign investment.

13 What are the reasons for the water crisis in Syria? (3 Points)
Few rivers run year-round in Syria except for the Euphrates. Turkey built the Ataturk Dam which limits the flow of the Euphrates into Syria. Syria’s aquifers are drying up.

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