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“ELECTRICAL POWER THEFT MONITORING SYSTEAM ” Name : Dange Kumarsagar M. Roll No: 1123003 Under the guidance: Prof. R.T. Patil.

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Presentation on theme: "“ELECTRICAL POWER THEFT MONITORING SYSTEAM ” Name : Dange Kumarsagar M. Roll No: 1123003 Under the guidance: Prof. R.T. Patil."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ELECTRICAL POWER THEFT MONITORING SYSTEAM ” Name : Dange Kumarsagar M. Roll No: 1123003 Under the guidance: Prof. R.T. Patil

2 INTRODUCTION Electrical power waste Some agencies have estimated A solution that can monitor theft of electrical energy with least human intervention. Our seminar, entitled “ Power Theft Monitoring System ” is based on the MSP430F5438 low power Microcontroller


4 DESCRIPTION: The MSPS430F5438Microcontroller is the Heart of the system, which performs functions such as Power calculations Controlling of the Switching System and Billing operation Power monitoring The microcontroller computes the power that is being delivered to the subscriber using the voltage and current form the main line. Compares it with the pre-assigned power limit set by the distributor.

5 The relay element in the switching system is turned off as the power utilization by the subscriber Until exceeds the pre defined limit, hence tripping the subscriber line. The switching system uses bilateral solenoid relays. The GSM module is used to establish wireless connectivity.

6 Between the Control centre and the Power Monitoring system controlled by Microcontroller. The GSM module is interfaced to the Microcontroller and the PC in the Distribution office through UART channel. The Software running in the control Centre provides Wireless Instruction to Microcontroller to control the RPTMS. Signal conditioning circuitry is needed in the system for the rectification and the amplification of the line signal.

7 Signal conditioning circuitry is needed in the system for the rectification and the amplification of the line signal. To digitize the values of supply voltage and current, the built-in ADC in the microcontroller is employed.

8 Figure (FE,S/W)

9 HARDWARE The system is divided into three major sub- system – A Power Supply sub-system. Signal Processing sub-system. & Power Monitoring sub-system. The power supply sub-system uses a voltage transformer that steps down the 220v RMS power supply to 12v RMS. A diode-based bridge rectifier converts the sinusoidal waveform.

10 Three Regulators are used LM7812 For DC power supply suitable for Vcc of the Operational amplifiers used in the signal Processing Sub-system, A third regulator, an LM317, generates a regulated +2.8 volts DC supply for the Microcontroller. Another LM7912 Generated Regulated DC voltage of -12V for Driving the negative supply of Operational amplifiers.

11 Software Software s/w Back end s/w Front-end s/w Microcontroller ( theft monitoring system ) Control office PC

12 Visual C++ was used to develop the front-end Software through the GSM. For example, When the Subscribers have to be billed, the front-end Software will send interrupts to the Subscriber-back end Software seeking service We assume two types of Subscribers Pre-Paid and Post-Paid. A consumer with a post-paid account is one who has virtually no limit on the energy that can be consumed

13 When the back-end software at such a consumer receives a billing interrupt It will transmit to the Control Room the computed value of the total number of units consumed since the last billing cycle. Upon receiving this information, the control room Applies the relevant tariff and computes the billing amount. It then sends a “Reset” interrupt to the back-end software.

14 So that the latter can clear the register that Accumulates the energy consumption over the billing cycle. A consumer with a pre-paid account Is one who has an agreement with the supply company to consume a limited amount of power based on the amount that has been paid a priori. The microcontroller tracks the energy consumption during the billing cycle. When it exceeds the prescribed value, it will deactivate a relay and cut off the supply to the consumer.

15 To track the energy consumption of a consumer. The microcontroller must accumulate the product of power-supply( voltage &current). There can be many variations in the software implementation, depending on the policies adopted by the supply company. For example, when a customer exceeds the prescribed energy consumption limit,a grace period can be provided before tripping the line.

16 The Signal Processing Sub-system performs the necessary operations Required to provide input data to the power monitoring system. A step-down Voltage Transformer converts the 220V RMS supply voltage to a 12V RMS sinusoidal waveform. A bridge rectifier built using 1N4007 diodes is used to convert this waveform to a fully rectified waveform. A voltage divider is used to attenuate the fully rectified waveform.

17 And feed it to the ADC input of the microcontroller so that we can sample the supply voltage. A current transformer is used to sample the supply-line current The resulting voltage is given to a OP-AMP based precision full-wave rectifier circuit. We used LM741 OPMPs in our implementation.

18 We Described an MSP430 microcontroller-based system for monitoring Possible theft of Electrical Power. The availability of – low-power modes of operation On-chip counters and timers An on-chip multiplier An on-chip analog-to digital converters

19 By enforcing strict policies, the system can enable the supply company to save up to 20% power which is lost due to power theft. The system can also replace the existing fuse structure and can offer better safety to the appliances. Since there is no human intervention in monitoring power, billing, or in enforcing policies That’s why the system is highly accurate and flexible.

20 FUTURE SCOPE The system was tested using an incandescent bulb of rating 220V, 60 Watts as the load, Several enhancements are possible in the current system. While the current system has been developed and tested for single-phase supply, it should be extended for three-phase supply which is used in India.

21 Low Supply Voltage Range: 2.2 V to 3.6 V. Ultralow Power Consumption Wake-Up From Standby Mode in Less Than – 5 μs 16-Bit RISC Architecture – – Extended Memory – Up to 18-MHz System Clock Flexible Power Management System Programming Voltage Needed – Fully Integrated LDO With Programmable Regulated Core Supply Voltage – Supply Voltage Supervision, Monitoring, and Brownout MSP430F5438 Features:

22 Unified Clock System – FLL Control Loop for Frequency Stabilization – Low-Power/Low-Frequency Internal Clock Source (VLO) – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference Source (REFO) – 32-kHz Crystals – High-Frequency Crystals up to 32 MHz

23 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter 16-Bit Timer TA0, Timer_ A With Five Capture/Compare Registers 16-Bit Timer TA1, Timer _A With Three Capture/Compare Registers. 16-Bit Timer TB0, Timer _B With Seven Capture/Compare Shadow Registers.

24 Hardware Multiplier Supporting 32-Bit Operations. Serial On board Programming, No External Programming Voltage Needed.

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