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Disaster Preparedness Michelle Ward.  The World Health Organization defines a disaster as “a situation which implies unforeseen, serious and immediate.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Preparedness Michelle Ward.  The World Health Organization defines a disaster as “a situation which implies unforeseen, serious and immediate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Preparedness Michelle Ward

2  The World Health Organization defines a disaster as “a situation which implies unforeseen, serious and immediate threats to public health”.  According to Lechat (1976), a disaster is “any unforeseen and sudden situation with which the affected community cannot cope”. What is a disaster?

3  A few aspects that are studied under epidemiology in a disaster include:  - Death rates according to type of disaster  - Attack rates for diseases post disaster  - Impact deaths  - Post – impact deaths  - Long-term deaths  - Impact associated injuries Epidemiology in a Disaster

4 A Few Definitions…  Impact: when the disaster actually strikes.  Death-rate: the proportion of deaths to the population of the area involved.  Attack rate: a cumulative incidence rate used for particular groups observed for limited periods under special circumstances, such as during an epidemic.

5  Simplicity- ease of operation  Flexibility- adapting to needs  Data Quality- validity  Acceptability- willingness of those reporting  Sensitivity/Specificity- case definition  Representativeness- of population over time  Timeliness  Stability- reliability Elements of Surveillance

6 Surveillance Cycle

7  In Spring 2009, a respiratory infection caused by influenza virus was identified, the infection we now know as “swine flu” (H1N1).  A few months later the World Health Organization declared it a global pandemic because H1N1 (Swine Flu) related illnesses were being reported all over the world. Disaster Epidemiology In Action

8  Event: Recognition of the virus in the healthcare setting.  Reporting: Healthcare providers reported the increased number of cases they were treating.  Data/Information: These reports were recorded, thus creating data and information.  Analysis and Interpretation: The data was then analyzed by epidemiologists at various institutions such as the CDC and the WHO. Applying the Surveillance Cycle: H1N1

9  Decision: After analyzing the data, these organizations made a decision. H1N1 was a pandemic.  Intervention: Once a problem was identified, a campaign was launched to prevent the spread. Hand washing, recognition of symptoms, quarantine, and vaccination were methods used to control this pandemic flu.  Real world changes: Pandemic was controlled. Applying the Surveillance Cycle: H1N1

10 What types of epidemics result from disasters?  Foodborne illness  Waterborne illness  Mass bioterrorism  Long term effects  Example: Illness in livestock secondary to flooding.  Example: Contamination of drinking water during floods.  Example: Smallpox outbreak due to release of pathogens.  Example: Cancer incidence in those present at 9/11, Cancer incidence in those exposed to nuclear fallout

11  Response is focused on prevention and control of the spread. Some interventions include:  Inoculation against disease  Isolation of those afflicted  Treatment of water supply  Quarantine of animals who may be diseased Response to Epidemics

12  BE PREPARED, have a basic preparedness kit.  BE AWARE, know when storms are coming etc.  LISTEN, when you are warned to leave an area or told to stay indoors, heed the warning. Your Best Protection?

13 Components of a Preparedness Kit  One gallon of water, per person, per day, for 3 days  3 day supply of nonperishable food  Battery powered radio with batteries  Flashlight with batteries  First aid kit  Whistle  Dust mask for air contaminants  Duct tape and plastic sheeting to create shelter  Moist towelettes and garbage bags  Wrench or pliers  Manual can opener (for food)  Local maps  Cell phone with charger, inverter or solar charger

14     71&tbm=isch&tbnid=UJ0tX_OVV3zYKM:&imgrefurl= surveillance.aspx&docid=1celTHHFRSVFaM&imgurl= image.ashx/__size/550x0/__key/CommunityServer-Wikis-Components-Files/00-00-00-00- 02/3531.image003.gif&w=550&h=313&ei=___TToezHebm0QH30_1O&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=483&sig=109988271755101 715439&page=1&tbnh=84&tbnw=148&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=91&ty=67   ,000010      References

15     gnVCM1000003481a10aRCRD     References

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