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ISIS-SWIS Coordinators. 2 ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized.

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Presentation on theme: "ISIS-SWIS Coordinators. 2 ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISIS-SWIS Coordinators

2 2 ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support. Purpose of ISIS-SWIS

3 The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel to use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions. CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier 1 system. ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic social or mental health services. ISIS-SWIS: Tier 3 Data Collection

4 4 Individual student files are created and used to: Define, organize and communicate with team members Coordinate assessment, support plan development, and additional documentation Define data collection measures Define the current status of student supports Collect, summarize and report data on both fidelity of plan implementation and student outcomes Provide administrators and coordinators with summary information for decision-making Purpose of ISIS-SWIS

5 Purpose: Define team. Monitor and communicate with Individual Student Team members Purpose: Manage assessment information, Individualized plan (and plan changes), Team meeting minutes, Other documents as needed Purpose: A) Develop fidelity and outcome measures B) Collect data C) Display data for decision-making Purpose: Define current status of individual student supports.

6 6 2 Teams are identified as supporting the implementation of ISIS-SWIS at a school level: Tier 3 System Support Team Tier 3 Individual Student Team ISIS-SWIS Teams ISIS-SWIS Coordinator C

7 7 Tier 3 Support Teams provide access to appropriate Tier 3 supports for students who are identified as needing academic and / or behavior support in addition to school-wide (Tier 1) supports. Example Tier 3 Support Teams can be existing school level teams who support Tier 3 behavior interventions: School Leadership Team School Behavior Team Student Support / Assistance Team Teacher Assistance Team Tier 3 System Support Team

8 Coordinator C C C Tier 3 System Support Team Administrato r General Educator Custodial Staff Counselor Specialist Teacher Aide District Coach ISIS-SWIS Facilitator District Coach Tier 3 System Support Team

9 9 Individual student teams are committed to providing the student with the support needed to successfully participate in social and academic activities within the school Individual student teams are responsible for designing and implementing appropriate interventions as well as collecting and using data to make ongoing support decisions Tier 3 Individual Student Team

10 Individual Student Support Team C The ISIS-SWIS Coordinator is responsible for: Setting up individual student files in ISIS- SWIS Assigning each team member their access level to the individual student’s file. Acts as the liaison between the System Support and Individual Student Support Teams Tier 3 Individual Student Team

11 11 Roles & Responsibilities ISIS-SWIS Coordinator supports Individual Student Account Users Individual Student Team Members ISIS-SWIS Coordinator supports Individual Student Account Users Individual Student Team Members ISIS-SWIS Facilitator supports: School’s ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s) School-wide Read Only User

12 12 Certified to license school with ISIS-SWIS account and meet Readiness Requirements Provides Swift at ISIS-SWIS Training to school’s: ISIS-SWIS Coordinator(s) School-wide Read-only Access User Principal Provides technical assistance for SWIS Suite (SWIS, CICO-SWIS, ISIS-SWIS) Updates any changes for school’s ISIS-SWIS Coordinators and School-wide Read-only Access Roles & Responsibilities ISIS-SWIS Facilitator

13 13 ISIS-SWIS Readiness Requirements ISIS-SWIS Requirements Data Source Tasks to Complete Who/ When Date of Completion Implementatio n Capacity 1. School has an ISIS-SWIS Facilitator and a signed ISIS-SWIS License Agreement. ISIS-SWIS License & School Information Form Finish Readiness & then complete License Agreement 2. Process/materials exist for orienting staff, students, families, and others to the individual student support practices (as needed). Written materials Coordination Capacity 3. Coordinator(s) within the school is/are identified and can consistently : a.Monitor the status of the system of support across individual interventions/students b.Manage student support teams/plans with ISIS-SWIS data c.Set up and monitor ISIS-SWIS student files d.Serve as a liaison between team, students, staff, and families Administrator/ Coordinator interview Today’s Date 4. A representative team meets regularly to develop and manage individual student supports across the school. Team Roster & Meeting Schedule Today’s Date Individual Student Support Practices 5. School is implementing individual student support with documented guidelines/processes for: a.Individual student support identification and eligibility b.Individual student/family notification, progress monitoring and ongoing communication c.Individual student support assessment d.Individual student support intervention planning e.Individual student support evaluation Written guidelines ISIS-SWIS Data Use 6. A 3 hour Swift at ISIS-SWIS training session is scheduled for 1-3 ISIS- SWIS Coordinator(s), Individual support coach, and 2-3 ISIS-SWIS Users; conducted by the ISIS-SWIS Facilitator. Specific date, time, location, computers, internet Scheduled for 8/4/12 7. ISIS-SWIS data entry staff and data entry time are identified to enter student data at least twice per week. Data entry & report generation schedule 8. Schedule and assignments for ISIS-SWIS report generation are defined. 9. Team is willing to use parameters of student file set-up and data entry within ISIS-SWIS. Coordinator interview Student File Set-Up Checklist Today’s Date

14 14 Typically is: School administrator Another school ISIS-SWIS coordinator Building coach Itinerant staff District staff Read-only access to all student files in ISIS-SWIS Access to School-wide Reports Roles & Responsibilities School-wide Read Only Access

15 ISIS-SWIS School-wide Report

16 16 Trained by ISIS-SWIS Facilitator Provides ISIS-SWIS training to each individual student’s: Full Access User Data Entry Access User Read-only Access User Creates individual student file and assigns access levels for each student’s team member Roles & Responsibilities ISIS-SWIS Coordinator

17 17

18 18 Full Access Trained by ISIS-SWIS Coordinator Add/Edit documents Data Entry Generate Reports Read-only Access View documents View other team members for individual student Generate reports No Access Roles & Responsibilities ISIS-SWIS Individual Student Team Members



21 Individual Student TeamCoordinator of Team 1.Assesses and supports plan development 2.Implements and monitors support plan 3.Uses data for team decision making and communication 4.Identifies target areas in need of additional staff training or coaching 5.Collects student outcome data for data based decision-making 6.Collects staff fidelity/team data for data based decision-making 1.Establishes team roles 2.Liaison between Tier 3 Support Team, Individual Student Teams, and families 3.Manages decisions related to individualized plan and changes to plan 4.Monitors individual student progress 5.Monitors fidelity of plan implementation Roles & Responsibilities

22 Tier 3 System Support Team AdministratorFacilitator/Coach 1.Monitor progress for students receiving Tier 3 support (outcome and fidelity) 2.Target areas in need of staff training or coaching 3.Communication with Individual Student Team, Coordinators and school staff 1.Participate in and support School-Wide Tier 3 Support Teams 2.Communicate with and support Coordinators and Individual Student Support Teams 3.Monitor Tier 3 support system implementation (ISIS- SWIS School-wide Report) 1.Support Administrators, Coordinators and Teams 2.Liaison between school and district/region 3.Monitor and support Tier 3 system implementation 4.Monitor and support ISIS-SWIS implementation 5.Target areas in need of staff training or coaching Roles & Responsibilities

23 23 Purpose A tool to assist with the preparation and organization of a student’s file prior to creating the ISIS-SWIS file. ISIS-SWIS Student File Checklist



26 26 Use at a meeting to identify the student’s: Team members and their access level Supporting documents to be uploaded into the student’s file in ISIS-SWIS Measures that align with the student’s behavior plan Metric type How often Goal ISIS-SWIS Student File Checklist

27 27 Identifying Data Collection Needs Questions to AskExample Data Source What data do we need to make good decisions? (Student File Measures) What are we going to collect/track, and how are we going to collect it? (Measure Description) How often will we collect data? (Time Segments, Data Entry Schedule) How will we collect and report data? (Metric) Documentation: Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Behavior Support Plan (BSP) Data Collection Sheet(s) Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Documentation o FACTS/interviews, direct observation data, student assessments Additional Resources: Student Support Team Behavior Coaching Support

28 28 ISIS-SWIS works if you start with what you want to measure and then make ISIS- SWIS do what you need: Start with: 1.The student’s support plan –Example: Jason requires the use of daily pre- corrections to decrease teasing and taunting during lunch 2.Determine what needs to be measured –As a staff, did we do pre-corrections –Did Jason tease/taunt during lunch Building Measures

29 29 Building Outcome Measures ProblemWhat would you measure? Spitting on the playgroundFrequency of spitting on the playground per day Below benchmark reading fluencyOral reading fluency measured every two weeks. Allen’s verbal outbursts in classFrequency of verbal outbursts per week. Math fact errors on independent workProportion of math facts correct per independent work period (at least 75% done) Asking for help when task is difficultFrequency of asking for help per day

30 30 Building Fidelity Measures ProblemWhat would you measure? Increase recognition of “being respectful” on playground Weekly 1-5 rating by playground monitors: “Am I rewarding respectful behavior?” 90 min per day of directed literacy instruction at lease 4 days a week Days this week with 90 min of literacy instruction Use of redirection when Allen talks outSelf rating 1-5 scale: Use of redirection routine when Allen talks out. Peer-directed math facts review at least three times per week Times per week when Peer Math Facts reviewed

31 31 When building fidelity and outcome measures in ISIS-SWIS, start with the plan and define what is needed. Then go to ISIS-SWIS and make it work. Building Measures

32 32 Fidelity measures the degree to which the intervention was implemented as defined/expected. Example: Staff will strive for 80% fidelity of implementation as measured weekly or bi-weekly on a scale of 0-5 Make it easy for staff to record Weekly sheet completed and placed in Coordinator mailbox Google docs weekly data collection sheet Fidelity of Implementation Measures

33 33 Fidelity data is an opportunity to discuss the student’s support plan Fidelity data is not an evaluation of staff performance Questions to ask to assure fidelity of implementation of plan: Is the plan being implemented? Is the plan a good contextual fit for the environment? Is additional training or coaching needed? Are there sufficient resources allocated to implement the plan? Introducing Fidelity of Implementation

34 Did you implement the plan? # of days Wk 1: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 2: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 3: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 4: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 5: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 6: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 7: 1 2 3 4 5 With what level of quality did you implement the plan? Wk 1: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 2: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 3: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 4: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 5: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 6: 1 2 3 4 5 Wk 7: 1 2 3 4 5 Fidelity of Implementation Scale 1(low) - 5 (high)

35 35 Fidelity of Implementation

36 36 Outcome measures track what effect the implementation of the plan is having on the student’s academic and/or social behavior. What do we want to track? Problem behavior Replacement/Desired behavior Academic behavior Skill acquistion Outcome Measures

37 37 Outcome Measures

38 Student: B.B. Week: ­last week Count of Disrespectful Behavior Assignments Fidelity (1-5) (Fridays only) CompletedAssigned Monday 18110 Tuesday 20110 Wednesday 17111 Thursday Absent-- Friday 19193 Combined Data Collection Sheets Combined Data Collection Sheet

39 39 ISIS-SWIS Reports Student Measure Reports



42 42 ISIS-SWIS Reports Time Segment Report


44 44 ISIS-SWIS Reports Single Time Segment Report


46 46 Work with your ISIS-SWIS Facilitator and Administrator on meeting the ISIS-SWIS Readiness Requirements Meet with Tier 3 System Support Team to identify students who need Tier 3 supports Complete ISIS-SWIS Student File Checklist for identified students Create individual student files in ISIS-SWIS account Next Steps for ISIS-SWIS Coordinators

47 47 Contact your ISIS-SWIS Facilitator if: Additions or changes of ISIS-SWIS Coordinators or School-wide Read-Only Access users are needed in your school For additional support on how to implement ISIS-SWIS in your building Next Steps for ISIS-SWIS Coordinators

48 48 Directions: A.Read each Responsibility or task related to ISIS-SWIS B.Identify the correct Role(s) to complete the task. There may be multiple roles that can complete one task Roles: Facilitator (ISF), Coordinator (ISC), User with Full Access (ISU-F), User with Read-Only Access (ISU-R), Administrator (Admin) Activity Roles, Responsibilities & Access

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