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Professional Nursing Bodies. Professional nursing bodies An Bord Altranais (Founded 1950) – Regulation of the training/education and registration of nurses.

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1 Professional Nursing Bodies

2 Professional nursing bodies An Bord Altranais (Founded 1950) – Regulation of the training/education and registration of nurses and midwives National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery (2000) – Clinical career pathway developments – Continuing professional education

3 An Bord Altranais Founded 1950 Nurses Act (General Nursing Council & Central Midwives Board) Integration these bodies and had additional powers Little controversy (some concerns with conditions for nursing at the time- pay and conditions, not related to the Bill/Act)

4 Role of An Bord Altranais to establish and maintain a register of nurses; to provide for the education and training of nurses and student nurses; to inquire into the conduct of a registered nurse on the grounds of alleged professional misconduct or alleged unfitness to engage in such practice by reason of physical or mental disability; to give guidance to the profession; to manage the Nursing Careers Centre, which was set up in 1998 to facilitate a centralised system of processing and selection of applicants wishing to enter nursing; promote and market nursing as a career; provide careers information to registered nurses and midwives. Source: www.nursing

5 Role of An Bord Altranais Regulation of nurses and midwives – Substantial degree of self-regulation – First Board- 23 members Ten nurses elected by nurses 6 doctors Statutory Midwives Committee Chairman- outgoing Chair of GNC – Staff- CEO, Education Officer – Self-financing- one-off registration payment – 1953 reviewed divisions of the register

6 An Bord Altranais 1961 Nurses Bill/Act – Minister to elect a 5-year term President (until 1985) – First nurse as President 1978-1983 (nominated by Board, appointed by Haughey, as Health Minister) Implementation of European Directives – 77/452/EEC, 77/453/EEC – Mutual recognition of qualifications, extended general training into speciality placements – 80/155/EEC Midwives Directive- defined midwife’s activities

7 Working party on general nursing 1980 Recommendations regarding Board – Fitness to practice committee – Live register, requiring annual registration – Bigger role in continuing education – Increased staff to deal with this Nurses Act 1985 – Established a new Board – 29 members (17 nurses elected by nurses) – Designated as body to implement directives – Central applications Board, Fitness to Practice Committee

8 Developments since 1985 Act 1986 Fitness to practice 1987 Live Register 1988 Code of Professional Conduct for each Nurse and Midwife 1994 Future of Nurse Education and Training 1997 Continuing professional education for nurses in Ireland- a framework 1999 Requirements and standards for Nurse education programmes (Move into third level) Guidelines for Midwives (3 rd edition 2001)

9 Developments since 1985 Act 2010 Nurses’ Rules 2010 Practice Standards and Guidelines for Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority 2012 Collaborative Practice Agreement for Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority

10 Nurses & Midwives Act 2011 Commenced on 21/12/11 Discusses: – Business strategy, finance, committee – Registration & Practice – Fitness to Practice/ Committee- Complaints – Maintenance of Professional Competence/Education Part 12 of the Act provides for the dissolution of the National Council for the Development of Nursing & Midwifery.

11 Figures for 2011 Register Source: An Bord Altranias 2011

12 Review of Scope of Practice 1998 Review of scope of practice for nursing and midwifery process began – Consultation – Interim report 1999 – Final report 2000- Scope of Practice Framework Principles underpinning decisions about scope for current or expansion of practice Nurse/midwife’s role, accountability

13 Mission statement of National Council Now Dissolved since 2011 “exists to promote and develop the professional role of nurses and midwives in order to ensure the delivery of quality nursing and midwifery care to patients/clients in a changing healthcare environment”

14 National Council Established in 1999, first met January 2000, dissolved 2011 Functions were: – Monitor on-going development of professions – Prepare guidelines for specialist posts – Support continuing education – Guidelines for financial support for education – Accreditation of post-registration education and specialist courses, determine entry criteria for specialist posts

15 Council Composition (appointed by Minister) – Representatives of nursing branches and midwifery – Nurse tutor – An Bord Altranais – Nurse management – HSEA – DoHC – Third level sector

16 Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialists Immediate pathway (to April 2001) Intermediate pathway Future (current) pathway – Postgraduate diploma in specialty and 2 years in clinical experience in specialty (5 years experience) – Files relating to Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialist posts& post holders have been transferred to An Bord Altranais since 2011 Role – Meet identified health service needs – Focused knowledge and skills – Multidisciplinary working – Core concepts: Clinical focus, patient/client advocate, education and training, research and audit, consultant

17 Advanced Practitioners Core concepts – Autonomy in clinical practice Responsible and accountable for advanced level of decision-making, mange specific caseload – Expert practitioners Practical and theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills (Masters level education- clinical component) – Pioneering professional and clinical leadership Initiate and implement changes – Researcher Initiate and coordinate research and audit

18 Agenda for future developments Discussion paper 2003 Continuing professional development – Participation – Inter-disciplinary – Needs assessment – Impact of CPD Education for practice Research Specific issues for branches nursing, midwifery – (See also DoHC 2003 Proposed framework for the development of clinical specialist and advanced practice in “mental handicap” nursing)

19 References Begley C. & Murphy K. (2010) Evaluation of Clinical Nurse and Midwife Specialist and Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioner Roles in Ireland (SCAPE). Dublin: National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery Lyons M. (2003) Looking into the Future –Maximising the Nursing Contribution to a Comprehensive Intellectual Disability Service. Eastern Region Health Authority Government of Ireland (2011) Nurses and Midwives Act. Stationary Office, Dublin. Robins J. (2000) Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland in the Twentieth Century. Dublin: An Bord Altranais

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